IaaS Activity Monitoring
Activity Monitoring for IaaS, allows you to view activities within minutes of an activity occurring. Activities are categorized into commonly understood categories, meaning your information security team doesn't need to worry about each activity name. The Activity Monitoring page also includes geo-locations of activities across accounts.
IMPORTANT: The following activities are not processed:
- AcceptMatch
- AcceptVpcEndpointConnections
- AcceptVpcPeeringConnection
- ActivatePipeline
- AddCommunicationToCase
- AssumeRole
- BackupJobCompleted
- BackupJobStarted
- BatchCheckLayerAvailability
- BatchCreatePartition
- BatchGetApplications
- BatchGetBuilds
- BatchGetCommits
- BatchGetCrawlers
- BatchGetDeploymentGroups
- BatchGetDeployments
- BatchGetImage
- BatchGetImage
- BatchGetJobs
- BatchGetPartition
- BatchGetProjects
- BatchGetQueryExecution
- BatchMeterUsage
- CancelSpotFleetRequests
- CancelSpotInstanceRequests
- CompleteLayerUpload
- CompleteLifecycleAction
- CompleteMultipartUpload
- ConfigureHealthCheck
- ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface
- CopyImage
- CreateBackup
- CreateBackupPlan
- CreateBudget
- CreateCrawler
- CreateDocument
- CreateDocumentationPart
- CreateInstanceProfile
- CreateLogGroup
- CreateLogStream
- CreateMultipartUpload
- CreateNetworkInterfacePermission
- CreatePartition
- CreatePlatformEndpoint
- CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl
- CreateRepository
- CreateService
- CreateTrainingJob
- DeactivatePipeline
- Decrypt
- DeleteAssociation
- DeleteBackupPlan
- DeleteBackupSelection
- DeleteFunctionConcurrency20171031
- DeleteLaunchConfiguration
- DeleteLaunchTemplate
- DeleteLogGroup
- DeleteNotificationConfiguration
- DeleteObject
- DeleteObjects
- DeleteService
- DeregisterJobDefinition
- DeregisterTargets
- DisableMetricsCollection
- DisableReplication20170630
- DisableRule
- DisableStageTransition
- DiscoverInputSchema
- DiscoverPollEndpoint
- EnableMetricsCollection
- EnableReplication20170630
- EnableStageTransition
- Encrypt
- EndSecretVersionDelete
- EnterStandby
- EstimateTemplateCost
- ExecuteSql
- ExitStandby
- GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails
- GitPull
- GitPush
- HeadObject
- Invoke
- LabelParameterVersion
- LookupEvents
- MeterUsage
- MonitorInstances
- NewClientConnection
- PollForTask
- ProvisionProduct
- PutAggregationAuthorization
- PutComplianceItems
- PutConfigRule
- PutEvaluations
- PutFunctionConcurrency20171031
- PutJobSuccessResult
- PutKeyPolicy
- PutMetricAlarm
- PutObject
- PutObjectAcl
- ReEncrypt
- RebootInstances
- RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat
- RefreshCache
- RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck
- RejectResourceShareInvitation
- RemovePermission20150331v2
- RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile
- ReportTaskProgress
- ResetImageAttribute
- ResolveCase
- RespondToAuthChallenge
- RestoreFromClusterSnapshot
- ResumeProcesses
- ResumeSession
- RetryStageExecution
- RunTask
- ScanProvisionedProducts
- SearchProducts
- SearchProductsAsAdmin
- SearchProvisionedProducts
- SearchResources
- SearchTransitGatewayRoutes
- SelectObjectContent
- SelectResourceConfig
- SendCommand
- SetTaskStatus
- SignalResource
- SimulatePrincipalPolicy
- StartApplication
- StartAssessmentRun
- StartAutomationExecution
- StartBuild
- StartConfigRulesEvaluation
- StartConfigurationRecorder
- StartCrawler
- StartDBCluster
- StartDBInstance
- StartExecution
- StartGameSessionPlacement
- StartImageScan
- StartMatchmaking
- StartMatchmaking
- StartNotebookInstance
- StartPipelineExecution
- StartQueryExecution
- StartReplicationTask
- StartSecretVersionDelete
- StartSession
- StartSupportDataExport
- StopApplication
- StopCrawler
- StopDBCluster
- StopDBInstance
- StopMatchmaking
- StopNotebookInstance
- StopPipelineExecution
- StopQueryExecution
- StopTask
- SubmitJob
- SubmitTaskStateChange
- Subscribe
- SuspendProcesses
- TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- TerminateProvisionedProduct
- TerminateSession
- TestEventPattern
- TestMetricFilter
- TestScheduleExpression
- UpdateJobQueue
- UpdatePartition
- UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsIngress
- UploadPartCopy
- ValidatePipelineDefinition
- ValidateTemplate
- regex:describe.*
- regex:get.*
- regex:list.*
- Azure
- regex:Audit.*
- regex:List.*
- QueryFlowLogStatus
- ExportTemplate
- Getssotoken
- CheckAccess