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Skyhigh Security

European Personal Identity

NOTE: Data Identifiers are legacy DLP features that will no longer be supported by the end of June 2025, it is recommended to use a classification-based approach for all your DLP use cases. To assist with migrating your DLP policies from Data Identifiers to Classification, refer to the Migration Guide.

Skyhigh CASB supports the following definitions, validation, and keyword information for European Personal Identity data identifiers. 

NOTE: Skyhigh CASB regex includes an extra backslash to conform with JSON string structure. Naked regex would have only one backslash, but regex in strings requires the extra backslash to be escaped. For more information, see

Data Identifier Definition Validation Keyword
Austrian Passport Number Austrian passports are issued to citizens of Austria for international travel. The passport allows for free movement and residence in any of the states of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

"[A-Za-z] ?\\d{7}"

  • österreichisch reisepass
  • passport
  • reisepass
Austrian Social Security Insurance Number The social security system covers the following: prevention, sickness, incapacity for work/invalidity, maternity, unemployment, old age, death of a person liable to provide maintenance, survivors’ pensions, nursing care, and social need. "[1-9][0-9]{3} ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{2}"
  • Austrian SSN
  • Austrian Social Security Number
  • Austrian Social Security Insurance Number
  •  social security no
  • social security number
  • social security code
  • SSN#
  • ssn#
  • SSN",
  • ssn
  • socialsecurityno#
  • sozialversicherungsnummer
  • soziale sicherheit kein
  • sozialversicherungsnummer#
  • sozialesicherheitkein#
  • insurance number
  • insurance code
  • insurancecode#
  • national insurance number
  • insurance no
  • health insurance number
  • health insurance
  • health insurance no
  • EHIC number
  • EHIC no
  • versicherungsnummer
  • versicherungscode
  • nationale versicherungsnummer
  • krankenkassennummer
  • krankenversicherung
  • zdravstveno zavarovanje
  • EHIC Nummer
  • Österreichischen SSN
  • Österreichischen Sozialversicherungs kein
  • številka zavarovanja
  • biztosítási szám
  • zavarovalna šifra
  • biztosítási kód
  • társadalombiztosítási azonosító jel
  • nacionalna številka zavarovanja
  • egészségbiztosítási szám
  • številka zdravstvenega zavarovanja
  • egészségbiztosítás
  • EHIC szám
  • Številka EHIC
Austrian VAT Identification Number (UID) The VAT identification number (abbreviated: VAT ID number in Germany or UID in Austria ) is an unambiguous identification of a company within the European Union for VAT purposes. "(?i:\\bU[0-9]{8}\\b)"
  • Austria
  • TIN
  • tax identification number
  • tax number
  • Austrian Tax Number
  • Österreich
  • Steuernummer
  • Austrian VAT Identification Number (UID)
Belgian Identity Card Number All Belgians aged 12 and older are issued with an identity card (Dutch: Identiteitskaart, French: Carte d’identité, German: Personalausweis). Belgians aged 15 and above are required to always carry it with them unless they are within 200 m from their homes. (Foreigners must at all times be able to provide identification, either a passport, or an identity document issued by another EU member state.) "[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{7}[ -]?(?:0[1-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-7])"
  • Identity
  • Registration
  • Identification
  • ID
  • Identiteitskaart
  • Registratie nummer
  • Identificatie nummer
  • Identiteit
  • Registratie
  • Identificatie
  • Carte d’identité
  • numéro d'immatriculation
  • numéro d'identification
  • identité
  • inscription
  • Identifikation
  • Identifizierung
  • Identifikationsnummer
  • Personalausweis
  • Registrierung
  • Registrationsnummer
Belgian National Registration Number (BIS) The National Register number is a unique identification number assigned to natural persons registered in Belgium. Every citizen with either a Belgian identity document or a Belgian residence document has such a number. Legal entities have a company number as a unique identification number, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. The national register number is officially referred to as the identification number at the national register of the natural persons, or also: the national number. The national register number is also the unique number for social security (the INSZ number). "[0-9]{2}\\.?(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\\.?(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[ -]?[0-9]{3}[ .]?(?:0[1-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-7])"
  • Belgian National Registration Number
  • Belgian BIS
  • Belgian National Registration Number (BIS)
  • Belgian national number
  • national number
  • social security number
  • nationalnumber#
  • ssn#
  • ssn
  • nationalnumber
  • bnn#
  • bnn
  • personal ID number
  • personalIDnumber#
  • Numéro national
  • numéro de sécurité
  • numéro d'assuré
  • identifiant national
  • identifiantnational#
  • Numéronational#
Belgian Non-National BIS Number The National Register number is a unique identification number assigned to natural persons registered in Belgium. Every citizen with either a Belgian identity document or a Belgian residence document has such a unique number for social security (the INSZ number). "[0-9]{2}\\.?(?:(?:2[1-9]|3[0-2]|4[1-9]|5[0-2])\\.?(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|(?:00\\.?00))[ -]?[0-9]{3}[ .]?(?:0[1-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-7])"
  • Belgian Non-National BIS Number
  • Belgian national number
  • national number
  • social security number
  • nationalnumber#
  • ssn#
  • ssn
  • nationalnumber
  • bnn#
  • bnn
  • personal ID number
  • personalIDnumber#
  • Numéro national
  • numéro de sécurité
  • numéro d'assuré
  • identifiant national
  • identifiantnational#
  • Numéronational#
Belgian Passport Number Austrian passports are issued by the Belgian state to its citizens for international travel. The Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs is responsible for issuing and renewing Belgian passports. The passport allows for free movement and residence in any of the states of the European Economic Area and Switzerland. "[a-zA-Z]{2}\\d{6}"
  • passport number
  • paspoort
  • paspoort
  • paspoortnummer
  • reisepass kein
  • reisepass
  • passnummer
  • passeport
  • passeport livre
  • passeport carte
  • numéro passeport
  • belgian passport number
  • belgian passport number
  • passport no
Bulgarian Uniform Civil Number - EGN The uniform civil number (Bulgarian: Единен граждански номер; abbreviated: ЕГН, EGN) is a 10-digit unique number assigned to each Bulgarian citizen or resident foreign national. It serves as a national identification number. An EGN is assigned to Bulgarians at birth, or when a birth certificate is issued. "\\d\\d[024][123456789]0[123456789]\\d{4}",
  • BUCN
  • uniform civil number
  • uniform civil ID
  • uniform civil no
  • EGN
  • Bulgarian uniform civil number
  • uniformcivilno#
  • BUCN#
  • EGN#
  • bucn
  • egn#
  • bucn#
  • uniformcivilnumber#
  • personal number
  • personal no
  • identification number
  • personal id
  • national id Униформ граждански номер
  • Униформ ID
  • Униформ граждански ID
  • Униформ граждански не.
  • български Униформ граждански номер
  • УниформгражданскиID#
  • Униформгражданскине.#
  • личен номер
  • лично не
  • идентификационен номер
  • лична идентификация
  • национален номер
Croatian Personal Identification Number (OIB) The Personal identification number (Croatian: Osobni identifikacijski broj or OIB) is a permanent national identification number of every Croatian citizen and legal persons domiciled in the Republic of Croatia. OIB is determined and assigned by the Tax Administration (Porezna uprava) of the Croatian Ministry of Finance. Personal identification number gradually replaced the Unique Master Citizen Number (JMBG), which had been set up and used in former Yugoslavia. "(\\d{11})",
  • Personal Identification Number
  • Osobni identifikacijski broj
  • OIB
Czech NHIS (UZIS) Number

