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Skyhigh Security

About CASB Connect for Mural

Limited Availability: CASB Connect for Mural is a Limited Availability feature. To enable API access for your Mural instance, contact Skyhigh Support

Mural is a digital collaboration application that enables teams to collaborate visually in real-time on virtual whiteboards. CASB Connect for Mural allows Security Operations Center (SOC) admins to monitor user activity across various resources such as workspaces, rooms, folders, and more in Mural. User activity monitoring facilitates debugging important events like login/logout, data exfiltration, privilege escalations, and identification of compromised accounts.

You can integrate Skyhigh CASB with Mural to monitor risky user activities in Mural.

For details on how to integrate Skyhigh CASB with Mural, see Integrate Skyhigh CASB with Mural

Activity Monitoring

SOC admins can monitor Mural's user activity in the Skyhigh CASB Activity Monitoring page.

Supported User Activities in Mural

Skyhigh CASB supports activity monitoring for the following user activities in Mural.

Legends:  accept.png Supported   remove.png  Not Supported

 ►Click to view the supported activity monitoring for the following user activities across various resources in Mural:
User Activity Availability
Aborted voting session accept.png
Accepted membership request to join workspace accept.png
Accepted reactivation requests accept.png
Accepted terms and conditions accept.png
Accessed audit log accept.png
Access denied accept.png
Access Reports Workspaces accept.png
Access Reports Rooms accept.png
Access Reports Murals accept.png
Access Reports QEMs accept.png
Access Reports Users accept.png
Access Reports Templates accept.png
Access Reports Workspace Memberships accept.png
Access Reports Room Memberships accept.png
Activated top-level CEK (Content Encryption Key) accept.png
Activated a DEK (Data Encryption Key) for a mural, template, etc. accept.png
Added more than one billing group accept.png
Added more than one company administrator accept.png
Added company client applications accept.png
Added company domains accept.png
Added a company member accept.png
Added facilitator accept.png
Added favorite accept.png
Added favorite custom template accept.png
Added favorite global template accept.png
Added room as favorite accept.png
Added global admin accept.png
Added a user to a group accept.png
Added image to mural accept.png
Added integration accept.png
Added mural to recent accept.png
Added Slack to profile accept.png
Added a visitor password for accessing a mural accept.png
Added admin to mural or room via direct link accept.png
Added a workspace to a group accept.png
Clustered widgets with AI accept.png
Enhanced widgets with AI accept.png
Generated ideas with AI accept.png
Suggested title with AI accept.png
Archived mural accept.png
Created a billing group accept.png
Added billing group memberships accept.png
Sent a chat message accept.png
Converted user to guest accept.png
Converted an invitation to a guest invitation accept.png
Converted user to member accept.png
Converted an invitation to a member invitation accept.png
Created account accept.png
Created billing group accept.png
Created a client app accept.png
Created company accept.png
Created company API key accept.png
Created a CEK (Content Encryption Key) accept.png
Created a DEK (Data Encryption Key) accept.png
Created an email code accept.png
Created an embed token accept.png
Created a folder accept.png
Created a group accept.png
Created cloud KMS (Key Management Service) configuration accept.png
Created Multi-Factor Authentication secrets accept.png
Created mural accept.png
Created mural content accept.png
Created or updated user Quest schema accept.png
Created room accept.png
Created snippet accept.png
Created Single Sign-On config accept.png
Created template accept.png
Created template content accept.png
Created user profile accept.png
Created user session accept.png
Created visitor token accept.png
Created workspace accept.png
Deactivated top-level CEK (Content Encryption Key) accept.png
Deactivated a DEK (Data Encryption Key) for a mural, template, etc. accept.png
Deactivated a user from the workspace accept.png
Deleted an account accept.png
Deleted client app accept.png
Deleted company API key accept.png
Deleted a folder accept.png
Deleted a group accept.png
Deleted integration accept.png
Deleted Multi-Factor Authentication secrets accept.png
Deleted multiple voting session accept.png
Deleted mural accept.png
Deleted all embed keys for a mural accept.png
Deleted mural member accept.png
Deleted pending invitation accept.png
Deleted a room accept.png
Deleted a room member accept.png
Deleted a template accept.png
Deleted all embed keys for a template accept.png
Deleted user sessions accept.png
Deleted a workspace accept.png
Deleted a workspace member accept.png
Registered a device accept.png
Disabled file restriction for downloads accept.png
Disabled file restriction for uploads accept.png
Download QEMs report CSV accept.png
Duplicated mural accept.png
Duplicated room accept.png
Edited snippet accept.png
Enabled automatic mode of provisioning through SCIM accept.png
Enabled manual mode of provisioning accept.png
Enabled automatic mode of provisioning with custom content for the support page accept.png
Enabled automatic mode of provisioning with custom link for the support page  accept.png
