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Skyhigh Security

Work with Operators When Scheduling a Report

You can work with operators when scheduling a report to filter the log data. The report will only include data that corresponds to your filtering then.

  1. Go to the Schedule Report page and select All Log Data.

  2. Under Apply Filters, work with the operators and other elements that are provided to filter the log data.

    For example, you want to include data in your reports about requests for web access that have been blocked because on the requested web page, which is specified by a URL, the words extremism and nationalism were found.

    You also want to include the block reason. The log source for all this data is to be North America.

    • Configure the filter rows as shown below.


      • In the first row, configure Log Source as the property, equals as the operator, and North America as the value.

        Only log data that has been stored in North America will be included in the report then.

      • In the second row, configure URL as the property, contains any as the operator, and "Extremism", "Nationalism" as values.

        The report will then include the URLs of all requests to access web pages where the word extremism or the word nationalism could be found.

        Configuring these values separated by a comma ensures they are evaluated as if connected by an OR operator. The filter applies to any webpage with extremism or nationalism, or with both. 

        A list of the properties you can configure with the contains any operator is provided further below.

      • In the third row, configure Block Reason as the property and is available as the operator.

        The report will then include the Block Reason that was provided when a web policy rule had blocked a request if it is available.

        A list of the properties you can configure with the is available operator is provided further below.

      •  In the fourth row, configure User Name as the property and is not available as the operator.

        The report will then include data about requests where the filters configured above apply, but the user name is not available. 

        A list of the properties you can configure with the is not available operator is provided further below. 

    • Click + to add more filter rows as needed.

      All filter rows are evaluated as if connected by AND operators.

    • When you are done with configuring the filters and other parts of the report, click Schedule.

You have now scheduled a report and configured the log data that will be included. It will run under the name and at the time that you also configured for it.

The list below includes the properties you can configure when using any of the following operators: contains anyis available, or is not available.

  • Block Reason
  • Client Hostname 
  • Domain Fronting Host
  • Filename
  • HTTP Referer
  • Location
  • Real Name
  • POP Country Code
  • Site
  • SSL Client Protocol
  • SSL Server Protocol
  • URL
  • User Name
  • Fallback Policy Reason
  • Fallback Policy Resource
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