Remove the client software (MVISION ePO)
You can uninstall all product software from managed systems in a group using the existing product deployment task. You can use this process when you are done evaluating products.
You must know the group name of the systems where the product software is installed to use the uninstall feature in Product Deployment. If there are any systems you don't want to uninstall the product software from, move them to a different group before starting this process.
- From the Trellix ePO menu, select Software > Product Deployment.
- From Advanced Options, select Advanced Product Deployment.
- In the System Tree list, select the deployment task that you used to initially create the installation URL.
- With the product deployment task selected, in the Action list, click Uninstall.
- Click OK.
The configured product software is removed from all systems in the selected System Tree group. When the uninstallation is finished, the message Uninstall Successful appears with the number of updated systems shown in parentheses.
- To delete the product deployment task, select it from the product deployment list and select Delete from the Action list.
- Delete the associated System Tree group.
- Select Menu > Systems > System Tree.
- Click System Tree Actions > Delete Group.
- Select Remove Skyhigh Agent on next agent-server communication from all systems, then click OK.
The group is removed from the System Tree, and all associated systems are removed from Trellix ePO management. You can reuse the group name later.