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Skyhigh Security

Use the Remote Management Module for Monitoring

The Remote Management Module (RMM) is a tool for monitoring the Web Gateway appliance hardware. To set it up, you can use a command line utility.

Command Line Utility for the Remote Management Module

The rmm-enable command line utility allows you enable the Remote Management Module without restarting an appliance and accessing the BIOS setup.

The utility uses the OpenIPMI and ipmitool programs to perform the setup. Use of these programs can lead to conflicts when the SNMP Subagent (SNMPSA) is accessing the hardware at the same time.

The utility therefore includes functions for disabling this other tool during the setup and for restarting it again.

The rmm-disable command line utility allows you to disable the module by deactivating access to it.

User Name to Run the RMM 

Beginning with the model E appliances, the default user name after running the rmm-enable command is mwg. With this user name, you have administrator rights.

For the WBG-4500-E appliance, you need to complete the following extra steps to access KVM and VMedia resources.

  • In the user interface for the utility, select Settings | User Management.
  • Submit mwg as user name, then select KVM access and VMedia access.

Remote Management Module configuration parameters

The following table lists the parameters that can be configured when using the command line utility to set up the Remote Management Module.

Parameter Description
LAN channel Selects a network interface card (NIC) on an appliance as the channel for LAN communication.

The following parameter values can be configured.
  • onboard Selects the first of the onboard NICs.
  • rmm — Selects the out-of-band RMM NIC.
LAN IP address Specifies the IP address of the selected LAN channel.
LAN subnet mask Specifies the subnet mask for the selected LAN channel.
LAN default gateway IP Specifies the IP address of the default gateway for the selected LAN channel.
RMM user password

Sets a password for IPMI over LAN and HTTP or HTTPS.

NOTE: For WBG-4500-E appliances, the minimum password length is 8 characters. For F appliances, passwords must also be at least 8 characters, including one uppercase and one numeric character.

Enable the Remote Management Module with a utility

Enable the Remote Management Module (RMM) with the command line utility that is provided for this task.

  1. Connect to the Web Gateway appliance that you want to run the utility on from a system console.

    You can use a local system console, which is directly connected to the appliance, or connect from a remote system console using SSH.
  2. On the command line of the system console, enter the rmm-enable command and suitable settings as you are prompted for them.

    The sample lines below show the console prompts and your input for the command and settings.

    If the SNMPSA tool is also running, the command line utility prompts you to stop this tool after you have entered the command name. Enter yes (or y) to respond to the prompt.

For the WBG-4500-E, 5000-F, and 5500-F appliance models, only the dedicated RMM port is supported; the shared onboard LAN is not. Therefore, you must select rmm when working with these appliance models.

# rmm-enable
Please confirm that SuperDoctor5 can be stopped temporarily. [yes]
Note: When you run the # rmm-enable command on F model appliances, you'll receive a prompt
to stop the SuperDoctor5 service. You need to enter "Yes" to confirm  and stop the service 
to proceed successfully.
Enter LAN Channel (onboard|rmm)     rmm
LAN IP Address <x>.<x>.<x>.<x>
LAN Subnet Mask <x>.<x>.<x>.<x>
LAN Default Gateway IP <x>.<x>.<x>.<x>
RMM Root Password     <not shown>
RMM Root Password     <confirmation not shown>

The command line utility displays the settings that were entered and asks whether they are correct.

LAN Channel             rmm
LAN IP Address
LAN Subnet Mask
LAN Default Gateway IP

Is the above configuration correct?
  1. Enter yes (or y ) after the question if you want to configure these settings. If you enter no (or n), the command line utility prompts you again.

    After you have entered y(es), the command line utility processes the settings and displays the steps that it takes.
Setting RMM Root Password
Setting LAN IP Address to
Setting LAN Subnet Mask to
Setting LAN Default Gateway IP to

Disable the Remote Management Module with a utility

Disable the Remote Management Module using the command line utility provided for this task. For the WBG-4500-E, 5000-F, and 5500-F appliance models, only the dedicated RMM port is supported; the shared onboard LAN is not. Therefore, you must select rmm when disabling them.

To disable the Remote Management Module, the utility deactivates the LAN channel that is configured for access to the module.

  1. Connect to the Web Gateway appliance that you want to run the utility on from a system console.

    You can use a local system console, which is directly connected to the appliance, or connect from a remote system console using SSH.
  2. On the command line of the system console, enter the rmm-disable command and specify the LAN channel that you selected for access to the Remote Management Module.

    The following sample lines show the console prompts and your input for the command and the LAN channel.
# rmm-disable
Enter LAN Channel (onboard|rmm) onboard

The command line utility deactivates the LAN channel by setting the relevant IP addresses to zero without asking for further confirmation, displaying the steps that it takes.

Setting LAN IP Address to
Setting LAN Subnet Mask to
Setting LAN Default Gateway IP to
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