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Skyhigh Security

Web Filtering Feature Configurations

The following tables list and describe the options that are used to configure settings for the Feature Configurations grouped under Web Filtering in the list of Feature Configurations.

You can access this list on the Feature Config page of the user interface.

Extended List

Options for configuring the Extended List settings

Option Description
Add Extended List Allows you to fill URLs in an additional list, referred to as Extended List, to include them in the filtering process.

For information about how to work with this option, see Configure an Extended List.

Cloud Settings

Options for configuring the settings of the filtering process

Option Description
Treat problems with connections to the cloud as errors When selected, problems arising on a connection from Secure Web Gateway to the Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) server, where filtering information is retrieved from, are logged as errors.
Treat invalid URLs as errors When selected, invalid URLs are logged as errors.
Do a backward lookup also for private IP addresses When selected, DNS lookups are performed to find the domain names that correspond to private IP addresses. The domain names are then used in the filtering process.

Enabling this option can lead to a lower performance.

GTI Settings

Options for configuring settings that control the behavior of the Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) service

Option Description
Search the CGI parameters for rating When selected, the CGI parameters in a URL are included in the rating and categorization that is performed using the database of the GTI service.

CGI parameters in a URL trigger scripts and programs when the URL is processed.

For example, when this option is selected, the URL is completely evaluated to rate and categorize it.

If it is not selected, only is evaluated.
Search for and rate embedded URLs (checking embedded URLs can reduce performance) When selected, embedded URLs are searched for and included in the rating and categorization.

The path and the CGI parameters of a URL that is submitted are then searched for parts of other URLs that are embedded in this URL. If embedded parts of other URLs are found, these URLs are also rated and categorized using the database of the GTI service. 

The search is not extended to files or other content submitted with a request or response to find URLs that are embedded there.

The rating of the URLs that are in parts embedded in the main URL is included in its rating, resulting in an overall rating for this URL. The categories found for the embedded URLs are added to the categories for the main URL.

Enabling this option can lead to a lower performance.
Do a forward DNS lookup to categorize URLs When selected, a DNS lookup of the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in a URL is performed if the URL could not be rated and categorized using the GTI service.

The DNS lookup is performed to resolve the IP address that corresponds of the domain name.

If an IP address could be resolved, another attempt to rate and categorize the URL is made based on this IP address.
Do a backward DNS lookup for unrated IP-based URLs When selected, a DNS lookup is performed to find the domain name that corresponds to the IP address submitted for an IP-address-based URL that could not be rated and categorized.

The domain name is then used to rate and categorize the URL.
Detect URLs based on built-in keywords When selected, a URL that is recognized to be submitted for a search with a search engine, is searched for the keywords that are included as search terms in this URL.

The keywords that are found are used to rate and categorize the URL.
Enable the Dynamic Content Classifier if GTI web categorization yields no result When selected, the Dynamic Content Classifier (DCC) is used to categorize a URL that no categories could be found for using the GTI service when this URL was submitted with a request.

If the request was allowed and passed on to the requested destination in the web and content was returned from there in response, the DCC evaluates this content to categorize the URL based on content metatags.

The categorization only considers the categories that you selected when you configured the DCC. The DCC offers you 10 categories to select from.
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