NHIS is a unified all-state information system designated: for processing data on the health status of the population, on activities of health care providers and on their economy, on health care workers and other professional personnel in health services, for the purpose of obtaining information about the extent and quality of provided health services, for their management and for creation of health policy, for maintaining National Health Registers and processing data kept in the registers, maintaining the National Register of health care providers and the National Register of health care workers and processing data kept in the registers.

  • Czech national identity card
  • Občanský průka

Danish CPR-nummer

A national identification number used in the Danish Civil Registration System



  • CPR
  • CPR-nummer
  • Denmark
  • Danish
  • national identification number
  • national identity number
  • personal identity number
  • personal identification number
  • nationalid#
  • personalidentityno#
  • unique identity number
  • uniqueidentityno#
  • Nationalt identifikationsnummer
  • personnummer
  • unikt identifikationsnummer
  • identifikationsnummer
  • centrale personregister
  • cpr#
  • cpr-nummer#
  • identifikationsnummer#
  • personnummer#

Dutch Burgerservicenummer

A unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database in the Netherlands

  • burgerservicenummer
  • Persoonsnummer
  • sofinummer
  • sociaal-fiscaal nummer
  • persoonsgebonden
  • person number
  • social-fiscal number
  • person-related number
Dutch Passport Number Dutch passports are issued to citizens of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Dutch: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) for the purpose of international travel. As the Netherlands only distinguish one category of citizen (Nederlandse (Dutch), NLD), for all countries in the Kingdom, passports are the same for all four countries. "[A-NP-Za-np-z]{2}[A-NP-Za-np-z0-9]{6}\\d"
  • dutch passport number
  • nederlanden paspoort nummer
  • nederlanden paspoortnummer
  • netherlands passport number
  • paspoort
  • paspoortnummer
  • passport number

