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Skyhigh Security

List of Properties

The following tables provide lists of the properties you can use when configuring web security rules on Secure Web Gateway.

Properties – A

This table describes properties that have names beginning with A.

Name Type Description Parameters
Action.Names List of
List with names of the actions that were performed when processing a request, including the response received upon the request  
Antimalware.Avira.VersionString String Version of the Avira engine that was used to perform a scanning job  
Antimalware.Infected Boolean If true, a web object has been found to be infected by a virus or other malware  
Antimalware.Proactive.Probability  Number Probability that a web object is malware

The probability is a percentage, indicated by a number from 1 to 100
Antimalware.MATD.Error.MessageDetails String Details about an error that occurred when running Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) to interact with Secure Web Gateway in anti-malware filtering

Details are shown in messages on the these errors:
  • Malformed reply
  • Missing/unexpected mandatory values No ATD appliances defined
  • Timeout occurred while scanning
  • TD failed to send status report to Secure Web Gateway
  • Network error
  • and others
Antimalware.MATD.GetReport  Boolean If true, a scanning report exists already for a web object that is to be scanned by Advanced Threat Defense

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Antimalware.MATD.Hash   String Hash value used to identify a file that was received from a web server in response to a download request and scanned by Advanced Threat Defense  
Antimalware.MATD.InitBackgroundScan Boolean If true, data for the current transaction is recorded, including data that is related to a request for web access and the response from the web server

The data is recorded in preparation of the scanning that is performed by Advanced Threat Defense when the web object that should be scanned has already been forwarded to the user who requested it. An internal request is also sent to initiate the scanning.

If this request is not accepted before the timeout (in seconds) that is configured as a parameter of the property has elapsed, the attempt to let additional scanning be performed by Advanced Threat Defense has failed.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Number: Maximum number of seconds that can elapse before an internal request to initiate scanning is accepted
Antimalware.MATD.IsBackgroundScan  Boolean If true, the data that was recorded in preparation of the additional scanning is used by Advanced Threat Defense to scan the web object specified by the data

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Antimalware.MATD.Probability Number Severity grade indicating how malicious a web object is on a scale from 1 (low severity grade) to 5

The severity grade is found when an object is scanned by Advanced Threat Defense.
Antimalware.MATD.Report  String Report for a web object that was scanned by Advanced Threat Defense

The report is provided in JSON data format.
Antimalware.MATD.Server String Server that Advanced Threat Defense was running on when scanning a web object

The server is identified by a URL, for example, http://matdserver300
Antimalware.MATD.TaskID  String Identifier for the task that was performed by Advanced Threat Defense when scanning a web object  
Antimalware.MATD.VersionString String Version of Advanced Threat Defense that was used to perform a scanning job  
Antimalware.MGAM.VersionString  String Version of the Gateway Anti-Malware engine that was used to perform a scanning job  
Antimalware.VersionString   String Version information referring to all engines for virus and malware filtering that were used by Secure Web Gateway to perform a scanning job  
Antimalware.VirusNames List of
List with names of the viruses that a web object has been found to be infected with  
AnyText.Language  String Name of the language that a given text is written in

The languages are identified according to ISO-639-1.
String: Text to find language name for
Application.IsHighRisk  Boolean If true, access to an application is considered a high risk for web security  
Application.IsMediumRisk Boolean If true, access to an application is considered a medium risk for web security  
Application.IsMinimalRisk Boolean If true, access to an application is considered a minimal risk for web security  
Application.IsUnverified  Boolean f true, it has not been verified that access to an application is a risk for web security  
Application.Name Applcontrol Name of an application  
Application.Reputation  Number Reputation score for an application  
Application.ToString  String Name of an application converted into a string Applcontrol: Application name to convert
Authentication.Authenticate Boolean If true, the authentication engine has been called to apply the configured method, for example, NTLM, to the credentials of a user and the user has been authenticated successfully

Values have also been set for the Authentication.IsAuthenticated and Authentication.UserName properties.

If false, it was not possible to apply the configured authentication method successfully, for example, because no credentials or incorrect credentials were submitted.
Authentication.CacheRemainingTime Number Time (in seconds) that remains until authentication credentials are cleared from the cache  
Authentication.Failed Boolean If true, credentials were submitted by a user, but authentication has failed.  
Authentication.FailureReason.ID  Number Number identifying the reason why authentication has failed for a user  
Authentication.FailureReason.Message  String Message text explaining the reason why authentication has failed for a user  
Authentication.GetAzureUserGroups List of
List of user groups that the authentication process is applied to

The list is retrieved from an Azure AD server.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
String: User name submitted by Secure Web Gateway when connecting to an Azure AD server
Authentication.GetUserGroups  List of
List of user groups that the authentication process is applied to

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.GetUserGroups.JSON JSON List of user groups that the authentication process is applied to

The list is provided as a JSON object.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.ICEToken.Attributes List of
List of additional attributes that are retrieved from an ICE token  
Authentication.ICEToken.Audiences List of
List of audiences that are retrieved from an ICE token  
Authentication.ICEToken.Subject  String Subject that is retrieved from an ICE token  
Authentication.IsAuthenticated Boolean If true, a user has been successfully been authenticated  
Authentication.IsLandingOnServer Boolean If true, cookie authentication has been applied for a user  
Authentication.IsServerRequest  Boolean If true, authentication has been requested for a user under the Authentication Server method  
Authentication.Method  String Method used for authenticating a user, for example, LDAP  
Authentication.OTP.Context  String Information required for verifying a one-time password user in encrypted format

The property is set to this value when the Authentication.SendOTP event is executed. When the rules of the Authentication Server (Time/IP Based Session or Authorized Override with OTP library rule sets are processed, the information is sent in the header of a response under the HTTP protocol.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.RawCredentials String Credentials of a user in the format originally received on the appliance from a client or other instances of the network

Using this property for rule configuration will speed up processing because it saves the time used for converting user credentials to a human readable format, as it is done for the simple Authentication.UserName property.
Authentication.RawUserName String Name of a user in the format originally received on the appliance from a client or other instances of the network

Using this property for rule configuration will speed up processing because it saves the time used for converting the user name to a human readable format, as it is done for the simple Authentication.UserName property.
Authentication.Realm String Authentication realm, for example, a Windows domain  
Authentication.SAML.Attributes  List of
Stores a list of attribute name-value pairs extracted from the tag in the SAML response

When there are multiple values for one attribute name, the values are separated by commas.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.SAML.CreateAuthenticationRequest HTTP POST
Creates the SAML authentication request that is sent to the external Identity Provider

Also sets the
Authentication.SAML.IDPSSOEndpoint property to the URL of the external Identity Provider.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.SAML.Error String Describes the error that occurred when the authentication server failed to validate the SAML response.

Error messages are provided by the OpenSAML library.
Authentication.SAML.IDPSSOEndpoint String Specifies the SSO URL of the external Identity Provider

If an error occurs, the user is redirected using this URL.
Authentication.SAML.ParseAuthenticationResponse String Parses the SAML authentication response that is received from the external Identity Provider

If the response is valid, the property returns a list of attribute name-value pairs in the Authentication.SAML.Attributes property. If the response is invalid, the property returns an error in the Authentication.SAML.Error property.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.SAML.RelayState String Stores the value of the ACS URL at the time that the authentication server creates the SAML authentication request

The authentication server sends the RelayState parameter to the external Identity Provider in the authentication request. The Identity Provider returns the parameter unchanged in the authentication response. The proxy can use the value stored in the RelayState to construct the ACS URL when the external Identity Provider does not support dynamic URLs.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Authentication.SOCKSKerberosProtectionLevel Number Number representing the protection level that is used when the SOCKS Kerberos authentication method is configured  
Authentication.Token String Stores the SAML assertion returned by the external Identity Provider  
Authentication.UserGroups List of
List of user groups that the authentication process is applied to  
Authentication.UserName String Name of a user that the authentication process is applied to  


Properties – B

This table describes properties that have names beginning with B.

Name Type Description Parameters
Block.ID Number
ID of an action that blocked a request  
Block.Reason String Name of the reason for an action that blocked a request  
BlockingSession.IsBlocked Boolean If true, a blocking session has been activated for a user

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
BlockingSession.RemainingSession Number

Remaining time of a blocking
session (in minutes)

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

BlockingSession.SessionLength Number Time length of a blocking session
(in minutes)

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Body.ChangeHeaderMime Boolean If true, the header sent in MIME format with the body of a web object has been changed.  
Body.ClassID String ID for a class of web objects  
Body.Equals Boolean If true, the body of a web object
matches the pattern specified by
the property parameters.
  1. Number: Position of byte where pattern begins
  2. String: Pattern
a. String embedded in
double quotes (“ ...”, can
also contain hex values
preceded by \)
b. Sequence of hex
Body.FileName String Name of a file that is embedded in the body of a web object, for example, an archived file  
Body.FileReputationBad Boolean If true, a web object sent with a request or response as its body, for example, a file, is rated as bad by the Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) service.  
Body.FileReputationGood  Boolean  If true, a web object sent with a request or response as its body, for example, a file, is rated as good by the Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) service.  
Body.FileReputationKnown Boolean  If true, the Global Threat
Intelligence (GTI) service provides
a rating for a web object, for
example, a file, sent with a request
or response as its body.
Body.FullFileName String Name of a file that is embedded in the body of a web object, including also the names of the embedding entities, such as documents or archives

Name parts are separated by the | (pipe) symbol, for example,|test.doc.
Body.HasMimeHeader Boolean If true, the body of an extracted multi-part object sent in MIME format has a specified header. String: Header name
Body.HasMimeHeaderParameter Boolean If true, the body of an extracted multi-part object sent in MIME format has a specified header parameter.
  1. String: Header name
  2. String: Header parameter name
Body.Hash String Hash value of the type specified by the property parameter for the body of a web object

Hash types can be md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, and others.
String: Hash type
Body.HashSHA1 String Hash value of the SHA1 type for
the body of a web object
Body.IsAboveSizeLimit Boolean If true, the body of a web object is
above a size limit.
Body.IsAccessRestrictedObject Boolean

If true, access restrictions, such as read or write access, are configured for the body of a web object, for example, a PDF file.

Password protection is not counted among the methods of access restriction with regard to this property.

So if the body of a web object is password-protected, the value of the property is set to false.

Body.IsCompleteWithTimeout Boolean If true, the body of a web object has been completely sent to the appliance before the time (in milliseconds) specified by the property parameter has elapsed. Number: Time allowed to
send object completely)
Body.IsCorruptedObject Boolean If true, an archive contained in the body of a web object is corrupted.  
Body.IsEncryptedObject Boolean If true, an archive contained in the body of a web object is encrypted.  
Body.IsMultiPartObject Boolean If true, an archive contained in the body of a web object is complex, including multiple parts.  
Body.IsSupportedByOpener Boolean If true, an opener device is available on the appliance for the body of a web object that is composite, for example,the body of an archive.  
Body.MimeHeaderParameterlValue String Value of a header parameter in the body of a web object sent in MIME format
  1. String: Header name
  2. String: Header parameter value
Body.MimeHeaderValue String Value of a header in the body of a web object sent in MIME format String: Header value
Body.Modified Boolean If true, an appliance module has
modified the body of a web object.
Body.NestedArchive Level Number Current level of an archive part in
an archive
Body.NotEquals Boolean If false, the body of a web object
matches the pattern specified by
the property parameters.
  1. Number: Position of byte where pattern begins
  2. String: Pattern
a. String embedded in
double quotes (“ ...”, can
also contain hex values
preceded by \)
b. Sequence of hex
Body.NumberOfChildren Number Number of objects embedded in
the body of a web object
Body.PositionOfPattern Number

Position of the byte where the search for a pattern in the body of a web object begins

Returns -1 if the pattern is not

  1. String: Pattern to searce for
a. String embedded in
double quotes (“ ...”, can
also contain hex values
preceded by \)
b. Sequence of hex
  1.  Number: Position of byte
where search for pattern
  1. Number: Search length
(in bytes, 0 means search from offset to end of object)
Body.Size Number Size of the body of a web object (in bytes)  
Body.Text String Text in the body of a web object  
Body.ToNumber Number

Part of the body of a web object converted into a number (maximum 8 bytes beginning at a
specified position)

The big-endian or little-endian format can be used for the conversion.

