Configure Control of Outbound Source IP Addresses
Replace different outbound source IP addresses with a single address to avoid connection problems.
- Select Configuration | Appliances.
- Select an appliance for configuring the replacement of IP addresses, then select Proxies (HTTP(S), FTP, SOCKS, ICAP ...) and scroll down to Advanced Outgoing Connection Settings.
- Under Outbound source IP list, add one or more IP addresses to the list of source IP addresses for outbound requests.
- Add the following event to an existing rule for connections to web servers or next-hop proxies: Enable Outbound Source IP Override with Proxy.OutboundIP property as a parameter. This can also involve replacing an original HTML request made over IPv4 with a request from an IPv6 address for the override.
The rule now uses the list that you have configured to select an IP address for replacing different outbound source IP addresses.