Finnish Henkilötunnus

The personal identity code used in Finland

  • henkilötunnus
  • henkilotunnus
  • HETU
  • Finland
  • identification number
  • personal ID
  • identity number
  • Finnish national ID number
  • personalIDnumber#
  • National Identification Number
  • id number
  • National id no.
  • National id number
  • id no
  • tunnistenumero
  • henkilötunnus
  • yksilöllinen henkilökohtainen tunnistenumero
  • Ainutlaatuinen henkilökohtainen tunnus
  • identiteetti numero
  • Suomen kansallinen henkilötunnus
  • henkilötunnusnumero#
  • kansallisen tunnistenumero
  • tunnusnumero
  • kansallinen tunnus numero

French INSEE Code

A personal identification code issued by France’s National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies

  • insee
  • institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
  • numéro de sécu
  • code sécu
  • social security number
  • social security code
French Passport Number French passport (in French: Passeport français) is an identity document issued to French citizens. Every French citizen is also a citizen of the European Union. The passport, along with the national identity card allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union and European Economic Area. "\\d{2}[a-zA-Z]{2}\\w{5}",
  • fr
  • france
  • french
  • passport
  • passport#
  • passportID
  • passportno
  • passportnumber
German Driver's License Number A German driver's license is a governmental privilege required for every type of motor vehicle. The minimum age to obtain a driving license is: 16 years for a restricted motorcycle, 17 years for a car with a legal guardian, 18 years for an unrestricted car, and 21 years for buses and cargo vehicles. "\\w\\d{2}\\w{6}\\d\\w"
  • führerschein
  • fuhrerschein
  • fuehrerschein
  • führerscheinnummer
  • fuhrerscheinnummer
  • fuehrerscheinnummer
  • führerscheinnummer
  • fuhrerscheinnummer
  • fuehrerscheinnummer
  • führerschein-nr
  • fuhrerschein-nr
  • fuehrerschein-nr
  • driver license
  • driver license number
  • driver licence
  • drivers lic.
  • drivers license
  • drivers licence
  • driver's license
  • driver's license number
  • driver's licence number
  • driving license number
  • driving license number
  • dl#
  • dl#
  • dlno#
  • dlno#
  • driving licence
  • driving license
German Passport Number German passports are issued to nationals of Germany for the purpose of international travel. The passport, along with the national identity card allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union and European Economic Area. "[CcF-Hf-hJ-Nj-nPpRrTtV-Zv-z][0-9CcF-Hf-hJ-Nj-nPpRrTtV-Zv-z]{8}(([0-9][dD])|([0-9])){0,1}"
  • gr
  • germany
  • deutschland
  • deutscher
  • deutsch
  • pass
  • passport
  • deutscher pass
  • passport#
  • passportid
  • passportno
  • passportnumber
  • reisepass
  • reisepass kein
  • passnummer
  • reisepasse
  • reisepassnummer
  • geburtsdatum
  • ausstellungsdatum
  • ausstellungsort
  • noreisepass
  • nrreisepass
  • reisepassnr
  • bnationalit
German Personal ID Number The German Personal ID Number is issued to German citizens by the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin. In Germany, everyone over 16 must have either a Personal ID or a passport.  "(?i:\\b[0-9A-Z]{9}[0-9]D?[ -]?[0-9]{6}[0-9][ -MF]?[0-9]{6}[0-9][ -]?[0-9]\\b)",
  • Identity Card
  • ID
  • Identification
  • Personalausweis
  • Identifizierungsnummer
  • Ausweis
  • Identifikation
German Social Security Number The Pension Insurance Number (RVNR) is a code consisting of letters and numbers for the purpose of identifying insured persons in the Statutory Pension Insurance of the Federal Republic of Germany. "(?i:\\b[0-9]{2}[ -]?[0-3][0-9][0-1][0-9]{3}[ -]?[A-Z][ -]?[0-9]{3}\\b)"
  • Identity Card
  • ID
  • Identification
  • Personalausweis
  • Identifizierungsnummer
  • Ausweis
  • Identifikation

German Steuer-Identifikationsnummer

A tax identification number used in Germany

"\\d{2} \\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3}",
"\\d{2} / \\d{3} / \\d{3} / \\d{3}",
  • Steuer-Identifikationsnummer
  • TIN
  • Germany
  • Deutschland
  • tin number
  • tin no
  • tin#
  • german tax identification number
  • germany tax identification number
  • tax number
  • tax id
  • Zinn
  • Zinnnummer
  • Zinn Nr
  • Zinn#
  • Steueridentifikationsnummer
  • Steuer Identifikationsnummer
  • Steuernummer
  • Steuer ID
  • Identifikationsnummer
Greek ID Number

The Greek identity Card (Greek: Δελτίο αστυνομικής ταυτότητας) is an official document of the Hellenic Republic, used to certify one's identity in any occasion.

The authority handling the issuing is the Hellenic Police, and possession of this document is mandatory for all Greeks 12 years of age and older. Citizens are obliged to always carry it, and produce it at police's request; failing to do so may result in the citizen's identification at the nearest police station. A passport is considered of equal value to the ID card when certifying one's identity.

