Create and Run a Database Query (Trellix ePO)
Create and run a database query to return information about client tasks and policies.
Before you begin
You must be logged on to the Trellix ePO server as an administrator.
NOTE: A Trellix ePO Cloud administrator can run queries, but not create them.
- From the Trellix ePO menu, select Reporting > Queries & Reports.
- From the Groups menu, select Skyhigh Security Groups > Skyhigh Security Client Proxy, then click New Query.
- In the Query Builder: From the Feature Group list, select Policy Management.
- Select a Result Type, then click Next:
- Applied Client Tasks — Returns the names of client tasks and the organizational levels where they were applied.
- Applied Policies — Returns the names of policies and the organizational levels where they were applied.
- Client Task Assignment Broken Inheritance — Returns the names of client tasks and the organizational levels where task assignments were broken.
- Policy Assignment Broken Inheritance — Returns the names of policies and the organizational levels where policy assignment was broken.
The Chart page opens.
- Configure how you want the query results displayed in chart format:
- Select a chart type.
- Specify labels, units, sort orders, and other values as needed.
- Click Next.
The Columns page opens.
- Configure how you want the query results displayed in table format, then click Next:
- In the Available Columns menu, click column names to select them.
- In the Selected Columns pane, close columns to remove them.
- To reorder selected columns, drag and drop them or use the arrow keys.
The Filter page opens.
- Configure how you want the query results filtered:
- In the Available Properties menu, click property names to select them.
- From the Comparison drop-down list, select an operator for each property.
- For each operator, select a value.
- Click Run to see the query results, then click Edit Query to make changes as needed.
- Click Save, then on the Save Query page:
- Specify a name and optional description for the query.
- Select an existing group or specify a new group.
- Click Save.
The database query is saved for later use.