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Skyhigh Security

Reporting Filters

To download only a limited amount of data or data of a particular type from Web Gateway Cloud Service to your reporting solution, reporting filters are available. There are required and optional filters.

Required Filters

Using the time stamp filters is required. They are formatted as the number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (Unix epoch time).

Filter Limits the downloaded data to ...
requestTimestampFrom Requests whose time stamp is greater than or equal to the specified time stamp
requestTimestampTo Requests whose time stamp is less than the specified time stamp

Optional Filters

Filter Limits the downloaded data to ...
applicationType Requests for the specified application type
category Requests for the specified category list
clientToServerBytesMin Requests whose number of bytes is greater or equal to the specified number
clientToServerBytesMax Requests whose number of bytes is less than the specified number
createdTimestampFrom Requests whose created time stamp is greater or equal to the specified time stamp
createdTimestampTo Requests whose created time stamp is less than the specified time stamp
httpAction Requests including one of these HTTP methods, specified using one of the case-insensitive values:
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT
mediaType Requests for the specified media type
requestedHost Requests for the specified host, for example,
requestedPath Requests for the specified path, for example, /my/path
result Requests that were allowed or blocked, specified using these case-insensitive values:
  • OBSERVED - For requests that are allowed
  • DENIED - For requests that are blocked
serverToClientBytesMin Responses to requests whose number of bytes is greater or equal to the specified number
serverToClientBytesMax Responses tor requests whose number of bytes is less than the specified number
sourceIP Requests from the specified public IP address
uriScheme HTTP or HTTPS requests, specified using these case-insensitive values:
  • HTTP
userName Requests made by the specified user

Use the correct authentication method:
  • Email
  • Domain\User name
  • IP address
virus Requests that are infected by the specified virus


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