  • Greek identity Card
  • Tautotita
  • Δελτίο αστυνομικής ταυτότητας
  • Ταυτότητα
Greek Social Security Number (AMKA) The AMKA (Social Security number) is in essence the work and insurance ID of every employee, pensioner and dependent member of their family in Greece. "(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-9]{7}"
  • Greece
  • Greek SSN
  • Greek Social Security Number
  • Greek SSN number
  • Greek SSN card
  • greece social security number
  • greece ssn
  • greece ssn#
  • greece social security no.
  • social security no.
  • ssn#
  • amka
  • greece amka
  • Αριθμού Μητρώου Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης
Greek Tax ID (AFM)

The AFM is the personal Tax Identification Number (TIN). It is required for many everyday transactions in Greece.

The nine-digit number is unique to each individual. It is used when dealing with Greek authorities and when completing almost any kind of paperwork

  • Greece
  • Greek TIN
  • Greek Tax Identification Number
  • Greek TIN number
  • Greek TIN card
  • AFM
  • TIN
  • tax ID No.
  • Tax id no
  • tax identification number
  • tax id no.
  • Tax Registry Number
  • Tax Registry No.
  • AFM#
  • TIN#
  • Tax Identification Number
  • TaxIDNo#
  • taxregistryno#
  • Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου
  • AΦΜ
  • AΦΜ αριθμός
  • Φορολογικού Μητρώου Νο.
  • τον αριθμό φορολογικού μητρώου
Hungarian Personal Identification Number The identity card introduced in Hungary on January 1, 2000, covers the function of the former ID card. The identity card contains the name, place of birth, date of birth, citizenship, mother's name, address, face, signature, handler ID number, date of validity, date of issue of the certificate, publisher ISO 3166-2code, and the name of the issuing authority. The ID card also contains the data in the form of data readable for machine reading.  "[1-8][ -]?[0-9]{6}[ -]?[0-9]{4}"
  • Hungarian Szemelyi Azonosito Szam
  • Hungarian SAS
  • Hungarian ID
  • Hungarian personal identification number
Hungarian Social Security Number (TAJ) When using health insurance benefits in Hungary, a special identification number, social security number, (commonly known in Hungarian as TAJ) is used. "[0-9]{3} ?[0-9]{3} ?[0-9]{3}"
  • Hungarian TAJ szam
  • Hungarian TAJ
  • Hungarian TAJ number
  • Hungarian social security number
  • social security number
  • socialsecuritynumber#
  • hssn#
  • HSSN#
  • socialsecuritynno
  • HSSN
  • TAJ
  • TAJ#
  • SSN
  • SSN#
  • social security no
  • ÁFA
  • Közösségi adószám
  • Általános forgalmi adó szám
  • hozzáadottérték adó
  • ÁFA szám
  • magyar ÁFA szám
Hungarian Tax Identification Number - Individual Hungary issues TINs which are not reported on official documents of identification. A natural person gets a TIN card if she/he gets taxable income. The paying agent has to indicate this number on the payment documents. "8[0-9]{9}"
  • Hungarian Tax Identification Number - Individual
  • Hungarian Tax Identification Number
  • Hungarian TIN
  • Hungarian Tax ID
  • tax ID number
  • VAT number
  • tax authority no
  • tax ID tax identity number
  • taxidnumber#
  • tin#
  • TIN#
  • Hungatiantin#
  • tax identification no
  • taxIDno#
  • adóazonosító szám
  • adószám
  • adóhatóság szám
Hungarian Tax Identification Number - Others   "[0-9]{8}[ -]?[12][ -]?[0-9]{2}"
  • Hungarian Tax Identification Number - Others
  • Hungarian Tax Identification Number
  • Hungarian TIN
  • Hungarian Tax ID
  • tax ID number
  • VAT number
  • tax authority no
  • tax ID tax identity number
  • taxidnumber#
  • tin#
  • TIN#
  • Hungatiantin#
  • tax identification no
  • taxIDno#
  • adóazonosító szám
  • adószám
  • adóhatóság szám

Irish Personal Public Service Number

Unique reference number used for public services and social welfare benefits in Ireland

  • PPS
  • Personal Public Service Number
  • Ireland
  • Irish
  • public service no
  • personal public service no
  • pps no
  • PPS No
  • personal service no
  • PPS service no
  • ppsno#
  • Irish PPS No
  • Irish pps no
  • PPSNO#
  • publicserviceno#
  • personal public service number
  • uimhir phearsanta seirbhíse poiblí
  • pps uimh
  • Uimhir aitheantais phearsanta

