Import or Export the Bypass List (Trellix ePO)
You can use the import and export options to copy the bypass lists. After you import or export the bypass list, you can add, edit, and remove the bypass list items. It is a good practice to export the existing bypass list, modify it, and import the file again. Importing a bypass list overwrites all the existing bypass entries. Only .txt file format is supported for import or export options.
The following is a sample list of items in the bypass list:
type = DOMAIN type = NETWORKADDRESS - type = NETWORKPORT Port Number Description 80,443 Http/Https 21-47 Port with Range 22 31,78,100-500 type = PROCESSNAME chrome.exe firefox.exe xcode
NOTE: You can add port numbers without any descriptions, and process name is the name of the Windows or macOS process.
- From the Trellix ePO menu, select Policy > Policy Catalog > Skyhigh Security Client Proxy.
- Click MCP Policy to view the policy list.
- Click Edit on the same row as the policy for which you want to import or export the bypass list.
- Under Client Proxy Settings, click Bypass List.
- In the Bypass List pane, do the following:
- To export a bypass list, click Export Bypass List. The browser downloads the bypass list as a .txt file.
- To import a bypass list, click Import Bypass List.
- In the dialog box, click Choose File to navigate to the folder containing the bypass list file. Select the file, then click Open. A confirmation message appears after importing the bypass list.
NOTE: Make sure that the list of items in the bypass list is in the correct format. If the import fails, the Import Bypass List dialog box returns the line number at which the error has occurred. After fixing the errors, you can import the file again.
- Click Save.