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Skyhigh Security

Step 3: Validate Skyhigh CASB's Webhook URL in Slack

You must validate Skyhigh CASB's Webhook URL in the Slack workspace to authorize Skyhigh CASB for your Slack Non-Enterprise instance.

To validate Skyhigh CASB's Webhook URL:

  1. Go to Features > Event Subscriptions.
  2. Under Event Subscriptions, configure these:
    • Enable Events.Toggle On to receive event notifications for Slack.
    • Request URL. Enter the event notification endpoint URL in the following format to validate the endpoint. For details on Tenant ID and Instance ID, see Skyhigh CASB Tenant ID and Instance ID.
      <webhook server domain name>/slack/10692/<tenantId>/<instanceId>
  1. Click Save Changes.
    Skyhigh CASB's webhook URL is verified to receive Slack event notifications.
  2. Go to Features > OAuth & Permissions.
  3. Under OAuth & Permissions:
    • Redirect URLs. Click Add New Redirect URL to enter the redirect URL for OAuth in the following format: <https://Skyhigh_CASB_URL/shndash/slackoauth>.
      • Skyhigh_CASB_URL. Here, change the Skyhigh_CASB_URL as per your tenant URL. For example,
  4. Click Save URLs.

You can now install the newly created Custom OAuth application to your Slack workspace.

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