Italian Codice Fiscale

A personal identification number used as a tax code card in Italy

  • codicefiscale
  •  codice fiscal
  • dati anagrafici
  • partita I.V.A.
  • p. iva
  • tax code
  • personal data
  • VAT number
Italian Passport Number Italian passports are issued to Italian citizens for the purpose of international travel. The passport, along with the national identity card allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union and European Economic Area. "[A-Za-z0-9]{2}\\d{7}"
  • italian passport number
  • italiana passaporto numero
  • numéro passeport
  • numéro passeport italien
  • passport number
  • passaporto
  • passaporto italiana
  • passaporto numero
  • repubblica italiana passaporto
Latvian Personal Identification Number Latvian identity card also called Personal certificate, is officially recognised biometric identity document issued to Latvian citizens.  "\\d{2}[01]\\d{3}-[012]\\d{4}",
  • latvia personal code
  • personal code
  • national identification number
  • identification number
  • national id
  • id#
  • latvia tin
  • tin
  • tax identification number
  • tin#
  • tax id
  • tin no
  • tin number
  • tax number Personas kods
  • personas kods
  • latvijas personas kods
  • Valsts identifikācijas numurs
  • valsts identifikācijas numurs
  • identifikācijas numurs
  • nacionālais id
  • latvija alva
  •  alva
  • nodokļu identifikācijas numurs
  • nodokļu id
  • alvas nē
  • nodokļa numurs

Norwegian Fødselsnummer

An identification number issued in Norway

"[0-9]{2}[0,1][0-9][0-9]{2}[ ]?[0-9]{5}"
  • fødselsnummer
  • fodselsnummer
  • norway
  • Norwegian birth number
  • birth number
  • birth no
  • birthnumber#
  • birthbo#
  • fødselsnummer#
  • fødsel nummer
  • Fødsel nr
  • fødsel nei
Polish Identity Card Every Polish citizen 18 years of age or older residing permanently in Poland must have an Identity Card (Dowód osobisty) issued by the local Office of Civic Affairs. Polish citizens living permanently abroad are entitled, but not required, to have one. Identity cards are valid for a period of 10 years (5 years for individuals under the age of 5 on the date of issue). "[a-zA-Z]{3}\\d{6}"
  • Nazwa i nr dowodu tożsamości
  • Dowód Tożsamości
  • dow. os.
  • Polish Identity Card
  • national identification number
  • personal identification number
  • personal identity no
  • unique identity number
  • nationalidno#
  • personal ID
  • personal identity
  • personalidentityno#
  • uniqueid#
  • nationalid#
  • natioanlidentity#
  • Dowód osobisty
  • Tożsamości narodowej
  • osobisty numer identyfikacyjny
  • niepowtarzalny numer
  • numer identyfikacyjny
  • Dowódosobisty#
  • niepowtarzalnynumer#
Polish National Identification Number (PESEL)

PESEL (Polish Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) is the national identification number used in Poland since 1979. It always has 11 digits, identifies just one person, and cannot be changed to another one (except some specific situations such as gender reassignment).