  1. Number: Position of byte where converted part begins
  2. Number: Length of converted part (in bytes, maximum 8) 0 for the first parameter and the respective value of the Body.Size property for the second means the whole body is converted.
  3. Boolean: If true, little-endian format is used for conversion,otherwise big-endian
Body.ToString String Part of the body of a web object
converted into a string
  1. Number: Position of byte where converted part begins
  2. Number: Length of converted part (in bytes) 0 for the first parameter and the respective value of the Body.Size property for the second means the whole body is converted.
Body.UncompressedSize Number Size of the body of an archived web object (in bytes) after having been extracted from the archive  
BooleanToString String Boolean value converted into a string Boolean: Boolean value to convert
BytesFromClient Number Number of bytes received in a request from a client  
BytesFromServer Number Number of bytes received in a response from a web server  
BytesToClient Number Number of bytes in a web server response that is forwarded to a client  
BytesToServer Number Number of bytes in a client request that is forwarded to a web server  


Properties – C

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with C.

Name Type Description Parameters
Cache.AdditionalKey String Key that can be used in addition to the default key for web caching  
Cache.IsCacheable Boolean If true, an object sent in response from a web server can be stored in the web cache.  
Cache.IsFresh Boolean If true, an object stored in the web cache has either been downloaded from the web or has been verified.  
Cache.Status String Cache status for a web object
  • TCP_HIT – A web object was requested by a user and found in the cache.
  • TCP_MISS – A web object was requested by a user and not found in the cache.
  • TCP_MISS_RELOAD – A web object was requested by a user, but was not taken from the cache because the user required it to be fetched directly from the web server in question by clicking the Refresh button.

    The object was then entered into the cache again.
  • TCP_MISS_VERIFY – A web object was requested by a user and existed in the cache, but verification information from the web server in question showed it was outdated.

    An updated version of the object was received from the server and entered into the cache.
Category.ToShortString String URL category converted into a string that is the category abbreviation Category: Category to
Category.ToString String URL category converted into a string Category:
Category to
Client.IM.Login String ID used by a client to log on to the appliance under an instant messaging protocol  
Client.IM.ScreenName String Screen name of a client communicating with the appliance under an instant messaging protocol  
Client.SystemInfo String JSON string providing detailed information about the endpoint
The information is relayed by the MCP client using the X-SWPS-SystemInfo header.
Client.IP IP IP address of a client  
Client.NumberOfConnections Number Number of connections from a client to the appliance that are open at the same time  
Client.OriginalSourceIP IP IP address of the connection with your
network having one of these values:
  •  IP address of a firewall or other device between your network and the cloud — The property has the same value as Connection.IP.
  • IP address of the endpoint where the web request originated — The endpoint IP address is available when the deployment is hybrid and Client Proxy or IPsec site-to-site authentication is configured in WGCS.

Endpoint is the term used for the client or user computers in your organization that are managed with Trellix ePO or ePO Cloud.

NOTE: You can use this property to write policy rules that apply to particular endpoints in a hybrid deployment. For on-premise deployments, this property retains its default value.
Client.ProcessName String Name of the process that initiated a request sent from a client and redirected to Web Gateway by Client Proxy.  
CloudEncryption.IsEncryptionSupported Boolean If true, encryption can be performed for the data that is uploaded to a cloud storage service with the request that is currently processed.

The Cloud Storage Encryption module finds out whether this is true by evaluating service description files for cloud storage services
and the settings that are configured on Web Gateway, for example, the Cloud Storage Encryption Support settings, which specify the supported cloud storage services.
CloudEncryption.IsDecryptionSupported Boolean

If true, decryption can be performed for the data that is downloaded from a cloud storage service with the request that is currently processed.

For the method of finding out whether this is true, see the description of the CloudEncryption.IsEncryptionSupported property.

CloudEncryption.ServiceName String Name of the cloud storage service that data is uploaded to or downloaded from with the request that is currently processed.

The property is always filled with a value when request are received on Web Gateway for uploading or downloading cloud storage data.

However, the property should not be used in rule criteria to trigger an encryption or decryption event upon a match of the criteria.

For this purpose, the CloudEncryption.IsEncryptionSupported and CloudEncryption.IsDecryptionSupported properties are provided.
CloudEncryption.CipherName String Name of the algorithm (cipher) used for encrypting or decrypting the cloud storage data that is uploaded or downloaded with the request that is currently processed.  
Command.Categories List of
List of categories that a command belongs to, for example, to the FTP command category  
Command.Name String Name of a command  
Command.Parameter String Parameter of a command  
Connection.Aborted Boolean If true, communication on a connection has
finally failed and the connection is closed.
Connection.IP IP IP address used on a connection  
Connection.IPSec Boolean If true, an IPsec VPN tunnel is enabled and configured between WGCS and an IPsec device on your network.

Note: You can use this property when writing policy rules for a hybrid
deployment. For on-premise deployments, this property retains its
default value of false.
Connection.IPSec.Device String Name that you assign to the location of the IPsec device on your network in the WGCS interface:

Note You can use this property when writing policy rules for a hybrid
deployment. For on-premise deployments, this property retains its
default value, an empty string.
Connection.OriginalDestinationIP IP IP address of the destination that a request was originally sent to over a given connection
The default value is 0.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

A rule with this property can, however, be synchronized for use
in the cloud, but only the default value is then retrieved for this property.
Connection.Port Number Port number of the port that a request sent by a client over a given connection is sent on  
Connection.Protocol String Protocol used for communication on a connection, for example, HTTP  
Connection.Protocol.IsIM Boolean If true, communication on a connection uses an instant messaging protocol.  
Connection.Protocol.Parent String The embedding protocol for the protocols that are used in communication with the clients when Web Gateway runs as a proxy under the SOCKS protocol.

This protocol is the SOCKS protocol, while various protocols can be embedded, for example, HTTP or HTTPS.
Connection.RunTime Number Time (in seconds) that a connection has been running since it was opened until the current second  
Connection.SSL.TransparentCNHandling Boolean If true, communication on a connection is SSL-secured and runs in transparent mode.  
Connection.Socketmark Number Numerical value, which is the socket mark for the socket of a connected client  
Connection.Variables.GetStringValue String Object in string format, which is stored on Web Gateway as long as a given connection to a client persists.

The stored string can, for example, be the value of another string-formatted property.
String: Key
to identify
stored string
Connection.Variables.HasString Boolean If true, an object in string format is stored on Web Gateway as long as a given connection to a client persists.

The stored string can, for example, be the value of another string-formatted property.
String: Key
to identify
stored string
Connection.VlanID Number VLAN ID of the network that a client uses to communicate with Web Gateway  
Cycle.LastCall Boolean If true, processing of data is complete for a cycle.  
Cycle.Name String Name of a processing cycle  
Cycle.TopName String Name of a cycle (Requests or Responses) that is processed before a web object is processed in the Embedded Objects cycle  

Properties – D

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with D.

Name Type Description Parameters
DataTrickling.Enabled Boolean If true, data trickling is used for downloading web objects.  
DateTime.Date.MonthDayNumber Number Number of day in month  
DateTime.Date.MonthNumber Number Number of month  
DateTime.Date.ToString String String representing current date (in the format specified by the property parameters)

String including the following three parts:

  1. %YYYY (for the year)


%YY (last two digits)


%Y (last two digits, but only one digit if the last two digits begin with 0, for example, 9 for 2009)

  1. %MM (for the month number with 0 inserted before one-digit numbers)


%M (0 is not inserted, for example, 3 for March and 12 for December)

  1. %DD (for the day)



If no parameter is specified, the format is: %YYYY/%MM /%DD

DateTime.Date.WeekDayNumber Number Number of day in week (1 is Sunday)  
DateTime.Date.Year Number Year (four digits)  
DateTime.Date.YearTwoDigits Number Year (last two digits)  
DateTime.GMTString.FromEpoch String

Representing current time (in
GMT format, converted from number
of UNIX epoch seconds specified by
the property parameter)

The property can be used with the
DateTime.IsInRangeGMT property in a rule that checks whether a time
range has expired, for example, the
time range set for cookie expiration

Number: Current time in UNIX epoch seconds
DateTime.IsInRangeGMT Boolean

If true, the current time is in the
range specified by one string in GMT
format for the beginning of the range
and another for the end.

The strings can be provided using the
property with different values.

When an irregular time value is
specified in a parameter, it is
corrected as follows.

An irregular value for a day, such as
Feb 31, is corrected to the regular
value that matches it.

For example:

Feb 31 00:00:00 GMT 2018

is corrected to:

Mar 3 00:00:00 GMT 2018

Irregular values for hours and
minutes are rejected as invalid.

Irregular values for seconds are
handled as follows.

  • 61 is corrected to 1:01
  • 62 to 69 are rejected as invalid.
  • 70 and higher are corrected by deleting the last digit or digits, so that a regular value is created.

70 becomes 7 this way, 96
becomes 9, 100 becomes 10, and
so on.

So, for example:
Jun 15 00:00:61 GMT 2018
is corrected to:
Jun 15 00:01:01 GMT 2018
Jun 15 00:00:96 GMT 2018
is corrected to:
Jun 15 00:00:09 GMT 2018

  1. String: Date and Time in GMT format.
  2. String: Date and Time in GMT format.
DateTime.IsInRangeISO Boolean

If true, the current time is in the range specified by one string in ISO format for the beginning of the range and another for the end.

The strings can be provided using the DateTime.ISOString.FromEpoch property with different values.

When an irregular time value is specified in a parameter, is corrected as follows.

An irregular value for a day, such as Feb 31, is corrected to the regular value that matches it.

For example:

2018-02-31 00:00:00

is corrected to:

2018-03-03 00:00:00

Irregular values for hours and minutes are rejected as invalid.

Irregular values for seconds are handled as follows.

  • 61 is corrected to 1:01
  • 62 to 69 are rejected as invalid.
  • 70 and higher are corrected by deleting the last digit or digits, so that regular values are created.

70 becomes 7 this way, 96 becomes 9, 100 becomes 10 and so on.

So, for example:

2018-06-15 00:00:61

is corrected to:

2018-06-15 00:01:01


2018-06-15 00:00:96

is corrected to:

2018-06-15 00:00:09

  1. String: Date and Time in ISO format
  2. String: Date and Time in ISO format
DateTime.ISOString.FromEpoch String

String representing current time (in ISO format, converted from number of UNIX epoch seconds specified by the property parameter)

The property can be used with the DateTime.IsInRangeISO property in a rule that checks whether a time range set for cookie expiration.

Number: Current time in UNIX epoch seconds
DateTime.Time.Hour Number Hour (in 24-hours format, for example, 1 p. m. is 13)  
DateTime.Time.Minute Number Minute in hour  
DateTime.Time.Second Number Second in minute  
DateTime.Time.ToString String String representing current time (in the format specified by the property parameters)

String including the following three parts:

1 %h (for the hour) or: %hh (with 0 inserted before a one-digit hour)

2 %m (for the minute) or: %mm

3 %s (for the second) or: %ss

If no parameter is specified, the format is:


DateTime.ToGMTString String

String representing current date and time in Greenwich Mean Time format

For example, “Mon, 22 March 2012 11:45:36 GMT”

DateTime.ToISOString String

String representing current date and time in ISO format

For example, "2012-03-22 11:45:12"

DateTime.ToNumber Number Current time in number of seconds since beginning of 1/1/1970 (UNIX epoch time)  
DateTime.ToString String String representing current date and time (in the format specified by the property parameters)

String: including the part of the
and DateTime.Time.
ToString properties

If no parameter is specified, the format is:

%YYYY/%MM /%DD %hh:%mm:%ss

DateTime.ToWebReporterString String

String representing current date and time in Web Reporter format

For example, “29/Oct/2012:14:28:15 +0000”

DecimalNumber.ToString String

Decimal number converted to a string

The string is truncated according to a parameter.

