Access Information about Client Proxy on Windows
You can ask users to provide information about the Client Proxy software installed on their Windows-based computers.
- On a Windows-based computer, click Start > All Programs > Skyhigh, then click About Skyhigh Client Proxy.
- In the Skyhigh Client Proxy window, view this information:
- Version Number — Version and build number of the client software installed on the computer
- Active Proxy — Address of the proxy server where the client software is redirecting traffic
- Connection Status — Shows whether the computer is connected to the network
- EspMode — checks if Endpoint-Security (ENS) is installed and running on the system. Both Endpoint-Security Web-Control feature and Client Proxy products monitor web traffic and could disturb each other's functionality. If ESP-Mode is ON, Client Proxy sends a signal to Endpoint-security that Client Proxy is up and running. ENS web control then reads settings in its policy and decides whether to stand down or not.
- Policy Name — Name of the policy that the client software is applying
- Policy Revision — Revision number of the policy that the client software is applying
- Policy Timestamp — Time when the policy was deployed to the computer
- Status — Shows whether Client Proxy is working in active or passive mode
- To close the window, click OK.