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Skyhigh Security

Display running AV threads

You can display the threads that are currently running to perform anti-malware scanning activities. Seeing many threads lets you know that scanning a particular request or response is consuming a high amount of resources.

The list of threads that is shown includes the threads that perform scanning activities, as well as the threads that deliver requests and responses to the scanning modules. Both kinds of threads are referred to as anti-malware working threads or simply as AV threads.


  1. Select the Troubleshooting top-level menu.
  2. On the troubleshooting tree, select System Tools, then click AV threads.
    A list of the AV threads appears under Results.
    For each thread, an ID number is shown, the time when the thread was started, its current status, and other information.

NOTE: To export the thread list to a location within your file system, click Export and specify the location in the window that opens.

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