For example, 10.12345 is truncated
to 10.12 if this parameter is 2.

  1. Number: Decimal number to convert
  2. Number: Number of places after the decimal point


Dimension.ToString String Dimension converted into a string Dimension: Dimension to convert
DLP.Classification.AnyText.Matched Boolean If true, a given text string is specified as sensitive or inappropriate content by one or more entries in classification lists. String: Text checked for being sensitive or inappropriate
DLP.Classification.AnyText.MatchedClassifications List of String

List of entries in classification lists
that specify a given text string as
sensitive or inappropriate

The list is filled when
DLP.ClDssificDtion.AnyText.MDtched has been set to true.

String: Text checked for
being sensitive or
DLP.Classification.AnyText.MatchedTerms List of String

List of terms including a given text
string that is specified as sensitive or
inappropriate by one or more entries
in classification lists

The list is filled when
DLP.ClDssificDtion.AnyText.MDtched has been set to true.

String: Text checked for
being sensitive or
DLP.Classification.BodyText.Matched Boolean If true, the text of a request or
response body includes content that
is specified as sensitive or
inappropriate by one or more entries
in classification lists.
DLP.Classification.BodyText.MatchedClassifications List of String

List of entries in classification lists
that specify the sensitive or
inappropriate content found in the
body text of requests or responses

The list is filled when
has been set to true

DLP.Classification.BodyText.MatchedTerms List of String

List of terms in request or response
body text that are sensitive or
inappropriate content according to
one or more entries in classification

The list is filled when
has been set to true

DLP.Dictionary.AnyText.Matched Boolean If true, a given text string is specified
as sensitive or inappropriate content
on a dictionary list
String: Text checked for
being sensitive or
DLP.Dictionary.AnyText.MatchedTerms List of String

List of terms including a given text
string that is specified as sensitive or
inappropriate on a dictionary list

The list is filled when DLP.Dictionary .AnyText.Matched has been set to true

String: Text checked for
being sensitive or
DLP.Dictionary.BodyText.Matched Boolean If true, the text of a request or
response body includes content that
is specified as sensitive or
inappropriate by an entry you made
in a dictionary list
DLP.Dictionary.BodyText.MatchedTerms List of String

List of the terms in request or
response body text that are sensitive
or inappropriate content according
to the entries you made in a
dictionary list

The list is filled when
DLP.Dictionary.BodyText.Matched has been set to true

DNS.Lookup List of IP List of IP addresses found in a DNS
lookup for a host name
String: Host name
DNS.Lookup.Reverse List of String List of host names found in a reverse
DNS lookup for an IP address
IP: IP address
DXL.Query String Information retrieved about a topic
by sending a DXL query to a service
  1. String: Topic that the query is about
  2. String: Information about the topic that the query retrieves as response


Properties – E

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with E.

Name Type Description Parameters
Error.ID Number ID of an error  
Error.Message String Message text describing an error  
ExtLists.Boolean Boolean

Boolean value

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Value holding the place of a term that identifies an external list source, for example in a URL
  2. String: as above
  3. String: as above
ExtLists.Category Category

URL category

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.CategoryList List of Category

List of URL categories

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.Double Double

Double value

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.DoubleList List of Double

List of Double Values

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.Integer Integer


This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.IntegerList List of Integer

List of integers

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.IP IP

IP address

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.IPList List of IP

List of IP addresses

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.IPRange IPRange

IP address range

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.IPRangeList List of IPRange

List of IP address ranges

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above

List of JSON elements

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.LastUsedListName String String representing name of settings for
the External Lists module that were used
ExtLists.MediaType Media Type

Media type

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.MediaTypeList List of Media Type

List of media types

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.String String


This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.StringList List of String

List of strings

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.StringMap List of String

List of strings representing map type pairs
of keys and values

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.Wildcard Wildcard Expression

Wildcard (regular) expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above
ExtLists.WildcardList List of Wildcard

List of wildcard (regular) expressions

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

As above


Properties – F

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with F.

Name Type Description Parameters
FileSystemLogging.MakeAnonymous String

Key that can be used in addition to the default key for web caching

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

A rule with this property can,
however, be synchronized for use
in the cloud, but only the default
value is then retrieved for this

String: String to encrypt


Properties – G

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with G.

Name Type Description Parameters
GTI.RequestSentToCloud Boolean If true, a lookup request for URL category information was
sent to the Global Threat Intelligence server

Properties – H

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with H.

Name Type Description Parameters
Header.Block.Exists Boolean

If true, a header with the specified
name is sent with a block page

The header and block page are sent in
the response cycle responding to a
client request.

String: Header name
Header.Block.ExistsMatching Boolean

If true, a header with the specified
name is sent with a block page and
matches a given wildcard expression

The header and block page are sent in the response cycle responding to a client request.

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.Block.Get String

First value found for a header with the
specified name that is sent with a block

The header and block page are sent in
the response cycle responding to a
client request

String: Header name
Header.Block.GetMatching String

First value found for a header with the specified name that is sent with a block page and matches a given wildcard expression.

The header and block page are sent in the response cycle responding to a client request

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.Block.GetMultiple List of String

List of all values found for a header with the specified name that is sent with a block page.

The header and block page are sent in the response cycle responding to a client request.

String: Header name
Header.Block.GetMultipleMatching List of String

List of all values found for a header with the specified name that is sent with a block page and matches a given wildcard expression.

The header and block page are sent in the response cycle responding to a client request.

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.Exists Boolean

If true, a specified header is contained in a request or response that is processed on the appliance.

It depends on the current processing cycle whether it is actually a request or response that contains the header.

String: Header name
Header.Get String

First value found for the specified header in a request or response that is processed on the appliance

It depends on the current processing cycle whether it is actually a request or response that contains the header

String: Header name
Header.GetMultiple List of String

List of values found for a specified header in a request or response that is processed on the appliance

It depends on the current processing cycle whether it is actually a request or response that contains the header

String: Header name
Header.ICAP.Request.Exists Boolean

If true, a specified header is contained in a request sent in ICAP communication

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

String: Header name
Header.ICAP.Request.ExistsMatching Boolean

If true, a specified header is contained in a request sent in ICAP communication and matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

String: Header name
Header.ICAP.Request.Get String

First value found for a specified header in a request sent in ICAP communication

This property is not eligible for cloud us

String: Header name
Header.ICAP.Request.GetMatching String

First value found for a specified header in a request sent in ICAP communication that also matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.ICAP.Response.Exists Boolean

If true, a specified header is contained in a response received in ICAP communication

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

String: Header name
Header.ICAP.Response.ExistsMatching Boolean

If true, a specified header is contained in a response received in ICAP communication and matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.ICAP.Response.Get String

First value found for a specified header in a response received in ICAP communication

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

String: Header name

Header.ICAP.Response.GetMatching String

First value found for a specified header in a response received in ICAP communication that also matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Header name
  2. Wildcard expression
Header.Request.Exists Boolean If true, a specified header is contained in a request String: Header name
Header.Request.Get String First value found for a specified header in a request String: Header name
Header.Request.GetAll String

Concatenated string consisting of all original headers in requests received from a client

Original values are the values that the headers had when the requests were received on Web Gateway.

The headers are concatenated in the order in which they were received. They are separated by \r\n.

The value for this property is truncated if its length exceeds 100000 bytes.

Example (two concatenated headers): Host:\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.55.1\r\n

Header.Request.GetMultiple List of String List of values found for a specified header in a request String: Header name
Header.Response.Exists Boolean If true, a specified header is contained in a response. String: Header name
Header.Response.Get String First value found for a specified header in a response String: Header name
Header.Response.GetAll String

Concatenated string consisting of all original headers in responses received from a server

Original values are the values that the headers had when the responses were received on Web Gateway.

The headers are concatenated in the order in which they were received. They are separated by \r\n.

The value for this property is truncated if its length exceeds 100000 bytes.

Example (two concatenated headers): Content-Type: text/html \r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n

Header.Response.GetMultiple List of String List of values found for a specified header in a response String: Header name
Hex.ToString String Hex value converted into a string Hex: Hex value to convert
HTML.Element.Attribute String String representing an attribute of an HTML element  
HTML.Element.Dimension Dimension Dimension of an HTML element (width and height)  
HTML.Element.HasAttribute Boolean If true, an HTML element has a specified attribute String: Attribute name
HTML.Element.Name String Name of an HTML element  
HTML.Element.ScriptType String Script type of an HTML element, for example, JavaScript or Visual Basic Script  

Properties – I

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with I.

Name Type Description Parameters
ICAP.Policy String Name of a policy included in an ICAP request for a URL  
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.Exists Boolean If true, a response sent from an ICAP server in REQMOD
mode contains a specified header.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.ExistsMatching Boolean If true, a response sent from an ICAP server in REQMOD
mode contains a specified header and matches a given
wildcard expression.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.Get String First value found for a specified header in a REQMOD response

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.GetMatching String

First value found for a specified header in a REQMOD response that also matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.GetMultiple List of
List of values found for a specified header in a REQMOD response

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
ICAP.ReqMod.ResponseHeader.GetMultipleMatching List of
List of values found for a specified header in a REQMOD response that also match a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
ICAP.ReqMod.Satisfaction Boolean If true, an ICAP server has replaced a request with a

The ICAP server does this after sending a message that a particular request is blocked.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
ICAP.RespMod.EncapsulatedHTTPChanged Boolean If true, an ICAP server has changed the HTTP state for a response sent in RESPMOD mode.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.Exists Boolean If true, a response sent from an ICAP server in RESPMOD mode contains a specified header.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
String: Header name
ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.ExistsMatching Boolean

If true, a response sent from an ICAP server in RESPMOD mode contains a specified header that also matches a given wildcard expression.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.Get String

First value found for a specified header in a RESPMOD response

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.GetMatching String

First value found in a RESPMOD response for a specified header that also matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.GetMultiple List of

List of values found for a specified header in a RESPMOD response

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

ICAP.RespMod.ResponseHeader.GetMultipleMatching List of

List of values found in a RESPMOD response for a specified header that also matches a given wildcard expression

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

  1. String: Headername
  2. Wildcard expression
IM.Direction String

Direction of a chat message sent or a file transferred under an instant messaging protocol and processed on the appliance

For a chat message sent from a client to the appliance, the direction could, for example, be specified as out, for a message sent from a server to the appliance it could be specified as in.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.FileName String

Name of a file transferred under an instant messaging

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.FileSize Number

Size of a file transferred under an instant messaging protocol (in bytes)

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.MessageCanSendBack Boolean

If true, a block message or other message can be sent from the appliance to a user of an instant messaging service.

A block message is, for example, sent back to a user
who submitted a chat message during a time interval that is not allowed for chatting.

A message can typically not be sent before a user has
completed the procedure for logging on to the instant
messaging service.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.Notification String

Name of a template used for sending a notification from the appliance to a user of an instant messaging service, for example, a block message

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.Recipient String

Name of a client that receives a chat message or file under an instant messaging protocol

This name can also be a group name (group ID) when a chat message is sent to a group of recipients.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

IM.Sender String

Name of a client that sends a chat message or file under an instant messaging protocol

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.AffectedHost IP

IP address of a host that is involved in an incident, for
example, a web server that the appliance cannot connect to

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.Description String

Plain-text description of an incident

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.ID Number

ID of an incident
For a list of these IDs, refer to the List of incident IDs.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.Origin Number

Number specifying the appliance component that is the origin of an incident

  1. Appliance system
  2. Core subsystem
  3. Coordinator
  4. subsystem
  5. Anti-Malware process
  6. Log File Manager
  7. sysconf daemon
  8. User interface
  9. SaaS connector
  10. Unidentified origin

The origin of an incident is further specified by the
Incident.OriginName property.

