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Skyhigh Security

Getting Started

Dashboards provide a summary of the Shadow and Sanctioned cloud services' data configured in your organization using cards. Cards are interactive elements that provide actionable insights each time you log in to Skyhigh CASB, helping you stay informed. Cards are based on Saved Views. Saved Views are saved searches, and saved Views always run against the most current data for your deployment. Hence, you will see the current data on the cards each time you log in to Skyhigh CASB.

Next-gen dashboards include two types of dashboards:

  • Customizable and Sharable dashboards. Using next-gen Dashboards, you can create your dashboards, share them with others in your tenant, mark them as Favorite for easy access, or set any of them as a home dashboard that appears when you log into the product again.
  • Skyhigh Default dashboards. Skyhigh Default Dashboards are created from the Skyhigh CASB Recommended Views that cannot be edited, shared, or deleted.

When you log in to the Skyhigh CASB for the first time, you will see the Skyhigh Default's My Dashboard with default cards created using recommended views. To customize a Dashboard, you can edit/remove an existing cardadd new cards of different types, and reorganize them.  

NOTE: If there is more than 15 minutes of inactivity, your dashboard session will time out. You must sign in again to access the Dashboard.



Dashboard provides the following actions and information:

  • Dashboard Icon ( PlusIcon_Without Border.png). Click to open the Dashboards panel. For details on the Dashboards panel, see Dashboards.
  • New Dashboard. Create a New Dashboard.
  • Visible To. Shows the visibility status of the current dashboard. By default, the dashboards you create will be in private status (visible only to you). Click to share the dashboard with others:
    • Only Me. Dashboard is visible only to you.
    • Everyone with my company. Dashboard is visible to all the users within the tenant.
    • Share with Specific Users. Displays all the users within the tenant. Select specific users to share your dashboard.
      • Search. Search the name of the users.
      • Show selected only. Turn on the toggle button to display only the selected users.

  • Actions. 
    • Add a New Card. You can create custom cards of different types and add them to Dashboards > My Dashboards
    • Duplicate. Make a copy of the current dashboard. The dashboard name will have "Copy" in front of the dashboard name to differentiate between the original and the copied one. For example, if you duplicate the Example Dashboard, the duplicated dashboard will be saved in Dashboards > My Dashboards with the name Example Dashboard Copy, and you can edit it as needed.

NOTE: Each dashboard must have a unique name.

  • Delete. Delete a dashboard. It will permanently remove the dashboard along with its associated reports and shared access. If the deleted dashboard is your current home dashboard, it will reset to the Skyhigh Default's My Dashboard. However, the associated shared Saved View will remain public.

NOTE: You can only delete dashboards that you created. Dashboards shared by others cannot be deleted.

  • Create Report.
    • Business Report (PDF). Create a PDF report and run it immediately, which then appears in the Report Manager
    • Schedule. Schedule a report to run later, which then appears in the Report Manager
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