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Skyhigh Security

Enable the creation of core files

You can enable the creation of core files to record memory content after the failure of a function has caused an appliance to terminate operation.


  1. Select Configuration | Appliances.
  2. On the appliances tree, select the appliance Enable the creation of core files.pngyou want to record memory content and click Troubleshooting.
  3. In the Troubleshooting section, select Enable core file generation.
  4. Click Save Changes.
    Core files are now created whenever the appliance terminates due to the failure of a particular function.

You can view the core files, after selecting the appliance under the Troubleshooting top-level menu and clicking Core Files. The files are then displayed in a list.

Using the items on the toolbar, you can perform several file-related activities, such as view or download a file.

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