For the origin of an incident with a particular ID, refer to the List of incident IDs.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.OriginName String

Name of an appliance component that is the origin of an incident, for example, Core or Log File Manager

The name can be that of one of the main components that are listed under Incident.Origin.

It can also be the name of a subcomponent, which
appears together with the Incident.Origin number for the related main component.

For example, the value ofIncident.OriginName could be 2 Proxy.

For the origin name of an incident with a particular ID,
refer to the List of incident IDs.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

Incident.Severity Number

Severity of an incident Severity levels:

  1. Emergency
  2. Alert
  3. Critical
  4. Error
  5. Warning
  6. Notice
  7. Informational
  8. Debug

These levels are the same as those used in syslog entries.

For the severity level of an incident with a particular ID, refer to the List of incident IDs.

This property is not eligible for cloud use.

InTheCloud Boolean if true, a rule that is currently processed is executed in the cloud  
IP.ToString String IP address converted into a string IP: IP address
to convert
IPRange.ToString String Range of IP addresses converted into a string IPRange: Range of IP addresses to


Properties – J 

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with J.

Name Type Description Parameters
JSON.ArrayAppend JSON JSON array with specified element appended
  1. JSON: Array
  2. JSON: Element to append
JSON.AsBool Boolean Value of specified JSON element returned as
Boolean value

Note: The element value must be a Boolean
JSON: Element
JSON.AsNumber Number Value of specified JSON element returned as

Note: The element value must be a number in
Long, Double, or Hexadecimal format.
JSON: Element
JSON.AsString String Value of specified JSON element returned as

Note: The element value must be a string.
JSON: Element
JSON.CreateArray JSON New empty JSON array  
JSON.CreateObject JSON New empty JSON object  
JSON.CreateNull JSON JSON element value null  
JSON.FromBool JSON JSON element value created from Boolean
Boolean: Boolean value to
create JSON element value
JSON.FromNumber JSON JSON element value created from number Number: Number to create
JSON element value from
JSON.FromNumberList String JSON element value created from number list List of Number: Number list
to create JSON element
value from
JSON.FromString JSON JSON element value created from string String: String to create JSON
element value from
JSON.FromStringList JSON JSON element value created from string list List of String: String list to
create JSON element value
JSON.GetAt JSON JSON element value retrieved from specified
position in specified array
  1. JSON: Array
  2. Number: Position of element
JSON.GetByName JSON JSON element identified by key retrieved from
specified object
  1. JSON: Object
  2. String: Element key
JSON.GetType String Type of specified JSON element JSON: Element
JSON.PutAt JSON JSON array with element inserted in specified
  1. JSON: Array
  2. Number: Position of element
  3. JSON: Element
JSON.ReadFromString JSON JSON element created from specified string String: String to create
element from
JSON.RemoveAt JSON JSON array with element at specified position
  1. JSON: Array:
  2. Number: Position of element
JSON.RemoveByName JSON JSON object with element identified by
specified key removed
  1. JSON: Object
  2. String: Element key
JSON.Size Number  Number of elements in specified JSON object
or array
JSON: Object or array
JSON.StoreByName JSON JSON object with element value stored under
specified key

If the object does not exist yet, it is created
under the name that is specified for the
  1. JSON: Object
  2. String: Element key
  3. JSON: Element value
JSON.ToString String JSON element value converted into a string

Note: The element value can be a string or in
any of the other data formats for
element values.
JSON: Element value to

Properties – L

The following table describes the properties that have names beginning with L.

