Set Up a Virtual Appliance with Hyper-V
You can set up a virtual machine with Hyper-V and use it as a platform for running the Web Gateway appliance software.
Hyper-V is a role in several Microsoft Windows Server products that provides the tools and services to create virtualized servers. You can use these servers as the virtual machines that are required for running Web Gateway as a virtual appliance.
Multiple virtual appliances can be set up this way on one hardware system, allowing you to work with multiple separate operating systems.
- Install a suitable Microsoft Windows server product on the system where you want to run Web Gateway.
- Set up Hyper-V as the server role.
- Complete the following using the Hyper-V manager.
- Set up Web Gateway as a virtual appliance.
When configuring the virtual appliance settings make sure that dynamic memory is disabled, as this feature is not supported on Web Gateway.
- Set up Web Gateway as a virtual appliance.
- Create a virtual network for the appliance.
- Configure a static MAC address for the virtual appliance.
For more detailed information about how to perform this setup, see the Microsoft Windows documentation on Hyper-V and Set up a Web Gateway on Hyper-V Virtual Platform.