Transparent Proxy Settings (for use with WCCP)
Settings for the Transparent Proxy mode when using WCCP services to redirect web traffic
Option | Definition |
Supported client redirection methods |
Lets you select a method for redirecting web traffic.
The following table describes the fields of an entry in the list of WCCP services used for redirecting web traffic.
Option | Definition |
Service ID |
Identifies a service that redirects web traffic to an appliance under WCCP. |
Service priority |
Sets the priority for a WCCP service. When web traffic is redirected to Web Gateway under WCCP, a WCCP service handles the redirection. An incoming data packet is then assigned to the service with the highest priority. The priority value for a particular WCCP service is communicated by Web Gateway along with other information in the heartbeat messages that it sends to the WCCP router or switch in short intervals. Priority range: 0 - 255 Default: 0 |
WCCP router definition |
Specifies the Multicast IP address and DNS name of a router (or switch with routing functions) that uses a WCCP service to direct web traffic to an appliance. You can configure multiple routers here, separating entries by commas. |
IP protocol version preference for name resolution |
Selects the IP version that is preferred when resolving a host name to an IP address. The host name is the name of the host system that a request with data packets was sent from. The data packets are redirected using a WCCP router that Web Gateway registers with under the IP address that the host name is resolved to.
For example, if a router supports only IPv4 addresses, the host name is resolved to an IPv4 address even if you selected IPv6 as the preferred version. |
Ports to be redirected |
Lists the ports, for example, on web servers, that data packets must have in their address information to be redirected. You can specify up to eight port numbers here, separated by commas. |
Ports to be redirected are source ports |
Specifies whether the ports that are to be redirected are source ports. When configuring a WCCP service, you need to select this option if the service is used to redirect responses from web servers back to the appliance. |
Proxy listener IP address |
Specifies the IP address of an appliance when serving client requests. |
Proxy listener port |
Specifies a port for listening to client requests. The default port number is 9090. |
MD5 authentication key |
Sets a password used under the MD5 algorithm for signing and verifying control data packets. The Set button opens a window for setting the password. The password can have up to eight characters. |
Assignment method |
This main item does not appear in the list, but is visible in the Add and Edit windows. The following two elements are related to it, specifying the assignment method.
Input for load distribution |
This main item does not appear in the list, but is visible in the Add and Edit windows. The following elements are related to it, specifying what is used in a data packet as the criteria for load distribution Different elements are provided, depending on whether you have selected assignment by mask or hash. When running multiple appliances, load distribution can be configured for the proxies on them. Data packets can be distributed to these proxies based on their source or destination IP addresses and port numbers. When source or destination IP addresses are used for load distribution, they can be masked or a hash algorithm can be applied to them, see the options under Assignment method. When source or destination ports are used, only the hash algorithm method can be selected. Load distribution elements for assignment by mask:
The maximum mask length is 4 digits, for example, 0xa000. For both masks together, 6 bit can be set as a maximum. If a mask is set to 0x0, it does not influence load distribution. So, if you want to use, for example, only source IP addresses for load distribution, you need to set the mask for destination IP addresses to this value. Load distribution elements for assignment by hash:
When configuring one WCCP service for handling client requests and another for handling web server responses, you need to select Source IP and Destination IP in a "crosswise" corresponding manner. This means that if you select Source IP for the client requests service, you must select Destination IP for the web server responses service. If you select Source IP for the web server responses service, you must select Destination IP for the client requests service, and so on. The same applies when selecting Source port and Destination port. |
Assignment weight |
Sets a value to determine how much load is assigned to a proxy. Use this value to assign more load to a proxy on an appliance that has more CPU capacity. 0 means no load is distributed to a proxy. |
Forwarding weight |
This main item does not appear in the list, but is visible in the Add and Edit windows. The following two elements are related to it, specifying the forwarding method.
Magic (Mask assignment) |
Lets you set an unknown field in the mask that an appliance sends to the router. This setting is needed for ensuring compatibility with different versions of the vendor's operating system, which is used for the router. NOTE: This element is only provided if Assignment by mask was selected as the assignment method. |
Comment |
Provides a plain-text comment on a WCCP service. |