Name Type Description Parameters
License.RemainingDays Number Remaining time until a
license expires (in days)
List.LastMatches String String containing all
elements that have been
found to match when
two lists are compared
using an operator such
as at least one in list or all
in list
Matches are only added
to the list as long it has
not yet been decided
whether the relationship
between the lists that
the operator evaluates
exists or not.
For example, list A
contains the elements 1,
2, 3, whereas list B
contains 1, 2, 4.
Both lists are compared
using the at least one in
list operator.
To find out that list A
actually contains at least
one element of list B, the
operator only needs to
compare element 1 in
both lists and detect that
they match.
List.LastMatches then
contains 1 because it has
been found to be a
2 is also a match in the
two lists, but is not
contained in
List.LastMatches because
it was not evaluated by
the operator and found
to be a match.
It was not evaluated
because the operator
had already found out
after evaluating the 1 in
both lists that at least
one element of list A was
also in list B.
If the property
has "true" as its value,
the string that is specified as its first
parameter is set as the
value of List.LastMatches.
This means
List.LastMatches then
provides a string that
matched in a list of
domain names, being
either the name of a
domain or a subdomain.
The same applies for the
ns and List.LastMatches.
List.OfCategory.Append List of
List of URL categories
that a category is
appended to
  1. List of Category: List to append category to
  2. Category: Category to append
List.OfCategory.ByName List of Category List of URL categories
(specified by its name)
String: List name
List.OfCategory.Erase List of Category List of URL categories
with specified category
  1. List of Category: List with category to erase
  2. Number: Position of category to erase
List.OfCategory.EraseElementRange List.OfCategory.EraseElementRange List of URL categories
with specified range of
categories erased
  1. List of Category: List with categories to erase
  2. Number: Position of first category to erase
  3. Number: Position of last category to erase
List.OfCategory.EraseList List of Category List of URL categories
with categories that are
also on other list erased
  1. List of Category: List with categories to erase
  2. List of Category: List of categories to erase on first list
List.OfCategory.Find Number Position of a URL category on a list
  1. List of Category: List with category to find position for
  2. Category: Category to find position for
List.OfCategory.Get Category URL category specified
by its position on a list
List of Category: List containing category
Number: Position of category on list
List.OfCategory.GetElementRange List of
List of URL categories
extracted from other list
  1. List of Category: List with categories to extract
  2. Number: Position of first category to extract
  3. Number: Position of last category to extract
List.OfCategory.Insert List of
List of URL categories
with specified category
  1. List of Category: List to insert category in
  2. Category: Category to insert
List.OfCategory.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of Category: List to check
for being empty
List.OfCategory.Join List of
List of URL categories
created by joining two
  1. List of Category: First list to join
  2. List of Category: Second list to join
List.OfCategory.Reverse List of
List of URL categories
that has its original order
List of Category: List in
original order
List.OfCategory.Size Number Number of URL
categories on a list
List of Category: List to
provide number of
categories for
List.OfCategory.Sort List of
List of URL categories
sorted in alphabetical
List of Category: List to sort
List.OfCategory.ToShortString String List of URL categories
converted into a list of
their abbreviated name
List of Category: List to
List.OfCategory.ToString String List of URL categories
converted into a string
List of Category: List to
List.OfDimension.Append List of Dimension List of dimensions that a
dimension is appended
  1. List of Dimension: List to append dimension to
  2. Dimension: Dimension to append
List.OfDimension.ByName List of
List of dimensions
specified by its name
String: List name
List.OfDimension.Erase List of
List of dimensions with
specified dimension
  1. List of Dimension: List with dimension to erase
  2. Number: Position of dimension to erase
List.OfDimension.EraseElementRange List of
List of dimensions with
specified range of
dimensions erased
  1. List of Dimension: List with dimension range to erase
  2. Number: Position of first dimension to erase
  3. Number: Position of last dimension to erase
List.OfDimension.EraseList List of
List of dimensions with
dimensions that are also
on other list erased
  1. List of Dimension: List with dimensions to erase
  2. List of Dimension: List of dimensions to erase on first list
List.OfDimension.Find Number Position of a dimension
on a list
  1. List of Dimension: List with dimension to find position for
  2. Dimension: Dimension to find position for
List.OfDimension.Get Dimension Dimension specified by
its position on a list
  1. List of Dimension: List containing dimension
  2. Number: Position of dimension on list
List.OfDimension.GetElementRange List of
List of dimensions
extracted from other list
  1. List of Dimension: List with dimensions to extract
  2. Number: Position of first dimension to extract
  3. Number: Position of last dimension to extract
  4. Dimension: Dimension to insert
List.OfDimension.Insert List of
List of dimensions with
specified dimension
  1. List of Dimension: List to insert dimension in
  2. Dimension: Dimension to insert
List.OfDimension.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of Dimension: List to
check for being empty
List.OfDimension.Join List of
List of dimensions
created by joining two
  1. List of Dimension: First list to join
  2. List of Dimension: Second list to join
List.OfDimension.Reverse List of
List of dimensions that
has its original order
List of Dimension: List in
original order
List.OfDimension.Size Number Number of dimensions
on a list
List of Dimension: List to
provide number of
dimensions for
List.OfDimension.Sort List of
List of dimensions sorted
in alphabetical order
List of Dimension: List to sort
List.OfDimension.ToString String List of dimensions
converted into a string
List of Dimension: List to
List.OfHex.Append List of Hex List of hex values
specified by its name
String: List name
List.OfHex.ByName List of Hex String: List name String: List name
List.OfHex.Erase List of Hex List of hex values with
specified value erased
  1. List of Hex: List with hex value to erase
  2. Number: Position of hex value to erase
List.OfHex.EraseElementRange List of Hex List of hex values with
specified range of values
  1. List of Hex: List with hex values to erase
  2. Number: Position of first hex value to erase
  3. Number: Position of last hex value to erase
List.OfHex.EraseList List of Hex List of hex values with
values that are also on
other list erased
  1. List of Hex: List with hex values to erase
  2. List of Hex: List of hex values to erase on first list
List.OfHex.Find Number Position of a hex value
on a list
  1. List of Hex: List with hex value to find position for
  2. Hex: Hex value to find position for
List.OfHex.Get Hex Hex value specified by its
position on a list
  1. List of Hex: List containing hex value
  2. Number: Position of hex value on list
List.OfHex.GetElementRange List of Hex List of hex values
extracted from other list
  1. List of Hex: List with hex values to extract
  2. Number: Position of first hex value to extract
  3. Number: Position of last hex value to extract
List.OfHex.Insert List of Hex List of hex values with
specified value inserted
List of Hex: List to insert hex value in
Hex: Hex value to insert
List.OfHex.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of Hex: List to check for
being empty
List.OfHex.Join List of Hex List of hex values created
by joining two lists
List of Hex: First list to join
List of Hex: Second list to join
List.OfHex.Reverse List of Hex List of hex values that
has its original order
List of Hex: List in original
List.OfHex.Size Number Number of hex values on
a list
List of Hex: List to provide
number of hex values for
List.OfHex.Sort List of Hex List of sorted hex values List of Hex: List to sort
List.OfHex.ToString String List of hex values
converted into a string
List of Hex: List to convert
List.OfIP.Append List of IP List of IP addresses that
an IP address is
appended to
List of IP: List to append IP address to
IP: IP address to append
List.OfIP.ByName List of IP List of IP addresses
(specified by its name)
String: List name
List.OfIP.Erase List of IP List of IP addresses with
specified address erased
  1. List of IP: List with IP address to erase
  2. Number: Position of IP address to erase
List.OfIP.EraseElementRange List of IP List of IP addresses with
specified range of
addresses erased
  1. List of IP: List with IP addresses to erase
  2. Number: Position of first IP address to erase
  3. Number: Position of last IP address to erase
List.OfIP.EraseList List of IP List of IP addresses with
addresses that are also
on other list erased
  1. List of IP: List with IP addresses to erase
  2. List of IP: List of IP addresses to erase on first list
List.OfIP.Find Number Position of an IP address
on a list
  1. List of IP: List with IP address to find position for
  2. IP: IP address to find position for
List.OfIP.Get IP IP address specified by
its position on a list
  1. List of IP: List containing IP address
  2. Number: Position of IP address on list
List.OfIP.GetElementRange List of IP List of IP addresses
extracted from another
  1. List of IP: List with IP addresses to extract
  2. Number: Position of first IP address to extract
  3. Number: Position of last IP address to extract
List.OfIP.Insert List of IP List of IP addresses with
specified address
  1. List of IP: List to insert IP address in
  2. IP: IP address to insert
List.OfIP.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty
List of IP: List to check for
being empty
List.OfIP.Join List of IP List of IP addresses
created by joining two
List of IP: First list to join
List of IP: Second list to
List.OfIP.Reverse List of IP List of IP addresses that
has its original order
List of IP: List in original
List.OfIP.Size Number Number of IP addresses
on a list
List of IP: List to provide
number of IP addresses for
List.OfIP.Sort List of IP List of sorted IP
List of IP: List to sort
List.OfIP.ToString String List of IP addresses
converted into a string
List of IP: List to convert
List.OfIPRange.Append List of
List of IP address ranges
that an IP address range
is appended to
List of IPRange: List to
append IP address range
IPRange: IP address range
to append
List.OfIPRange.ByName List of
List of IP address ranges
specified by its name
String: List name
List.OfIPRange.Erase List of
List of IP address ranges
with specified range
List of IPRange: List with IP
address range to erase
Number: Position of IP
address range to erase
List.OfIPRange.EraseElementRange List of IPRange List of IP address ranges with specified ranges erased
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address ranges to erase
  2. Number: Position of first IP address to erase
  3. Number: Position of last IP address to erase
List.OfIP.EraseList List of IP List of IP addresses with addresses that are also on other list erased
  1. List of IP: List with IP addresses to erase
  2. List of IP: List of IP addresses to erase on first list
List.OfIP.Find Number Position of an IP address on a list
  1. List of IP: List with IP address to find position for
  2. IP: IP address to find position for
List.OfIP.Get IP IP address specified by its position on a list
  1. List of IP: List containing IP address
  2. Number: Position of IP address on list
List.OfIP.GetElementRange List of IP List of IP addresses extracted from another list
  1. List of IP: List with IP addresses to extract
  2. Number: Position of first IP address to extract
  3. Number: Position of last IP address to extract
List.OfIP.Insert List of IP List of IP addresses with specified address inserted
  1. List of IP: List to insert IP address in
  2. IP: IP address to insert
List.OfIP.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list is empty List of IP: List to check for being empty
List.OfIP.Join List of IP List of IP addresses created by joining two lists
  1. List of IP: First list to join
  2. List of IP: Second list to join
List.OfIP.Reverse List of IP List of IP addresses that has its original order reverted List of IP: List in original order
List.OfIP.Size Number Number of IP addresses on a list List of IP: List to provide number of IP addresses for
List.OfIP.Sort List of IP List of sorted IP addresses List of IP: List to sort
List.OfIP.ToString String List of IP addresses converted into a string List of IP: List to convert
List.OfIPRange.Append List of IPRange List of IP address ranges that an IP address range is appended to
  1. List of IPRange: List to append IP address range to
  2. IPRange: IP address range to append
List.OfIPRange.ByName List of IPRange List of IP address ranges specified by its name String: List name
List.OfIPRange.Erase List of IPRange List of IP address ranges with specified range erased
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address range to erase
  2. Number: Position of IP address range to erase
List.OfIPRange.EraseElementRange List of IPRange List of IP address ranges with specified ranges erased
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address ranges to erase
  2. Number: Position of first IP address range to erase
  3. Number: Position of last IP address range to erase
List.OfIPRange.EraseList List of IPRange List of IP address ranges with ranges that are also on other list erased
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address ranges to erase
  2. List of IPRange: List of IP address ranges to erase on first list
List.OfIPRange.Find Number Position of an IP address range on a list
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address range to find position for
  2. IPRange: IP address range to find position for
List.OfIPRange.Get IPRange IP address range specified by its position on a list
  1. List of IPRange: List containing IP address range
  2. Number: Position of IP address range on list
List.OfIPRange.GetElementRange List of IPRange List of IP address ranges extracted from other list
  1. List of IPRange: List with IP address ranges to extract
  2. Number: Position of first IP address range to extract
  3. Number: Position of last IP address range to extract
List.OfIPRange.Insert List of IPRange List of IP address ranges with specified range inserted
  1. List of IPRange: List to insert IP address range in
  2. IPRange: IP address range to insert
List.OfIPRange.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list is empty List of IPRange: List to check for being empty
List.OfIPRange.Join List of IPRange List of IP address ranges created by joining two lists
  1. List of IPRange: First list to join
  2. List of IPRange: Second list to join
List.OfIPRange.Reverse List of IPRange List of IP address ranges that has its original order reverted List of IPRange: List in original order
List.OfIPRange.Size Number Number of IP address ranges on a list List of IPRange: List to provide number of IP address ranges for
List.OfIPRange.Sort List of IPRange List of sorted IP address ranges List of IPRange: List to sort
List.OfIPRange.ToString String List of IP address ranges converted into a string List of IPRange: List to convert
List.OfMediaType.Append List of MediaType List of media types that a media type is appended to
  1. List of MediaType: List to append media type to
  2. MediaType: Media type to append
List.OfMediaType.ByName List of MediaType List of media types specified by its name String: List name
List.OfMediaType.Erase List of MediaType List of media types with specified type erased
  1. List of MediaType: List with media type to erase
  2. Number: Position of media type to erase
List.OfMediaType.EraseElementRange List of MediaType List of media types with specified range of types erased
  1. List of MediaType: List with media types to erase
  2. Number: Position of first media type to erase
  3. Number: Position of last media type to erase
List.OfMediaType.EraseList List of MediaType List of media types with types that are also on other list erased
  1. List of MediaType: List with media types to erase
  2. List of MediaType: List of media types to erase on first list
List.OfMediaType.Find Number Position of a media type on a list
  1. List of MediaType: List with media type to find position for
  2. MediaType: Media type to find position for
List.OfMediaType.Get MediaType Media type specified by its position on a list
  1. List of MediaType: List containing media type
  2. Number: Position of media type on list
List.OfMediaType.GetElems List of
List of media types
extracted from other list
  1. List of MediaType: List with media types to extract
  2. Number: Position of first media type to extract
  3. Number: Position of last media type to extract
List.OfMediaType.Insert List of
List of media types with
specified type inserted
  1. List of MediaType: List to insert media type in
  2. MediaType: Media type to insert
List.OfMediaType.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of MediaType: List to
check for being empty
List.OfMediaType.Join List of
List of media types
created by joining two
  1. List of MediaType: First list to join
  2. List of MediaType: Second list to join
List.OfMediaType.Reverse List of
List of media types that
has its original order
List of MediaType: List in
original order
List.OfMediaType.Size Number Number of media types
on a list
List of MediaType: List to
provide number of media
types for
List.OfMediaType.Sort List of
List of media types
sorted in alphabetical
List of MediaType: List to
List.OfMediaType.ToString String List of media types
converted into a string
List of MediaType: List to
List.OfNumber.Append List of
List of numbers that a
number is appended to
  1. List of Number: List to append number to
  2. Number: Number to append
List.OfNumber.ByName List of
List of numbers specified
by its name
String: List name
List.OfNumber.Erase List of
List of numbers with
specified number erased
  1. List of Number: List with number to erase
  2. Number: Position of number to erase
List.OfNumber.EraseElementRange List of
List of numbers with
specified range of
numbers erased
  1. List of Number: List with numbers to erase
  2. Number: Position of first number to erase
  3. Number: Position of last number to erase
List.OfNumber.EraseList List of
List of numbers with
numbers that are also on
other list erased
  1. List of Number: List with numbers to erase
  2. List of Number: List of numbers to erase on first list
List.OfNumber.Find Number Position of a number on
a list
  1. List of Number: List with number to find position for
  2. Number: Number to find position for
List.OfNumber.Get Number Number specified by its
position on a list
  1. List of Number: List containing number
  2. Number: Position of number on list
List.OfNumber.GetElementRange List of
List of numbers
extracted from other list
  1. List of Number: List with numbers to extract
  2. Number: Position of first number to extract
  3. Number: Position of last number to extract
List.OfNumber.Insert List of
List of numbers with
specified number
  1. List of Number: List to insert number in
  2. Number: Number to insert
List.OfNumber.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of Number: List to check
for being empty
List.OfNumber.Join List of
List of numbers created
by joining two lists
  1. List of Number: First list to join
  2. List of Number: Second list to join
List.OfNumber.Reverse List of
List of numbers that has
its original order
List of Number: List in
original order
List.OfNumber.Size Number Number of numbers on
a list
List of Number: List to
provide number of numbers
List.OfNumber.Sort List of
List of sorted numbers List of Number: List to sort
List.OfNumber.ToString String List of numbers
converted into a string
List of Number: List to
List.OfSSOConnectors.Append List of
List of cloud connectors
with specified cloud
connector appended
  1. List of SSOConnec: List to append cloud connector to
  2. SSO Connector: Cloud connector to append
List.OfSSOConnectors.ByName List of
List of cloud connectors
specified by its name
String: List name
List.OfSSOConnectors.Erase List of
List of cloud connectors
with specified connector
List of SSOConnector: List with cloud connector to erase
Number: Position of cloud
connector to erase
List of
List of cloud connectors
with specified range of
connectors erased
List of SSOConnector: List
with range of cloud
connectors to erase
Number: Position of first
cloud connector to erase
String: List nameNumber: Position of last
cloud connector to erase
List.OfSSOConnectors.EraseList List of
List of cloud connectors
with connectors that are
also on other list erased
List of SSOConnector: List
with cloud connectors to
List of SSOConnector: List
of cloud connectors to
erase on first list
List.OfSSOConnectors.Exists Boolean If true, the list of cloud
connectors with the
specified name exists.
String: List name
List.OfSSOConnectors.Find Number Position of cloud
connector in a list
List of SSOConnector: List
containing cloud
SSOConnector: Cloud
connector to find position
List.OfSSOConnectors.Get SSOConnector Cloud connector
specified by its position
on a list
List of SSOConnector: List
containing cloud
Number: Position of cloud
connector on list
List of
List of cloud connectors
extracted from other list
List of SSOConnector: List
with cloud connectors to
Number: Position of first
cloud connector to extract
Number: Position of last
cloud connector to extract
List of cloud connectors
with specified connector
List of
List of cloud connectors
with specified connector
List of SSO Connect or: List
to insert cloud connecto in
SSO Connector: Cloud
connector to insert
Number: Position to insert
cloud connector in
List.OfSSOConnectors.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of SSOConnector: List to
check for being empty
List.OfSSOConnectors.Join List of
List of single sign-on
connectors created by
joining two lists
List of SSOConnector: First
list to join
List of SSOConnector:
Second list to join
List.OfSSOConnectors.Reverse List of
List of cloud connectors
that has its original order
List of SSOConnector: List in
original order
List.OfSSOConnectors.Set List of
List of cloud connectors
with specified connector
List of SSOConnector: List
to set cloud connector on
SSOConnector: Cloud
connector to set
Number: Position to set
cloud connector on
List.OfSSOConnectors.Size Number Number of cloud
connectors on a list
List of SSOConnector: List to
provide number of cloud
connectors for
List.OfSSOConnectors.Sort List of
List of cloud connectors
sorted in alphabetical
order of names
List of SSOConnector: List to
List.OfSSOConnectors.ToString String List of cloud connectors
converted into a string
List of SSOConnector: List to
List.OfString.Append List of String List of strings that a
string is appended to
List of String: List to
append string to
String: String to append
List.OfString.ByName List of String List of strings specified
by its name
String: List name
List.OfString.Erase List of String List of strings with
specified string erased
List of String: List with
string to erase
Number: Position of string
to erase
List.OfString.EraseElementRange List of String List of strings with
specified range of strings
List of String: List with
strings to erase
Number: Position of first
string to erase
Number: Position of last
string to erase
List.OfString.EraseList List of String List of strings with
strings that are also on
other list erased
List of String: List with
strings to erase
List of String: List of strings
to erase on first list
List.OfString.Find Number Position of a string on a
List of String: List with
string to find position for
String: String to find
position for
List.OfString.Get String String specified by its
position on a list
List of String: List
containing string
Number: Position of string
on list
List.OfString.GetElementRange List of String List of strings extracted
from other list
List of String: List with
strings to extract
Number: Position of first
string to extract
Number: Position of last
string to extract
List.OfString.Insert List of String List of strings with
specified string inserted
List of String: List to insert
string in
String: String to insert
List.OfString.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified list
is empty.
List of String: List to check
for being empty
List.OfString.Join List of String List of strings created by
joining two lists
List of String: First list to
List of String: Second list to
List.OfString.JSON.AsStringList List of String List of strings created
from the element values
of a JSON array
If a value is null, an
empty string is created.
JSON: Array
List.OfStringMapInList List of String String specified by a
parameter and
contained in a list with
an index for the position
this string has in another
If the specified string is
not contained in the first
list or does not exist as a
position in the second
list, the string is empty.
List of String: First list
containing string
List of String: Second list
containing string
String: String contained in
first and second list or
empty string
List.OfString.Reverse List of String List of strings that has its
original order reverted
List of String: List in original
List.OfString.Size Number Number of strings on a
specified list
List of String: List to provide
number of strings for
List.OfString.Sort List of String List of strings sorted in
alphabetical order
List of String: List to sort
List.OfString.ToString String List of strings converted
into a string
List of String: List to convert
List.OfWildcard.Append List of
List of wildcard
expressions that an
expression is appended
List of Wildcard
Expression: List to append
wildcard expression to
Wildcard Expression:
Wildcard expression to
List.OfWildcard.ByName List of
List of wildcard
expressions specified by
its name
String: List name
List.OfWildcard.Erase List of
List of wildcard
expressions with
specified expression
List of Wildcard
Expression: List with
wildcard expression to
Number: Position of
wildcard expression to
List.OfWildcard.EraseElementRange List of
List of wildcard
expressions with
specified range of
expressions erased
List of Wildcard
Expression: List with
wildcard expressions to
Number: Position of first
wildcard expression to
Number: Position of last
wildcard expression to
List.OfWildcard.Find Number Position of a wildcard
expression on a list
List of Wildcard
expression: List with
wildcard expression to find
position for
Wildcard expression:
Wildcard expression to
find position for
List.OfWildcard.Get Wildcard
Wildcard expression
specified by its position
on a list
List of Wildcard
Expression: List containing
wildcard expression
Number: Position of
wildcard expression on list
List.OfWildcard.GetElementRange List of
List of wildcard
expressions extracted
from other list
List of Wildcard
Expression: List with
wildcard expressions to
Number: Position of first
wildcard expression to
Number: Position of last
wildcard expression to
List.OfWildcard.Insert List of
List of wildcard
expressions with
specified expression
List of Wildcard
Expression: List to insert
wildcard expression in
Wildcard Expression:
Wildcard expression to
List.OfWildcard.IsEmpty Boolean  List of wildcard
expressions that has its
original order reverted
List of Wildcard Expression:
List to check for being empty
List.OfWildcard.Join List of
List of wildcard
expressions created by
joining two lists
List of Wildcard
Expression: First list to join
List of Wildcard
Expression: Second list to
List.OfWildcard.Reverse List of
List of wildcard
expressions that has its
original order reverted
List of Wildcard Expression:
List in original order
List.OfWildcard.Size Number Number of wildcard
expressions on a list
List of Wildcard Expression:
List to provide number of
wildcard expressions for
List.OfWildcard.Sort List of
List of sorted wildcard
List of Wildcard Expression:
List to sort
List.OfWildcard.ToString String List of wildcard
expressions converted
into a string -
List of Wildcard Expression:
List to convert
Location.Name String Name of a location or
other source that
requests for web access
are sent from
Names of locations
where users reside or
names of users or user
groups are usually set as
values of this property.
As no value is by default
provided for this
property, you must set
its value using a rule to
work with it.
For example, if you know
that a particular range of
IP addresses has been
allotted to an office of
your organization, you
can create this rule:
Client.IP is in range
—> Continue — Set
Location.Name ="Downtown