  • Nr PESEL
  • Polish National Identification Number
  • polish SSN
  • social security number
  • social security no
  • SSN#
  • peselno#
  • pesel number
  • social security code
  • PESEL Liczba
  • społeczny bezpieczeństwo liczba
  • społeczny bezpieczeństwo ID
  • społeczny bezpieczeństwo kod
  • PESELliczba#
  • społecznybezpieczeństwoliczba#
Polish National Official Business Register (REGON) The register REGON fulfils the function of the national official Register of National Economy Entities. It is the only integrated register in Poland covering all of the national economy entities. REGON is used in the banking, tax and custom systems as well as in international trade data processing and other trade and marketing systems. Each company has a unique nine-digit identification REGON number. "\\d{9}"
  • Polish REGON
  • Polish REGON number
  • Polish National Official Business Register
  • statistical number
  • statistical ID
  • statistical no
  • REGON number
  • regonid#
  • regonno#
  • company ID
  • companyID#
  • company ID no
  • company ID number
  • companyIDno#
  • numer statystyczny
  • numeru REGON
  • numerstatystyczny#
  • numeruREGON#
Polish Tax Identification Number (NIP) NIP is often used as an identification number for people who work in Poland and are not included in the PESEL register, mostly non-EU foreigners. "\\d{3}[ -]\\d{3}[ -]\\d{2}[ -]\\d{2}",
"\\d{3}[ -]\\d{2}[ -]\\d{2}[ -]\\d{3}",
  • Polish Tax Identification Number (NIP)
  • Polish NIP
  • Polish NIP Number
  • Polish TIN
  • Tax Number
  • tax number
  • tax no.
  • taxno#
  • taxnumber#
  • taxnumber
  • NIP
  • NIP#
  • Tax ID
  • taxid#
  • TAXID#
  • NIP ID
  • NIPID#
  • nip#
  • tax identification number
  • tax identification no.
  • VAT Number
  • VAT No.
  • vatno#
  • VAT ID
  • VATID#
  • Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej
  • Polski numer identyfikacji podatkowej
  • NumerIdentyfikacjiPodatkowej#
  • NIP
Portuguese ID The Citizen Card (Portuguese: Cartão de cidadão) or CC is an identity card issued by the Portuguese government to its citizens. The card replaces several previous documents, including the Bilhete de Identidade (BI; Identity Card), Social Security card, National Health Service card, Taxpayer card and voter registration card, in one secure card. "(?i:\\b[0-9]{8}[ -]?[0-9][ -]?[A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]\\b)"
  • Citizen Card
  • National ID Card
  • CC
  • Cartão de Cidadão
  • Bilhete de Identidade
  • id number
  • portugal bi number
  • NIC
  • nic
  • document number
  • identity card number
  • identity card no
  • national identity card number
  • national identity card no
  • national identification number
  • national identification no
  • identification number
  • identification no
  • bilhete de identidade
  • número de identificação civil
  • número de cartão de cidadão
  • documento de identificação
  • cartão de cidadão
  • número bi de portugal
  • número do documento
Portuguese Social Security Number The social security (segurança social or caixa) system in Portugal is administered by the state and, in principle, applies to all individuals working in Portugal, either as employees or self-employed. "(?:\\b[0-9]{11}\\b)"
  • Portuguese Social Security Number
  • Portuguese SSN
  • Portuguese Social Security
  • Portuguese SSN Number
Portuguese Tax Identifier/Code The Portuguese NIF number is a tax identification number used for tax purposes in Portugal when you pay taxes, make official purchases such as buying a property as well as carrying out other formal activities. The Portuguese NIF number is issued by the Portuguese Tax Authority. "(?:\\b[0-9]{9}\\b)"
  • Portuguese Tax Identifier/Code
  • Portuguese TIN
  • Portuguese TIN Number
  • Portuguese Tax Identifier
  • Portuguese Tax Code
Romanian Personal Numerical Code (CNP) The Identity card (Romanian: Carte de identitate) is the document issued to every Romanian citizen at 14 years of age (it is compulsory at 14). The only exemptions are Romanian citizens domiciled abroad. If they establish a temporary residence in Romania, then they may apply for a "Carte de identitate provizorie", which is valid for one year (renewable). "[1-9][0-9]{2}(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(?:0[1-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-6]|51|52)[0-9]{4}"
  • Romanian Personal Numerical Code (CNP)
  • Romanian CNP
  • Romanian Personal Numerical Code
  • Romanian CNP Number
  • Romanian Personal Code
  • romania tax identification number
  • tax identification number
  • tin
  • tin#
  • tin number
  • tin no
  • numărul de identificare fiscală
  • identificarea fiscală nr #
  • codul fiscal nr.
  • national ID
  • national ID#
  • ID#
  • national identification number
  • Cod Numeric Personal
  • cnp
  • CNP
Russian Personal Taxpayer ID (INN)

INN number (Taxpayer Identification Number) is the identification number of the taxpayer that is issued to individuals and legal entities by the Federal Tax Service (FTS). FTS uses the INN number so it can identify which taxpayer paid the tax and the amount.

Every foreign citizen who works in Russia must have an INN number.

  • Russian Personal Taxpayer ID (INN)
  • Russian Personal Taxpayer ID
  • Russian INN
  • Russian Personal Taxpayer ID Number
  • Russian INN Number
  • TIN
  • taxpayer number
  • taxpayer ID
  • taxpayer no
  • tax ID
  • tin
  • tinno#
  • inn
  • inn#
  • taxpayerno#
  • taxid#
  • taxpayeridno#
  • taxpayerid#
  • НДС
  • номер налогоплательщика
  • Налогоплательщика ИД
  • налог число
  • налогчисло#
  • ИНН#
  • НДС#
Russian Social Security Number (SNILS) Insurance individual account number (SNILS), is a personal number used by the Russian Federation for social security of its citizens. SNILS is given by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and it is written down on a green plastic card issued to every employed citizen or foreign national residing in Russia. "[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{3}[ -]?[0-9]{2}"
  • Russian Social Security Number (SNILS)
  • Russian Social Security Number
  • Russian SNILS
  • Russian Social Security
  • Russian SNILS Number
Russian State Registration Number for Companies (OGRN) OGRN – Major State Registration Number of the entry made in the Register about the formation of a Russian company (consists of 12 digits). Provided the company was registered before July 1, 2002, OGRN is the number of entry in the Register about first filing of information into the Register about the company according to the federal law. Each legal person in Russia has a unique OGRN. OGRN is used as the number of registration file of a company.  "\\d{3}\\s\\d{3}\\s\\d{3}\\s\\d{2}\\s\\d{2}",
  • Russian State Registration Number for Companies (OGRN)
  • Russian State Registration Number for Companies
  • Russian OGRN
  • Russian State Registration Number
  • Russian OGRN Number

