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Skyhigh Security

Configure Ruleset with Ingress POP Country

All traffic is routed through a Point of Presence (POP), with each proxy directed through its respective POP. When selecting the country for Ingress POP, a list of available POPs in that country is displayed. This ensures that all traffic originating from a specific country exits via a dedicated IP address located within that same country. This criteria can be used when defining rules for building your policy. Selected traffic egressing from POPs in a specific country should have dedicated IPs within that country.

To configure the web gateway rule set with Ingress POP Country criteria: 

  1. On the Secure Web Gateway Setup page, click Policy.


  1. Go to Web Policy Policy> Global Block > Global Block Lists.


  1. To configure a new rule set, click New Ruleset > Library ruleset.


  1. You can use the check box to select Global Block > Global Block Lists. Click Add.


  1. Complete the following fields:
  • Name — Specify the name of the ruleset to be created.
  • Criteria — Select criteria to apply the ruleset and click OK. You can also view the logic used for the selected criteria. 
    • Ingress POP Country Click Criteria, and a new window with the list of criteria appears. Search and select Ingress POP Country.
  • Operator — Select is or is not as the Operator. For details, see List of Operators.
  • Value— Click to specify the value based on the set criteria.
    • Click Select Value, and the Ingress POP Country pane appears.
    • Ingress POP Country pane displays a list of countries in the world. Use the check box to specific country to receive the traffic.
    •  Click Done.
  1. Action — Specify the action to be performed when a rule is triggered. For details, see List of Actions.


  1. On/Off — Select On to enable a rule and Off to disable a rule. Click threedots.png to view options such as Add New Condition and Delete.

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