Once the property has
been set to a value, you
can use it, for example,
in logging or blocking
Web Gateway and
McAfee WGCS share this
property, which is named
Location in the McAfee
WGCS interface. For
cloud-only deployments,
Location retains its
default value, an empty
string. For hybrid
deployments, Location
has the same value as

Properties – M 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with M.

Name Type Description Parameters
Map.ByName  List of MapType Already existing Map Type list that has the specified name String: List name
Map.CreateStringMap List of MapType Newly created Map Type list

The list is still empty.
Map.DeleteKey List of MapType Map Type list, in which the specified key and the related value are deleted 1 List of MapType:
Map Type list

2 String: Key
Map.GetKeys List of MapTYpe List of keys that are contained in the specified Map Type list List of MapType: Map Type list
Map.GetStringValue String String that is the value for the
specified key in the specified Map
Type list
  1. List of MapType: Map Type list
  2. String: Key
Map.HasKey Boolean Map Type list, in which the specified value is set for the specified key
  1. List of MapType: Map Type list
  2. String: Key
  3. String: Value
Map.SetStringValue List of MapType Map Type list, in which the specified value is set for the specified key
  1. List of MapType: Map Type list
  2. String: Key
  3. String: Value
Map.Size Number Number of key-value pairs in the specified Map Type list List of MapType: Map Type list
Map.ToString String Map Type list converted into a string List of MapType: Map Type list
Math.Abs Number Absolute value of specified number Number: Number that absolute value is provided for
Math.Modulo Number

Integer that is the remainder after dividing integer a by integer b when only an integer is accepted as the resulting quotient.

For example, if a = 14 and b = 3, the value of Math.Modulo is 2

The integer that is the result of dividing 14 by 3 is 4 and, since 3 x 4 = 12, this leaves 2 as the remainder.

  1. Number: Value for a
  2. Number: Value for b
Math.Random Number Random number between specified minimum and maximum values (including these values)
  1. Number: Minimum value
  2. Number: Maximum value
StreamDetector.Probability Number Probability that the streaming media in question matches the found media type (in percent)  
MediaType.EnsuredTypes List of MediaType List of media types that are ensured for the respective media with a probability of more than 50%  
MediaType.FromFileExtension List of MediaType List of media types that are found using the file name extension of the media  
MediaType.FromHeader List of MediaType List of media types that are found using the content-type header sent with the media  
MediaType.HasOpener Boolean If true, an opener module is available on the appliance for media of a given type.  
MediaType.IsArchive Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is an archive  
MediaType.IsAudio Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is of the audio type  
MediaType.IsCompositeObject Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is a composite object  
MediaType.IsDatabase Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is a database  
MediaType.IsDocument Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is a document  
MediaType.IsExecutable Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is an executable file  
MediaType.IsImage Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is an image  
MediaType.IsText Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is of the text type  
MediaType.IsVideo Boolean If true, the media that is being processed is of the video type  
MediaType.MagicBytesMismatch Boolean If true, the media type specified in the header sent with the media does not match the type that was found on the appliance by examining the magic bytes actually contained in the media  
MediaType.NotEnsuredTypes List of MediaType List of media types that are ensured for the respective media with a probability of less than 50%  
MediaType.ToString String Media type converted into a string Media Type: Media type to convert
Message.Language String Name of language for messages sent to users in short form, for example, en, de, ja  
Message.TemplateName String Name of a template for messages sent to users  


Properties – N 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with N.

Name Type Description Parameters
NextHopProxy.StickinessAttribute String Part of a request that qualifies it for being handled in next-hop proxy stickiness mode

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
Number.ToDecimalNumber Number Integer converted into decimal format

For example, 10 is converted to 10.0.
Number: Integer to convert
Number.ToString String Number converted into a string Number: Number to convert
Number.ToVolumeString  String Number of bytes that a volume amounts to converted into a string Number: Number of bytes to convert
NumberOfClientConnections Number Number of connections to clients that are open on an appliance at the same time

This property is not eligible for cloud use.


Properties – P 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with P.

Name Type Description Parameters
PDStorage.GetAllData List of String List containing all persistently stored data in string format

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
PDStorage.GetAllGlobalData List of String List containing all persistently stored global data in string format

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
PDStorage.GetAllUserData  List of String List containing all persistently stored user data in string format

This property is not eligible for cloud use.
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.Bool Boolean

Global variable of type Boolean

This property is not eligible for cloud use


String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.Category Category

Global variable of type Category

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.Dimension Dimension

Global variable of type Dimension

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.Hex Hex

Global variable of type Hex

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.IP IP

Global variable of type IP

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.IPRange IPRange

Global variable of type IPRange

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.Category List of Category

Global variable of type List of Category

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.Dimension List of Dimension

Global variable of type List of Dimension

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.Hex List of Hex

Global variable of type List of Hex

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.IP List of IP

Global variable of type List of IP

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.IPRange List of IPRange

Global variable of type List of IPRange

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.MediaType List of MediaType

Global variable of type List of MediaType

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.Number List of Number

Global variable of type List of Number

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.String List of String

Global variable of type List of String

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.List.WildcardExpression List of Wildcard Expression

Global variable of type List of WildcardExpression

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.MediaType MediaType

Global variable of type MediaType


String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.Number Number Global variable of type Number String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.String String

Global variable of type String

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetGlobalData.WildcardExpression Wildcard Expression

Global variable of type WildcardExpression

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.Bool Boolean

User variable of type Boolean

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.Category Category

User variable of type Category

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.Dimension Dimension

User variable of type Dimension

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.Hex Hex

User variable of type Hex

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.IP IP

User variable of type IP

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.IPRange IPRange

User variable of type IPRange

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.Category List of Category

User variable of type List of Category

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.Dimension List of Dimension

User variable of type List of Dimension

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.Hex List of Hex

User variable of type List of Hex

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.IP List of IP

User variable of type List of IP

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.IPRange List of IPRange

User variable of type List of IPRange

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.MediaType List of MediaType

User variable of type List of MediaType

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.Number List of Number

User variable of type List of Number

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.String List of String

User variable of type List of String

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.List.WildcardExpression List of Wildcard Expression

User variable of type List of WildcardExpression

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.MediaType MediaType

User variable of type MediaType

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.Number Number

User variable of type Number

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.String String

User variable of type String

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: variable key
PDStorage.GetUserData.WildcardExpression Wildcard Expression

User variable of type WildcardExpression

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: variable key
PDStorage.HasGlobalData Boolean

If true, permanently stored global data is available

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
PDStorage.HasGlobalDataWait Boolean

If true, a request is kept waiting until the requested global variable exists in the storage or the specified time interval has elapsed

The value of the property is then set to false. It is true by default.

This property is not eligible for cloud use

  1. String: Variable key
  2. Number: Timeout (in seconds)
PDStorage.HasUserData Boolean

If true, persistently stored user data is available

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Variable key
ProgressPage.Enabled Boolean If true, download progress is indicated to the user by a progress page  
ProgressPage.Sent Boolean If true, a progress page is displayed when a requested web object is downloaded  
ProtocolDetector.DetectedProtocol String String containing name of a protocol that has been detected as being used for traffic on a connection between Web Gateway and a client  
ProtocolDetector.ProtocolFilterable Boolean If true, filtering is supported for a protocol that has been detected as being used for web traffic  
Protocol.FailureDescription String String containing description of a connection error under the current protocol  
Proxy.EndUserURL String String representing URL for display to a user  
Proxy.IP IP

IP address of Web Gateway The default value is 0

This property is not eligible for cloud use

A rule with this property can, however, be synchronized for use in the cloud, but only the default value is then retrieved for this property

Proxy.Outbound.IP IP

Source IP address that Web Gateway uses when connecting to web servers or next-hop proxies

Do not confuse this property with the Proxy.OutboundIP property, which has no dot before IP

Proxy.Outbound.IPList List of IP

List of source IP addresses that Web Gateway selects an address from when connecting to web servers or next-hop proxies

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Proxy.Outbound.Port Number Number of source port that Web Gateway uses when connecting to web servers or next-hop proxies  
Proxy.OutboundIP IP

Source IP address for replacing multiple source IP addresses that Web Gateway might use when connecting to web servers or next-hop proxies

The address is selected from a list, using a number parameter to identify its position in the list.