Spanish DNI Number

The identification number for Spain’s national identity card

  • DNI
  • Documento Nacional de Identidad
  • carne de identidad
  • Spanish national identity
  • Spain
  • Spanish
  • Espana
  • National Identification Number
  • national identity number
  • insurance number
  • personal identification number
  • national identity
  • personal identity no
  • unique identity number
  • nationalidno#
  • uniqueid#
  • DNI#
  • nationalID#
  • DNINúmero#
  • Identidadúnico#
  • NIE ID
  • Spanish NIE ID
  • Spanish NIE Number
  • NIE
  • NIE#
  • NIEnúmero#
  • NIE número
  • Documento Nacional de Identidad
  • Identidad único
  • Número nacional identidad
  • DNI Número
Spanish ID (For Non-Residents, NIE) The Número de identidad de extranjero (NIE) is a tax identification number in Spain. The Spanish government has linked the NIE number to residence, where the NIE appears on the residence card, and to social security in Spain. "(?i:\\b(?:X0?|[YZ])[0-9]{7}[A-Z]\\b)"
  •  Spanish ID
  •  Spanish ID card
  •  Spanish ID number
Spanish Passport Number Spanish passports are issued to Spanish citizens for the purpose of travel outside Spain. The passport, along with the national identity card allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union and European Economic Area.   "[a-zA-Z]{2}\\d{6}",
  • esp
  • spain
  • spanish
  • passport
  • passport#
  • passportID
  • passportno
  • passportnumber
  • pasaporte
Spanish Social Security Number In Spain, an employer applies for this number when you start your first jo. This number then stays with an individual for all subsequent jobs. If you are self-employed, you apply for this number yourself. "(?:\\b[0-6][0-9][ -]?[0-9]{8}[ -]?[0-9]{2}\\b)"
  • Spanish Social Security Number
  • Spanish SSN
  • SSN
  • social security number
  • SSN#
  • social security no.
  • socialsecurityno#
  • Social Security Number
  • Social Security No. Número de la Seguridad Social
  • número de la seguridad social
Spanish Tax Identifier/Code (CIF)

Until 2008, the Tax Identification Code (CIF) was the name of the tax identification system used in Spain for legal persons or entities in general.

This was repealed in 2008 and replaced with the Tax Identification Number, which regulates the composition of the tax identification number of legal persons and entities without legal personality.

"(?i:\\b[A-Z0-9][ -]?[0-9]{7}[ -]?[A-Z0-9]\\b)"
  • Spanish CIF
  • Spanish CIF number
  • tax ID
  • tax ID number
  • CIF ID
  • CIF no
  • spanish CIF ID
  • cif
  • tax file no
  • spanish CIF number
  • tax file number
  • spanish CIF no
  • tax no
  • tax number
  • tax id
  • taxid#
  • taxno#
  • CIFid#
  • CIFID#
  • spanishCIFID#
  • spanishCIFno#
  • cifid#
  • número de contribuyente
  • número de impuesto corporativo
  • número de Identificación fiscal
  • CIF número
  • CIFnúmero#
Swedish Passport Number Swedish passports are issued to nationals of Sweden for the purpose of international travel. Besides serving as proof of Swedish citizenship, they facilitate the process of securing assistance from Swedish consular officials abroad or other European Union member states in case a Swedish consular is absent, if needed. Every Swedish citizen is also a citizen of the European Union. "\\d{8}",
  • swe
  • sweden
  • swedish
  • passport
  • passport#
  • passportID
  • passportno
  • passportnumber

Swedish Personnummer

A personal identification number issued in Sweden used for tax and identification purposes

"[0-9]{2}[0-1][0-9][0-9]{2}([-+. ]|)[0-9]{4}"
  • personal identity number
  • personnummer
  • sweden
  • swedish
  • sverige
  • personal ID number
  • identification number
  • personal ID no
  • personal id no
  • identity no
  • identification no
  • personal identification no
  • person id no
  • personnummer ID
  • personligt id-nummer
  • unikt id-nummer
  • identifikationsnumret
  • personnummer#
  • identifikationsnumret#

Swiss AHV Number

An identification number used to access Switzerland’s pension program

"\\d{3} \\d{4} \\d{4} \\d{2}",


  • AHV
  • Sozialversicherungsnummer
  • Versichertennummer
  • swiss
  • switzerland
  • Numéro AVS
  • identifiant national
  • numéro de sécurité sociale
  • Numéro AVH
  • AVS number
  • insurance number
  • national identifier
  • national insurance number
  • social security number
  • AVH number
  • AHV-Nummer
  • Personenidentifikationsnummer
  • Schweizer Registrierungsnummer
  • AHV number
  • Swiss registration number
  • PIN
  • AVH
  • AVS
  • numéro d'assurance vieillesse
  • numéro d'assuré
UK BIC Number A SWIFT code (or SWIFTBIC, as it's sometimes known) is a code that helps overseas banks identify which bank to send money to. "([A-Z]){4}GB([0-9A-Z]){2}([0-9A-Z]{3})"
  • british
  • the united kingdom
  • uk
  • united kingdom
  • unitedkingdom
  • bic
  • bic number
  • swiftbic

UK Driving Licence


The identification number for an individual's driver's licence issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency of the United Kingdom.

