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Skyhigh Security

Remove a List from the Catalog

You can remove a user-defined list from any category in the List Catalog.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Policy > Web Policy > Lists.
  2. In the List Catalog, select the category that matches the list you want to remove, then select the list you want removed.
  3. To remove the list, choose an option:
    • Click the menu icon (...) next to the category, then select Delete List.
    • Select Delete List from the Actions drop-down list.
  4. Click Delete to confirm.

You can publish saved changes to the cloud now or keep working and publish later.

Delete a List

  1. Go to Policy > Web Policy > List Catalog.
  2. Select the required List Catalog. In this example, select Global Blocked URLs from the list.
  3. Click the Actions button dropdown located in the top right corner and select Delete to initiate the deletion.
    image 1.png
  4. A progress bar appears. 

NOTE: When deleting a list, it is important to check whether it is referenced in any rulesets. A list that is associated with a ruleset cannot be deleted safely, as this would disrupt policy execution. A list can be safely deleted only if it is not referenced in any ruleset.

To delete a list, the system must first identify all references to it across rulesets. During this process, a progress bar will appear to indicate that the system is searching for references. Once the progress bar completes, you will see one of two results:

  • No references found: The delete action will proceed, and you can then publish your changes to make them effective.

  • References found: The names of the referencing rulesets will appear as hyperlinks. You can click these hyperlinks to navigate to the rulesets and update them by associating a different list, thereby removing the reference to the list you wish to delete.

  1. The Global Blocked URLs list is referenced in the Global Block List.
    image 2.png
    NOTE: When multiple hyperlinks are present in a ruleset, clicking one can cause you to lose the context of the other links. To address this, a Copy Ruleset Info has been added to allow users to copy all information at once.
  2. You can click the hyperlink to go to the Global Block Lists ruleset where the list Global Block URLs is referenced.
    image 3.png
  3. To disassociate the Global Blocked URLs in the Global Block List, go to Policy > Web Policy > Global Block > Global Block Lists. Click the three dots next to Domains Blocklist. Click Select Different List.
    image 4.png
  4. Select a new list from the side panel that appears. In this example, New Global Blocked URLs are selected. This dissociates the list to be deleted from this ruleset.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Navigate back to List Catalog, Policy > Web Policy > List Catalog. Click Global Blocked URLs.
  7. Click the Action button located in the top right corner and select Delete to initiate the deletion. 
  8. A progress bar appears, checking for list references in Policy.
    image 6.png
  9. The list is deleted once the progress is complete and the review changes are published by clicking the yellow badge.
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