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Do not confuse it with the Proxy.Outbound.IP property, which has a dot before IP

Number: Position of source IP address in list
Proxy.Port Number

Number of a port used by Web Gateway

The default value is 0.

This property is not eligible for cloud use

A rule with this property can, however, be synchronized for use in the cloud, but only the default value is then retrieved for this property



Properties – Q

This table describes properties that have names beginning with Q.

Name Type Description Parameters
Quota.AuthorizedOverride.GetLogin String

User name submitted for performing an authorized override

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.IsActivationRequest Boolean

If true, an authorized user has chosen to continue with a authorized override session after session time has been exceeded.

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.IsActivationRequest.Strict Boolean

If true, an authorized user has chosen to continue with an Authorized Override session and the request for continuing the session applies to the current settings

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.JS.ActivateSession String

String in JavaScript code calling the function that is executed when an authorized user chooses to start a new session by clicking the appropriate button in the authorized override template

The code is provided when the template is created and displayed to the user

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.LastAuthorizedPerson String

User name of the last person who performed an authorized override to provide additional session time for a user

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.RemainingSession Number

Remaining time (in seconds) for an authorized override session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.SessionExceeded Boolean

If true, the time allowed for an authorized override session has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.AuthorizedOverride.SessionLength Number

Time length (in seconds) for an authorized override session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.IsActivationRequest Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue with a new coaching session after session time has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.IsActivationRequest.Strict Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue with a Coaching session and the request for continuing the session applies to the current settings

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.JS.ActivateSession String

String in JavaScript code calling the function that is executed when a user chooses to start a new session by clicking the appropriate button in the coaching session template

The code is provided when the template is created and displayed to the user

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.RemainingSession Number

Remaining time (in seconds) for a coaching session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.SessionExceeded Boolean

If true, the time allowed for a coaching session has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Coaching.SessionLength Number

Time length (in seconds) for a coaching session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.Exceeded Boolean

If true, the time quota has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.IsActivationRequest Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue with a new time session after session time has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.IsActivationRequest.Strict Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue with a new Time session and the request for continuing the session applies to the current settings

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.JS.ActivateSession String

String in JavaScript code calling the function that is executed when a user chooses to start a new session by clicking the appropriate button in the time session template

The code is provided when the template is created and displayed to the user

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingDay Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current day

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingDay.ReducedAtActivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current day when a user has just started a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingDay.ReducedAtDeactivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current day when a user has just closed a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingMonth Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current month

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingMonth.ReducedAtActivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current month when a user has just started a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingMonth.ReducedAtDeactivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current month when a user has just closed a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingSession Number

Remaining time (in seconds) for a time session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingWeek Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current week

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingWeek.ReducedAtActivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current week when a user has just started a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.RemainingWeek.ReducedAtDeactivation Number

Time (in seconds) remaining from the configured time quota for the current week when a user has just closed a session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.SessionExceeded Boolean

If true, the time allowed for a time session has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.SessionLength Number

Time length (in seconds) for a time session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.SizePerDay Number

Time (in seconds) allowed per day under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.SizePerMonth Number

Time (in seconds) allowed per month under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Time.SizePerWeek Number

Time (in seconds) allowed per week under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.Exceeded Boolean

If true, the volume quota has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.IsActivationRequest Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue with a new volume session after session time has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.IsActivationRequest.Strict Boolean

If true, a user has chosen to continue a session when the configured volume has been exceeded and the request for continuing the session applies to the current settings

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.JS.ActivateSession String

String in JavaScript code calling the function that is executed when a user chooses to start a new session by clicking the appropriate button in the volume session template

The code is provided when the template is created and displayed to the user

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.RemainingDay Number

Volume (in bytes) remaining from the configured volume quota for the current day

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.RemainingMonth Number

Volume (in bytes) remaining from the configured volume quota for the current month

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.RemainingSession Number

Remaining time (in seconds) for a volume session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.RemainingWeek Number

Volume (in bytes) remaining from the configured volume quota for the current week

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.SessionExceeded Boolean

If true, the time allowed for a volume session has been exceeded

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.SessionLength Number

Time length (in seconds) for a volume session

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.SizePerDay Number

Volume (in bytes) allowed per day under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.SizePerMonth Number

Volume (in bytes) allowed per month under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Quota.Volume.SizePerWeek Number

Volume (in bytes) allowed per week under the configured quota

This property is not eligible for cloud use



Properties – R 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with R.

Name Type Description Parameters
Redirect.URL String String representing a URL that a user is redirected to by an authentication or quota rule  
Reporting.URL.Categories List of Category List of all URL categories used on the appliance  
Reporting.URL.Reputation List of Number List of all reputation score values used on the appliance  
Request.Header.FirstLine String First line of a header sent with a request  
Request.POSTForm.Get String Retrieves URL encoded data in the POST form sent by the external Identity Provider  
Request.ProtocolAndVersion String Protocol and protocol version used when a request is sent  
Response.ProtocolandVersion String Protocol and protocol version used when a response is sent  
Response.Redirect.URL String URL that a user is redirected to when a response is sent  
Response.StatusCode String Status code of a response  
Rules.CurrentRule.ID String ID of the rule that is currently processed  
Rules.CurrentRule.Name String Name of the rule that is currently processed  
Rules.CurrentRuleSet.Name String Name of the rule set that is currently processed  
Rules.EvaluatedRules List of Spring List of all rules that have been processed  
Rules.EvaluatedRules.Names List of String List with names of all rules that have been processed  
Rules.FiredRules List of String List of all rules that have applied  
Rules.FiredRules.Names List of String List with names of all rules that have applied  


Properties – S 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with S.

Name Type Description Parameters
SecureReverseProxy.EmbeddedHost String

Host name of a URL in an HTTP request that is embedded in an HTTPS request

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SecureReverseProxy.EmbeddedProtocol String

Protocol of a URL in an HTTP request that is embedded in an HTTPS request

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SecureReverseProxy.EmbeddedURL String

URL in an HTTP request that is embedded in an HTTPS request

This is the URL for the host specified by the value of the SecureReverseProxy.EmbeddedHost property

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Host name of the URL
SecureReverseProxy.GetDomain String

Domain specified in the settings for the SecureReverseProxy module

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SecureReverseProxy.IsValidReverseProxyRequest Boolean

If true, the URL submitted in a request has the format required in a SecureReverseProxy configuration

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SecureReverseProxy.URLToEmbed String

URL submitted in a HTTP request that is embedded in an HTTPS request

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SecureToken.CreateToken String

Encrypted string

This string serves as a token for securing an IP address. An AES-128-bit algorithm is used to create the token

Depending on the value of a parameter in the settings of the SecureReverseProxy module, the string includes a time stamp

String: String to encrypt
SecureToken.IsValid Boolean

If true, the specified token is valid and has not expired

Depending on the on the value of a parameter in the settings of the SecureReverse Proxy module, the token string includes no time stamp

Expiration of the token is then not checked

  1. String: Token to be checked
  2. Number: Time (in seconds) to elapse until the token expires
SecureToken.GetString String

String serving as a token for securing an IP address

If the token is invalid or has expired, the string is empty

  1. String: Token to be checked
  2. Number: Time (in seconds) to elapse until the token expires
Server.DownloadBandwidth Number Bandwidth (in bytes per second) consumed for downloads from web servers  
Server.UploadBandwidth Number Bandwidth (in bytes per second) consumed for uploads to web servers  
SNMP.Trap.Additional String Additional message sent to a trap under the SNMP protocol  
SOCKS.Version String Version of the SOCKS protocol that is used when a client requests access to a web object under this protocol  
SSL.Certificate.CN.ToWildcard Wildcard Expression Common name in an SSL certificate converted into a wildcard expression String: Common name to convert
SSL.Client.Certificate.Serial String Serial of a client certificate  
SSL.ClientContext.IsApplied Boolean If true, parameters for setting the client context in SSL-secured communication have been configured  
SSL.Server.Certificate.AlternativeCNs List of Wildcard Expression List of alternative common names for a web server as used in SSL certificates  
SSL.Server.Certificate.CN String Common name of a web server provided in a certificate for SSL-secured communication  
SSL.Server.Certificate.CN.HasWildcards Boolean If true, the common name for a web server in an SSL certificate includes wildcards  
SSL.Server.Certificate.DaysExpired Number Number of days that an SSL certificate for a web server has expired  
SSL.Server.Certificate.HostAndCertificate HostAnd Certificate Host name and certificate for connecting to web server in SSL-secured communication  
SSL.Server.Certificate.OnlyCertificate HostAnd Certificate Certificate for connecting to a web server in SSL-secured communication  
SSL.Server.Certificate.SelfSigned Boolean If true, an SSL certificate for a web server is self-signed  
SSL.Server.Certificate.SHA1Digest String String representing an SHA1Digest of a SSL certificate for a web server  
SSL.Server.Certificate.SignatureMethod String Text describing the method used for signing the certificate  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.AllRevocationStatusesKnown Boolean If true, it is known of all SSL certificates in a certificate chain for a web server whether they are revoked or not  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.ContainsExpiredCA Boolean If true, an SSL certificate in a certificate chain for a web server has expired  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.ContainsRevoked Boolean If true, an SSL certificate in a certificate chain for a web server has been revoked  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.FirstKnownCAIsTrusted Boolean If true, a the certificate authority for issuing SSL certificates that has been found first in a certificate chain for a web server is trusted  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.FoundKnownCA Boolean If true, a known certificate authority for issuing SSL certificates has been found in a certificate chain for a web server  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.IsComplete Boolean If true, the chain of SSL certificates for a web server is complete  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.Issuer.CNs List of String

List of common names for the issuers that issued an SSL certificate in a certificate chain for a web server

The list is sorted in bottom-up order. It ends with the common name of the issuer that issued the certificate for the self-signed root certificate authority (CA)

SSL.Server.CertificateChain.Length Number Number of SSL certificates in a certificate chain for a web server  
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.ContainsViolation Boolean

If true, at least one of the following violations has been found during verification of the chain of SSL certificates for a web server:

  • The chain exceeds the allowed path length
  • The intended usage is not observed, for example, a server sends a client certificate
  • An issuer constraint is ignored, for example, a certificate authority (CA) issues a certificate, although the issuer of the CA forbids issuing this certificate
  • A certificate contains an unknown extension that is considered critical
SSL.Server.CertificateChain.SignatureMethods List of String List of texts describing the methods used for signing the certificates in the chain  
SSL.Server.Cipher.KeyExchangeBits Number Normalized strength of the weakest link involved in a key exchange performed in SSL-secured communication  
SSL.Server.Handshake.CertificateIsRequested Boolean If true, a handshake is requested for setting up a connection to a web server in SSL-secured communication  
SSL.Server.SkypeForBusiness.IsByPassed Boolean If true, the option for bypassing Skype for business traffic is enabled for HTTPS scanning  
SSO.Action String

Returns the name of an internal action performed in response to an SSO request

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.Config String

Returns the name of the settings used by an internal action performed in response to an SSO request

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.Debug String

Returns an SSO debug message

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.GetConnectorInfo Variable

Returns information about the SSO connector to the service the user is requesting. This information is stored as a JSON object in a local variable named sso-conn-info

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Service ID


SSO.GetData JSON object

Returns additional information needed for SAML single sign-on

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.GetDatFile String

Retrieves the specified DAT file from the update server and returns the contents of the file in a string. The Single Sign On module uses the collection of SSO DAT files to create the launchpad

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Name of the SSO DAT file
SSO.GetIceTokenLoginAction String

Returns the user information needed to complete single sign-on to the requested service or application

This property is not eligible for cloud use

  1. String: Service ID
  2. Variable: sso-user-data
SSO.GetPostLoginAction String

Returns the information needed to complete single sign-on to the requested HTTP service or application

This property is not eligible for cloud use

  1. String: Identity Provider
  2. String: User name
  3. String: Service ID
  4. String: User account
SSO.GetSAMLLoginAction String

Returns the user information needed to complete single sign-on to the requested SAML service or application