IMPORTANT: When keyword validation is enabled, to reduce false positives, you must use one keyword from the Country Specific Keywords list, and the Identifier Specific Keywords list. 


Country Specific Keywords

  • british
  • the united kingdom
  • uk
  • united kingdom
  • unitedkingdom

Identifier Specific Keywords

  • driver license
  • drivers license
  • driver's license
  • driver licenses
  • drivers licenses
  • driver's licenses
  • driver licence
  • drivers licence
  • driver's licence
  • driver licences
  • drivers licences
  • driver's licences
  • dl#
  • dls#
  • lic#
  • lics#
  • DVLA
  • light vans
  • quadbikes
  • motor cars
  • 125cc
  • sidecar
  • tricycles
  • motorcycles
  • photocard licence
  • learner drivers
  • licence holder
  • licence holders
  • driving licences
  • driving licence
  • dual control car

UK Electoral Roll Number

The identification number issued to an individual for UK election registration. The format of this number is specified by the UK Government Standards of the UK Cabinet Office.

  • british
  • theunitedkingdom
  • uk
  • unitedkingdom
  • unitedkingdom
  • electoral #
  • electoral number
  • electoral roll #
  • electoral roll no.
  • electoral roll number
  • electoral roll#
  • electoral#
  • electoralnumber
  • electoralroll#
  • electoralrollno
  • electoral roll no

UK National Insurance Number


Issued by the United Kingdom Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to identify an individual for the national insurance program. It is also known as a NI number, NINO or NINo.

"[A-CEGHJ-PR-TW-Z][A-CEGHJ-NPR-TW-Z] \\d{2} \\d{2} \\d{2} [ABCD]",
  • insurance no.
  • insurance number
  • insurance#
  • insurancenumber
  • national insurance number
  • nationalinsurance#
  • nationalinsurancenumber
  • nin
  • nino

UK Passport Number


The UK Passport Number identifies a United Kingdom passport using the current official specification of the UK Government Standards of the UK Cabinet Office.

  • uk
  • unitedkingdom
  • britain
  • england
  • gb
  • passport
  • passport#
  • passportID
  • passportno
  • passportnumber
UK SEDOL SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List, a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes. "[B-Db-dF-Hf-hJ-Nj-nP-Tp-tV-Xv-xYyZz\\d]{6}\\d"
  • british
  • the united kingdom
  • uk
  • united kingdom
  • unitedkingdom


  • sedol
  • sedol number
  • Stock Exchange Daily Official List
UK Sort Code

The UK sort code is a bank codes used to route money transfers between banks via clearance organisations. Sort codes are encoded into IBANs, but are not encoded into BICs.

The sort code is a six-digit number, usually formatted as three pairs of numbers, for example 12-34-56. It identifies both the bank and the branch where the account is held.

  • british
  • the united kingdom
  • uk
  • united kingdom
  • unitedkingdom
  • sort
  • sort code
  • sort code number

UK Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)


The UK Tax ID Number is a personal identification number provided by the UK Government Standards of the UK Cabinet Office.

"\\d{5} \\d{5}",
  • taxid
  • taxidno.
  • uniquetaxpayerreference
  • taxidnumber
  • utr
  • taxidentification
  • taxidentification#
  • taxno.
  • tax#
  • taxid#
Ukranian Identity Card The Ukrainian identity card or Passport of the Citizen of Ukraine (also known as the Internal Passport or Passport Card) is an identity document issued to citizens of Ukraine. Every Ukrainian citizen aged 14  or above and permanently residing in Ukraine must possess an identity card issued by local authorities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.  "\\d{4}[01]\\d[0123]\\d-\\d{7}",
"\\d{4}[01]\\d[0123]\\d \\d{7}"
  • ukraine identity card
  • identity card
  • посвідчення особи України
Ukranian International Passport The Ukrainian passport is a document issued for the nationals of Ukraine as the main proof of Ukrainian citizenship. There are two types of passports issued by the Ukrainian government commonly known as the internal passport and international passport. The internal passport soft booklet (issued in and before 2016) / credit-card-sized Ukrainian identity card (issued starting in 2016) is the primary identification document of Ukrainian citizens used within Ukraine. The international passport is used for overseas travel.


  • passport
  • ukraine passport
  • passport number
  • passport no
  • паспорт
  • паспорт України
  • номер паспорта


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