Reset the appliance password
You can reset the appliance password, which is the root password that is required for working with the command line interface on a system console to access Web Gateway.
- On the user interface of Web Gateway, select Troubleshooting.
- On the appliances tree. select the appliance you want to reset the root password on, then click Reset appliance password.
- Type the new password in the input field that is provided, repeat it in the next field, then click Change Password.
The password is reset.
The reset is confirmed by a message under Results. If the password could not be reset or other issues occurred, this is also stated in this field.
NOTE: The password must contain between 8 and 100 characters. It must at least include one upper-case and one lower-case alphabetical, as well as one non-alphabetical character.
To verify that the reset was actually performed, connect to the appliance from a system console using SSH. Use root as the user name and the password that you reset when you log on.
NOTE: You are not allowed to reset the root password in this way if you are running Web Gateway in FIPS mode.