Hosting a PAC file on Web Gateway
Currently there is no GUI implementation for hosting proxy.pac files on Web Gateway. But, there is a workaround that allows you to host any file on the Web Gateway integrated web server. This workaround enables you to also host a proxy.pac file.
After you have created your proxy.pac file, use the following instructions to host it on Web Gateway:
- If you want to host the proxy.pac file on a specific port, specify the dedicated port in the MWG GUI at Configuration, Appliances, File Server.
- To specify a dedicated HTTP port, select Enable dedicated file server port over HTTP and specify the port in the HTTP connector field.
- To specify a dedicated HTTPS port, select Enable dedicated file server port over HTTPS and specify the port in the HTTPS connector field.
- Use SCP to upload the proxy.pac file to the Web Gateway Appliance on which you want to host the proxy.pac file.
- Move the file to the correct folder using the following command:
mv -i proxy.pac /opt/mwg/files/
- Test access to the proxy.pac file hosted on Web Gateway, using the appropriate URL:
- If you specified a dedicated HTTP port in Step 1: http://<MWG_hostname_or_IP_address>:<dedicated_port>/files/proxy.pac
- If you specified a dedicated HTTPS port in Step 1: https://<MWG_hostname_or_IP_address>:<dedicated_port>/files/proxy.pac
- If HTTP GUI access is enabled: http://<MWG_hostname_or_IP_address>:4711/files/proxy.pac
- If only HTTPS GUI access is enabled: https://<MWG_hostname_or_IP_address>:4712/files/proxy.pac