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Skyhigh Security

U.S. Driver's License Numbers

NOTE: Data Identifiers are legacy DLP features that will no longer be supported by the end of June 2025, it is recommended to use a classification-based approach for all your DLP use cases. To assist with migrating your DLP policies from Data Identifiers to Classification, refer to the Migration Guide.

Skyhigh CASB supports the following definitions, validation, and keyword information for U.S. driver's license number data identifiers. 

NOTE: Skyhigh CASB regex includes an extra backslash to conform with JSON string structure. Naked regex would have only one backslash, but regex in strings requires the extra backslash to be escaped. For more information, see


For driver's license keywords that apply to all U.S State driver's license numbers, see General Driver's License Keywords

See the table for specific keywords for each State. 

Data Identifier Definition Validation Keyword
Alabama Alabama driver's license numbers are seven numbers. For example, 6996164. "\\d{7}"
  • Alabama
  • AL
Alaska Alaska driver's license numbers are seven numbers. For example, 6244114.  "\\d{7}"
  • Alaska
  • AK

Arizona driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 113654424.

Arizona driver's license numbers may also consist of one letter and eight numbers. For example, B13654424. 

  • Arizona
  • AZ


Arkansas driver's license numbers are nine numbers that always begins with 9. For example, 999000680. 

  • Arkansas
  • AR
California California driver's license numbers consist of one letter and seven numbers. For example, A0002144.   "[a-zA-Z]\\d{7}"
  • California
  • calif
  • CA
Colorado Colorado driver's license numbers are nine numbers formatted as ##-###-####. For example, 94-33-0101.  "\\d{2}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}"
  • Colorado
  • CO
Connecticut Connecticut driver's license numbers are nine numbers. For example, 146825129.   "\\d{9}"
  • Connecticut
  • CT
Delaware Delaware driver's license numbers are a seven numbers. For example, 1232805.     "\\d{7}"
  • Delaware
  • DE

Florida driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 12 numbers, unformatted. For example, G544061739250. 

Florida driver's license numbers may also consist of one letter and 12 numbers, using the format L##-###-##-###-#. For example, G544-061-73-925-0. 

"[a-zA-Z] \\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3}",
  • Florida
  • FL
  • fla
Georgia Georgia driver's license numbers are nine numbers. For example, 09999999.   "\\d{9}"
  • Georgia
  • GA
Hawaii Hawaii driver's license numbers consist of one letter and eight numbers. For example, H00000002.     "[a-zA-Z]\\d{8}"
  • Hawaii
  • HI

Idaho driver's license numbers consist of two letters, six numbers, and one letter. For example, AA123456Z. 

  • Idaho
  • ID

Illinois driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 11 numbers formatted as L###-####-####. For example, D400-7836-0001. 

  • Illinois
  • IL

Indiana driver's license numbers consist of 10 numbers formatted as ####-##-####. For example, 0299-11-6078. 

  • Indiana
  • IN

Iowa driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 123456789.

Iowa driver's license numbers may also consist of three numbers, two letters, and four letters. For example, 123AB9755.

  • Iowa
  • IA

Kansas driver's license numbers consist of one letter and eight numbers formatted as L##-##-####. For example, K00-09-7443. 

  • Kansas
  • KS
Kentucky Kentucky driver's license numbers consist of  one letter and eight numbers formatted as L##-###-###. For example, V12-345-678.  "[a-zA-Z]\\d{2}-\\d{3}-\\d{3}"
  • Kentucky
  • KY
Louisiana Louisiana driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 007000100. "\\d{9}"
  • Louisiana
  • LA
Maine Maine driver's license numbers are seven numbers. For example, 0015000.  "\\d{7}"
  • Maine
  • ME

Maryland driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 12 numbers, unformatted. For example, S514778616977. 

They may also consist of one letter and 12 numbers formatted as L-###-###-###-###. For example, S-514-778-616-977. 

  • Maryland
  • MD
Massachusetts Massachusetts driver's license numbers consist of one letter and nine numbers. For example, S999888801. 

"[0-9] {9}"

  • Massachusetts
  • MA

Michigan driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 12 numbers, unformatted. For example, P800000224322. 

They may also be one letter and 12 numbers formatted as L ### ### ### ###. For example, P 800 000 224 312. 

  • Michigan
  • MI
Minnesota Minnesota driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 12 numbers, unformatted. For example, P800000224322.  "[a-zA-Z]\\d{12}"
  • Minnesota
  • MN
Mississippi Mississippi driver's license numbers are nine numbers formatted like a Social Security number as ###-##-####. For example, 125-01-2050.  "\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}"
  • Mississippi
  • MS
Missouri Missouri driver's license numbers consist of one letter and nine numbers. For example, F050256006.  "[a-zA-Z]\\d{9}"
  • Missouri
  • MO

Montana driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 626926253.

They also may be 13 digits in length: 

  • First 2 digits = the month of birth
  • Next 3 digits = randomly assigned
  • Next 4 digits = the year of birth
  • Next 2 digits = “41”
  • Last 2 digits = day of birth

Prior licenses used either the licensee’s Social Security number or the Social Security number followed by four zeros.