Enabled file restriction for downloads accept.png
Enabled file restriction for uploads accept.png
Ended voting session accept.png
Added a widget to widget queue accept.png
Exported mural data accept.png
Exported mural as an image accept.png
Exported mural as a pdf accept.png
Failed to login because of invalid password accept.png
Fetched entity accept.png
Fixed mural members accept.png
Free trial expired accept.png
Added file to mural accept.png
Generated a mural invite link accept.png
Generated a room invite link accept.png
Generated a workspace invite link accept.png
Impersonated another user accept.png
Invited a member to destination accept.png
Joined a room accept.png
Joined workspace accept.png
Member left a mural accept.png
Left a room accept.png
Member left a workspace accept.png
Reached member limit accept.png
Modified file restriction accept.png
Modified file restriction download extensions accept.png
Moved billing group members accept.png
Moved a company member accept.png
Moved a folder accept.png
Moved a mural accept.png
Moved mural content accept.png
Moved a room accept.png
Moved workspace accept.png
User upgraded automatically to new mural version accept.png
Private time began accept.png
Private time ended accept.png
Pushed mural to Microsoft Surface Hub accept.png
Activated a suspended member accept.png
Registered a customer-managed key accept.png
Rejected a membership request accept.png
Rejected reactivation requests  accept.png
Removed a billing group accept.png
Removed billing group members accept.png
Removed more than one company adminstrator accept.png
Removed company client applications accept.png
Removed company domains accept.png
Removed a company member accept.png
Removed favorite accept.png
Removed room from favorites accept.png
Removed global admin accept.png
Removed a user from a group accept.png
Removed murals from profile accept.png
Removed partial member accept.png
Removed password reset token accept.png
Removed a room invite link accept.png
Removed visitor password for mural accept.png
Removed a workspace from a group accept.png
Renamed a mural accept.png
Renamed a room accept.png
Renamed a workspace accept.png
Requested account reactivation accept.png
Requested to become a member of a destination accept.png
Requested reactivation accept.png
Resent member invite accept.png
Reset password accept.png
Reset visitor link accept.png
Viewed chat accept.png
Exports email was sent accept.png
Guest domain restriction email was sent accept.png
Join mural invitation was sent accept.png
Multi-Factor Authentication disabled email was sent accept.png
Multi-Factor Authentication enabled email was sent accept.png
Reset password was sent accept.png
All used recovery codes were sent accept.png
Email verification was sent accept.png
Email verification with code was sent  accept.png
Collaboration status was set  accept.png
Template widgets was set accept.png
Viewed mural accept.png
Signed in  accept.png
Sign in failed accept.png
Signed out accept.png
Signed up accept.png
Soft limit reached for user accept.png
Started voting session accept.png
Suspended subscription accept.png
Suspended a member accept.png
Suspended members accept.png
Synced company members accept.png
Synced company workspaces accept.png
Synced with Contentful accept.png
Started timer accept.png
Stopped timer accept.png
Transferred entity ownership accept.png
Unsuspended a member accept.png
Unsuspended members accept.png
Updated activity accept.png
Updated a billing group accept.png
Updated client app accept.png
Updated company information accept.png
Updated company member information accept.png
Updated company settings accept.png
Updated company Single Sign-On accept.png
Updated status of an embed key accept.png
Updated folder accept.png
Updated global admin accept.png
Updated a group name accept.png
Updated permissions of a group accept.png
Updated member email via SCIM accept.png
Updated member first name accept.png
Updated member last name accept.png
Updated mural link accept.png
Updated mural member accept.png
Updated member settings of a mural accept.png
Updated mural migration accept.png
Updated properties of a mural accept.png
Updated organization accept.png
Updated partner accept.png
Updated profile accept.png
Updated room accept.png
Updated room member accept.png
Updated room member settings accept.png
Updated share settings  accept.png
Updated template property accept.png
Updated an existing widget accept.png
Updated workspace billing email  accept.png
Updated workspace member settings accept.png
Updated workspace migration accept.png
Updated the workspace owner accept.png
Updated the workspace settings accept.png
Verified members from a billing group  accept.png
Verified a member email accept.png
Verified a member email by code accept.png
Verified a member email by code retry accept.png
Account created by visitor accept.png

Mural with Skyhigh CASB

After integrating Mural with Skyhigh CASB, you can monitor the Mural activity event count on the Service Management page and Mural user activities on the Activities page:

  1. Select Mural from the Services to monitor the Mural activity events count on the Service Management page (Settings > Service Management).
  2. Select Mural as the service name to view the Mural user activities on the Activities page (Incidents > User Activity > Activities).
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