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Skyhigh Security

Primary User - User Profile

User Profile page consists of your tenant profile information and also provides the options to assign security to your tenant profile such as changing the password and enabling Two-Factor Authentication.  

  1. Click User Profile.
    User Profile1.png
  2. My Profile page provides access to the following information and actions:
Fields Description
Light Mode Toggle to change the background of the screen to dark or light mode.
Contact Information
Email Address (Logon Name) This is the email address used while creating the tenant in Skyhigh Security provisioning systems. It cannot be changed.

Phone Number

Select your country code from the list and enter your phone number.

Personal Information

First Name The first name associated with your account. 
Last Name The last name associated with your account. 
Tenant Name Your tenant name is defined in Skyhigh Security provisioning systems. It cannot be changed.
Tenant ID  Your tenant ID is defined in Skyhigh Security provisioning systems. It cannot be changed.
Default Login Tenant

When you have multiple tenants, this option allows you to choose which one you will use as your default login.

Default Tenant ID Your default tenant ID is defined in Skyhigh Security provisioning systems. It cannot be changed.
Change Password

Click to change your Skyhigh Security password. For details, see Change Password.

Two-Factor Authentication

Toggle on to enable two-factor authentication. It provides a double layer of protection to your account. To configure two-factor authentication, select any of these:

  • Text message. Select your country from the list and enter your text message. 
  • Phone Call. Select your country from the list and enter your phone number.
  1. Click Save Changes to update your information.
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