  • Montana
  • MT
Nebraska Nebraska driver's license numbers consist of one letter and eight numbers. For example, A20600249.  "[a-zA-Z]\\d{8}"
  • Nebraska
  • NE
Nevada Nevada driver's license numbers consist of 10 numbers. For example, 0002102201.  "\\d{10}"
  • Nevada
  • NV
New Hampshire

New Hampshire driver's license numbers are 10 numbers.

  • First 2 characters = the month of birth
  • Next 3 characters = the first and last letters of the last name and the first initial of the first name
  • Next 2 digits = the year of birth
  • Next 2 digits = the day of birth
  •  Final digit =prevents code duplication. 
  • New Hampshire
  • NH
New Jersey

New Jersey driver's license numbers consist of one letter and 14 numbers formatted as L####-#####-#####. 

  • The first character is the first initial of the last name
  • Next 9 digits are assigned
  • Last 5 digits = the month and year of birth and a code for eye color
  • (50 is added to the birth month for females)
"[a-zA-Z]\\d{4} \\d{5} \\d{5}",
  • New Jersey
  • newjersey
  • NJ
New Mexico New Mexico driver's license numbers are nine numbers. For example, 013696424. "\\d{9}"
  • New Mexico
  • NM


New York New York driver's license numbers are nine numbers formatted as ### ### ###. For example, 123 456 789.  "\\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3}",
  • New York
  • newyork
  • NY
North Carolina North Carolina driver's license numbers are 12 numbers. For example, 8013303159.  "\\d{12}"
  • North Carolina
  • NC
North Dakota

North Dakota driver's license numbers are nine numbers:

  • The first 3 letters of the licensee’s last name (if the last name is only 2 letters, the third character will be an “X”),
  • Next 2-digit year of birth
  • Finally 4 digits.
  • North Dakota
  • ND
Ohio Ohio driver's license numbers are two letters and six numbers. For example, TL545796. "[a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{4,8}",
  • Ohio
  • OH
Oklahoma Oklahoma driver's license numbers consist of one letter and nine numbers. For example, B000062835 . "[a-zA-Z]\\d{9}"
  • Oklahoma
  • OK
Oregon Oregon driver's license numbers are a seven numbers. For example, 6110033.  "\\d{7}"
  • Oregon
  • OR
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania driver's license numbers are eight numbers formatted as ## ### ###. For example, 99 900 104.  "\\d{2}\\s\\d{3}\\s\\d{3}"
  • Pennsylvania
  • PA
Rhode Island

Rhode Island driver's license numbers are seven numbers. The first two digits are the year the license was issued (2008 is indicated by “28”). For example, 2858889. 

  • Rhode Island
  • RI
South Carolina South Carolina driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 100179226. "\\d{9}"
  • South Carolina
  • SC
South Dakota South Dakota driver's license numbers are eight numbers. For example, 00616775.  "\\d{8}"
  • South Dakota
  • SD
Tennessee Tennessee driver's license numbers can consist of eight or nine numbers. For example, 101915638.  "\\d{7,9}"
  • Tennessee
  • TN
Texas Texas driver's license numbers are eight numbers. For example, 17600550.  "\\d{8}"
  • Texas
  • TX
Utah Utah driver's license numbers are a nine numbers. For example, 400138831. "\\d{9}"
  • Utah
  • UT

Vermont driver's license numbers are eight numbers. For example, 17600550. 

They may also consist of seven numbers and one letter. For example, 8205059A. 

  • Vermont
  • VT

Virginia driver's license numbers consist of one letter and eight numbers. For example, A20600249. 

Virginia driver's license numbers may also consist of one letter and eight numbers formatted as L##-##-####. For example, T16-70-0185.

  • Virginia
  • VA

Washington driver's license numbers use the format: three letters ** two letters, three numbers, one letter, and one number. For example, DOE**MJ501P1. 

  • Washington
  • WA
Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. driver's license numbers are a seven numbers. For example, 9992616.  "\\d{7}"
  • DC
  • d.c.
  • washington
  • district of columbia
West Virginia

West Virginia driver's license numbers are a seven numbers. For example, 1899168. 

They may also consist of one letter and six numbers. For example, R899168. 

  • West Virginia
  • WV
Wisconsin Wisconsin driver's license numbers are one letter and 13 numbers formatted as L###-####-####-##. For example, J525-4209-0465-05.  "[a-zA-Z]\\d{3}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{2}"
  • Wisconsin
  • WI
Wyoming Wyoming driver's license numbers are nine numbers formatted as ######-###. For example, 050070-003.  "\\d{6}-\\d{3}"
  • Wyoming
  • WY


General Driver's License Keywords

The following keywords apply to all U.S State driver's license numbers. 

See the table for specific keywords for each State. 

Default Keywords

  • driver license
  • drivers license
  • driver's license
  • driver licenses
  • drivers licenses
  • driver's licenses
  • dl#
  • dls#
  • lic#
  • lics#
  • dl
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