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Skyhigh Security

Update the Appliance Software with the mwg-edisk Tool

You can reimage the appliance software using the mwg-edisk tool when you need to recover the appliance from a disruption that has happened.

You can perform the reimaging as follows.

  • Using a new image — With the e-disk tool, an ISO image can be written to the embedded eUSB or SATA-DOM devices that the Secure Web Gateway model E and F appliances are equipped with. Older appliance models do not include them.

    The already existing bootable image on the appliance is overwritten with the new image.

    The tool takes a file with the ISO image as input and verifies its cryptographic signature. The tool also selects an appropriate device for writing the image to. This means you do not specify the device in a command.

    The tool also makes sure that overwriting the wrong device, for example, a main disk, is avoided.
  • Using the recovery image on the e-disk — A recovery image has already been written to the e-disk. It is an image of the Secure Web Gateway software version that was pre-installed on the appliance when you purchased it. 

    If you use the recovery image to perform the reimaging, you need not write a new image anywhere. You can just restart the appliance from the e-disk then.

Proceed as follows.

  1. Log on to the appliance where you want to reimage the software from a local system console or remotely using SSH.

    When connecting with SSH, consider using a terminal multiplexer to ensure that the replacement procedure does not fail due to an unstable or broken SSH connection.

    You can use the tmux multiplexer that Secure Web Gateway has installed.
  2. Run this command to write a new ISO image to an embedded device.

    mwg-edisk write <name of the ISO image file>

    The file name usually includes version and build number of the new appliance software, for example, mwgappl-9.2.1-33599.x86_64.iso.

    The image is written to a device and a signature is created for it. The command delivers output, for example, as follows:
    [root@ww5500e1 ~]# mwg-edisk write mwgappl-9.2.0-32699.x86_64.iso
    ISO verification result: PASS
    Writing to: /dev/sdc
    637+0 records in
    637+0 records out
    667942912 bytes (668 MB) copied, 129.239 s, 5.2 MB/s
    Transfer complete.
    # mwg-raid list
    md0 raid1 clean
    md0:0 sda1
    md0:1 sdb1
    md1 raid1 clean
    md1:0 sda2
    md1:1 sdb2
  3. Restart the appliance to install the new appliance software.

    1. Restart the appliance, then press the F6 key to enter the boot menu. When working with the WBG-4500-E, WBG-5000-F, and WBG-5500-F appliances, press F11 to enter the boot menu.

    2. From the boot menu, select 'SanDisk'CruzerFit. For the WBG-4500-E appliance, select P0: McAfee or SATADOM.  For the WBG-5000-F and WBG-5500-F appliances, select M.2 (P80) 3TE6.


      The ISO image that has been written to the embedded device is installed on the appliance.

You have now reimaged the Secure Web Gateway appliance software.

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