What is Supported by Custom Apps?
Custom Apps support most apps. Skyhigh CASB supports Custom Apps that are HTTP-based and abide by standard remote function calls. Custom Apps avoid the need for API integrations for many use cases. But, collaboration controls and monitoring parties that don’t access the app through the proxy are also hard to support via Custom Apps.
Almost all apps hosted in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are supported.
Should I use Custom Apps for Cloud Service Providers with existing integrations?
Many CSPs that have API or Proxy integrations with Skyhigh CASB cannot use Custom Apps. There are certain functions within these CSPs that will not work properly with Custom Apps. Any CSPs that are part of Skyhigh CASB for Sanctioned IT have native support that fully secures your data and offer all features of Custom Apps.
Can I use apps enabled with SSO/SAML?
Yes, Skyhigh CASB supports SSO/SAML-enabled apps.