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Skyhigh Security

North American Personal Identity

NOTE: Data Identifiers are legacy DLP features that will no longer be supported by the end of June 2025, it is recommended to use a classification-based approach for all your DLP use cases. To assist with migrating your DLP policies from Data Identifiers to Classification, refer to the Migration Guide.

Skyhigh CASB supports the following definitions, validation, and keyword information for North American Personal Identity data identifiers. 

NOTE: Skyhigh CASB regex includes an extra backslash to conform with JSON string structure. Naked regex would have only one backslash, but regex in strings requires the extra backslash to be escaped. For more information, see

Data Identifier Definition Validation Keyword

Canadian Social Insurance Number

The Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a personal identification number issued by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada primarily for administering national pension and employment plans.

Computes the Luhn checksum, which every instance must pass.

"\\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3}",


  • pension
  • pensions
  • soc ins
  • ins #
  • social ins
  • CSIN
  • SSN
  • social security
  • social insurance
  • Canada
  • Canadian
  • sin
  • numero d'assurance sociale
  • sins
  • ssns
  • numero d'assurance social
  • national identification number
  • national id
  • sin#
Mexican Social Security Number (NSS) The Mexican Social Security Number is called the NSS. 

Computes the Luhn checksum, which every instance must pass.


  • Mexican NSS Number
  • Mexico NSS Number
  • NSS
  • NSS#
  • NSS Number
Mexican Tax Identification Number (RFC)

The Mexican Tax Identification Number, or Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC), is assigned to all legal persons.

It is 12 characters long The first tree letters are from a business's name, then the date of registration (YYMMDD), then three random letters. 

The RFC for a natural person is 13 characters long. The first four letters are from the person's name, then date of birth (YYMMDD), then three random letters. 

"[A-Za-z]{4}[ |\\-]{0,1}[0-9]{6}[ |\\-]{0,1}[0-9A-Za-z]{3}"
  • Tax Identification Number
  • Tax ID
  • Tax ID No.
  • RFC Number
  • TIN
  • TIN#
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry Code
  • Registro Federal de Contribuyentes
  • número de identificación de impuestos
  • Código del Registro Federal de Contribuyentes
  • Número RFC
  • Clave del RFC
Mexican Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) The CURP (Clave Unica de Registro de Poblacion) is the unique number assigned to each person living in Mexico, either nationals or foreigners, as well as the Mexicans that live in other countries.


  • CURP
  • Clave Única de Registro de Población
  • Clave Única
  • Población
  • Registro
  • UPRC
  • Personal ID
  • Registry Code

US Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

The US Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is used for tax processing number and issued by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS issues ITINs to track individuals who are not eligible to obtain Social Security Numbers (SSNs).

"9\\d{2} [789]\\d \\d{4}",
  • individual taxpayer identification number
  • itin
  • i.t.i.n.
  • taxpayer
  • tax id
  • tax identification
  • ssn
  • tin
  • social security
  • tax payer
  • itins
  • taxid
  • individual taxpayer
U. S. Passport Number

United States passport numbers are issued by the U. S. Department of State to U. S. citizens and nationals. 


The machine-readable zone at the bottom of the data page contains:

  • P<USA[SURNAME]<<[GIVEN NAME(S)]<<<<<<<<<< in the first line

Both lines contain 44 characters in a fixed-width all-caps font, with the top line ending with enough left angle brackets to fill the 44 character limit.

The signature page contains the signature of the passport holder.  

  • us
  • u.s.
  • usa
  • u.s.a
  • us of a
  • u.s. of a
  • united states
  • united states of america
  • passport
  • passport card
  • passport book
  • passport#
  • passport #
  • passport number
  • passport no.
  • passport no

US Randomized Social Security Number

Effective June 25, 2011, Social Security Numbers are assigned randomly. The US Randomized Social Security Number (SSN) data identifier detects the presence of US Social Security numbers issued before or after June 25, 2011.

"[0-8]\\d{2} [1-9]\\d{1} \\d{4}",
"[0-8]\\d{2} \\d{1}[1-9] \\d{4}",
  • social security number
  • ssn
  • ss#

US Social Security Number

The US Social Security Number (SSN) data identifier detects the presence of US Social Security numbers issued before June 25, 2011.

"\\d{3} \\d{2} \\d{4}",
  • social security number
  • ssn
  • ss#



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