This property is not eligible for cloud use

  1. String: Service ID
  2. Variable: sso-user-data
SSO.GetServices JSON object

Returns all information about the current user added by the SSO Select Services rule set. This information is returned in JSON format and includes the names of cloud services the user is allowed to access and all account information

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Variable: "conditions"
SSO.GetTools String

Returns a string of JavaScript tools

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.IsManagementRequest Boolean

Returns a true value if the current request is an SSO request and one or both of the following conditions are met:

  • Web Gateway has received an SSO request
  • The SSO.Action property is processed with valid settings

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.LogProperties JSON object

Stores information about each SSO request that is used to generate the SSO access and SSO trace logs

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.ManagementHost String

Returns the host name of the SSO service specified in the configuration. Typically, this value is the name of the server hosting the SSO service provided by Web Gateway

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.OTPRequired Boolean

Returns a true value if the SSO action requires OTP authentication

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSO.ProcessTask Boolean

Processes common SSO tasks, such as credential management, using the Single Sign On settings. If the SSO tasks are processed successfully, this property returns a true value

This property is not eligible for cloud use

The parameters are passed in URLs
SSO.UserHasAccessToService Boolean

Returns a true value if the user is allowed to access the cloud service or manage the account

This property is not eligible for cloud use

SSOConnector.ToString String Converts the name of a cloud connector to the Service ID that identifies the corresponding cloud service or application String: Name of cloud connector
Statistics.Counter.Get Number

Number of occurrences of an activity or situation recorded on a counter

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Name of counter
Statistics.Counter.GetCurrent Number

Number of occurrences of an activity or situation recorded on a counter (fully completed) during the last minute

This property is not eligible for cloud use

String: Name of counter
Stopwatch.GetMicroSeconds Number Time measured for rule set processing in microseconds String: Name of rule set
Stopwatch.GetMilliSeconds Number Time measured for rule set processing in milliseconds String: Name of rule set
StreamDetector.IsMediaStream Boolean

If true, a requested web object is streaming media

This is the basic property used in streaming media filtering

StreamDetector.MatchedRule String

Name of a streaming media filtering rule that has matched

This property is given a value if the StreamDetector.IsMediaStream property is set to true

StreamDetector.Probability Number

Probability for a web object that it is streaming media

Values range from 1 to 100

This property is given a value if the StreamDetector.IsMediaStream property is set to true

String.BackwardFind Number

Position where a substring begins that is found in a string by a backward search

Returns -1 if the substring is not found.

  1. String: String containing substring
  2. String: Substring
  3. Number: Position where backward search for substring begins
String.Base64DecodeAsBinary String String of binary digits that is the result of decoding a base-64 encoded string String: String in encoded format
String.Base64DecodeAsText String Text string that is the result of decoding a base-64 encoded string String: String in encoded format
String.Base64Encode String String that is the result of using the base-64 encoding method to encode a string String: String to encode
String.BelongsToDomains Boolean

If true, a specified string is found in a list of domain names

The value of the property is "true" if the string matches a list entry, which means it is a domain name

The value of the property is also "true" if the string is a character or sequence of characters followed by a dot and a substring that matches a list entry (*.), which means it is the name for a subdomain of a domain in the list

In both cases the string is set as the value of the List.LastMatches property

  1. String: String to be found in list
  2. List of string: List of domain names
String.Concat String Concatenation of two specified strings
  1. String: First string to concatenate
  2. String:Second string to concatenate
String.CRLF String Carriage-return line-feed  
String.Find Number

Position where a substring begins that is found in a string by a forward search

Returns -1 if the substring is not found

  1. String: String containing substring
  2. String: Substring
  3. Number: Position where forward search for substring begins
String.FindFirstOf Number

Position of the first character of a substring found in a string

Returns -1 if the substring is not found

  1. String: String containing substring
  2. String: Substring
  3. Number: Position where search for substring begins
String.FindLastOf Number

Position of the last character of a substring found in a string

Returns -1 if the substring is not found

  1. String: String containing substring
  2. String: Substring
  3. Number: Position where search for substring begins
String.GetWordCount Number Number of words in a string String: String to get number of words for
String.Hash String Hash value of a particular type for a given string
  1. String: String to find hash value for
  2. String: Hash type
String.IsEmpty Boolean If true, the specified string is empty String: String checked for being empty
String.Length Number Number of characters in a string String: String to count characters for
String.LF String Line-feed  
String.MakeAnonymous String

String that has been made anonymous and requires one or two passwords for reverting anonymization

The string that is to be anonymized is specified as a parameter of the property

The passwords are set within the Anonymization settings, which are provided as settings of the property

You can use the property in a rule to anonymize sensitive data, for example, the user name that is retrieved as the value of the Authentication.UserName property

An event in this rule sets the authentication property to the value of String.MakeAnonymous, which takes the authentication property as its parameter, so its value is the anonymized user name

After the set event has been executed, the anonymized user name is also the value of Authentication.UserName. Sensitive information is protected this way

For the rule to work, a rule with the authentication property must have been processed before. Otherwise the string that is to be anonymized would not be known

String: String to anonymize
String.MatchWildcard List of String List of terms in a string that match a wildcard expression
  1. String: String with matching terms
  2. Wildcard Expression: Wildcard expression to match
  3. Number: Position where search for substring begins
String.Replace String String having a substring replaced by a string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. Number: Position where replacement begins
  3. Number: Number of characters to replace
  4. String: Replacing string
String.ReplaceAll String String having each occurrence of a substring replaced by string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. String: Replacing substring
  3. String: Substring to replace
String.ReplaceAllMatches String String having each occurrence of a substring that matches a wildcard expression replaced by a string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. Wildcard Expression: Wildcard expression to match
  3. String: Substring to replace
String.ReplaceFirst String String having first occurrence of a substring replaced by a string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. String: Substring to replace
  3. String: Replacing string
String.ReplaceFirstMatch String String having first occurrence of a substring that matches a wildcard expression replaced by a string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. Wildcard Expression: Wildcard expression to match
  3. String: Replacing substring
String.ReplaceIfEquals String String having every occurrence of a substring replaced by a string as specified
  1. String: String containing substring to replace
  2. String: Substring to replace
  3. String: Replacing string
String.SubString String

Substring contained in a string specified by start position and length


  1. String: String containing substring
  2. Number: Position where substring begins
  3. Number: Number of characters in substring

If no number is specified, the substring extends to the end of the original string

String.SubStringBetween String

Substring of string extending between two other substrings of this string

The search for this substring begins with looking for the first of the other substrings. If this string is found, the search is continued with looking for the second substring

If the first substring is not found, the search has no result. If the second substring is not found, the wanted substring extends from the end of the first substring to the end of the main string


  1. String: String containing substrings
  2. String: Substring ending immediately before the wanted substring
  3. String: Substring beginning immediately after the wanted substring
String.ToCategory Category String converted into a category String: String to convert
String.ToDimension Dimension String converted into a dimension String: String to convert
String.ToHex Hex String converted into a hex value String: String to convert
String.ToIP IP String converted into an IP address String: String to convert
String.ToIPRange IPRange String converted into a range of IP addresses String: String to convert
String.ToMediaType MediaType String converted into a media type String: String to convert
String.ToNumber Number String converted into a number String: String to convert
String.ToSSOConnector String Converts the Service ID that identifies a cloud service or application to the name of the corresponding cloud connector String: Service ID
String.ToStringList List of String

String converted into a string list

The string list is a list of the elements in the string to convert. For example, the string to convert can be a text and the string list a list of the words in this text

The delimiter is a substring that separates elements in the string to convert. For example, in a normal text, the delimiter is the whitespace. The substring can be a single character, such as the whitespace, or multiple characters. To specify the whitespace, hit the space bar

A trim character is a character that appears at the beginning or end of an element in the string to convert, but not in the string list. A trim character can, for example, be a comma, a period, or a single quotation mark. It can also be an “invisible” character, such as a tab stop or a line feed

To specify trim characters, type them in the input field that is provided on the user interface without separating them from each other

Use the following combinations to type invisible characters:

\t – tab stop

\r – carriage return

\n – line feed

\b – backspace

\\ – backslash

If you specify a character as a delimiter, it is also deleted from the resulting string list, so you need not specify it as a trim character

  1. String: String to convert
  2. String: Delimiter
  3. String: Substring beginning immediately after the wanted substring
String.ToWildcard Wildcard Expression String converted into a wildcard expression String: String to convert
String.URLDecode String Standard format of a URL that was specified in encoded format String: URL in encoded format
String.URLEncode String Encoded format of a URL String: URL to encode
String.Base64DecodeAsTextIgnoreGarbageChars String Support the multiline Base-64  
String.Base64DecodeAsBinaryIgnoreGarbageChars String Support the multiline Base-64  
System.HostName String Host name of an appliance  
System.UUID String UUID (Universal Unique Ζdentifier) of an appliance  

Properties – T 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with T.

Name Type Description Parameters
TIE.Filereputation Number

File reputation score that has been retrieved from a TIE server

This property is not eligible for cloud use

Timer.FirstReceivedFirstSentClient Number

Processing time consumed between receiving the first byte from a client on the appliance and sending the first byte to this client within a transaction

Using this property is only supported when HTTP or HTTPS connections are involved, but not for FTP connections

Timer.FirstSentFirstReceivedServer Number

Processing time consumed between sending the first byte from the appliance to a web server and receiving the first byte from this server within a transaction

Using this property is only supported when HTTP or HTTPS connections are involved, but not for FTP connections

Timer.HandleConnectToServer Number Processing time consumed for connecting to a web server within a transaction  
Timer.LastReceivedLastSentClient Number

Processing time consumed between receiving the last byte from a client on the appliance and sending the last byte to this client within a transaction

Using this property is only supported when HTTP or HTTPS connections are involved, but not for FTP connections

Timer.LastSentLastReceivedServer Number

Processing time consumed between sending the last byte from the appliance to a web server and receiving the last byte from this server within a transaction

Using this property is only supported when HTTP or HTTPS connections are involved, but not for FTP connections

Timer.ResolveHostNameViaDNS Number

Processing time consumed for looking up a host name on a DNS server within a transaction

Only lookups on external servers are considered. Cache lookups are disregarded

Timer.TimeInExternals Number

Time (in milliseconds) consumed when processing a request in waiting for responses by components other than the rule engine that are involved in the process, for example, domain controllers or anti-malware scanning engines

This time is the time that has already been consumed in waiting when the property is evaluated

Waiting periods in all relevant processing cycles are considered when calculating this time

Timer.TimeInRuleEngine Number

Time (in milliseconds) consumed by the rule engine for processing a request, including activities in all relevant processing cycles, at the time when the property is evaluated

Processing a request through all relevant processing cycles is also referred to as a transaction

When the property is evaluated within a rule for log handling, its value is the time that was used by the rule engine for the complete transaction

Timer.TimeInTransaction Number

Time (in milliseconds) consumed for processing a request, including activities in all relevant processing cycles, at the time when the property is evaluated

Time used for rule engine activities and waiting times are summed up in this property value

Processing a request through all relevant processing cycles is also referred to as a transaction

When the property is evaluated within a rule for log handling, its value is the time that was used for the complete transaction

Tunnel.Enabled Boolean If true, an HTTP or HTTPS tunnel is enabled  


Properties – U 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with U.

Name Type Description Parameters
URL String URL of a web object  
URL.Categories List of Category List of URL categories that a URL belongs to  
URL.CategoriesForURL List of Category List of URL categories that a specified URL belongs to String: URL in string format
URL.CategorySetVersion Number Version number of the category set that is used for URL filtering  
URL.CloudLookupLedToResult Boolean If true, the rating for a URL was retrieved by a cloud lookup that was performed using the Global Threat Intelligence service  
URL.DestinationIP IP IP address for a URL as found in a DNS lookup  
URL.DiscardedHost String

Name of a host that was discarded when conflicting host names occurred in a request sent in HTTP(S) or SSL communication

A conflict of this kind is also known as domain fronting. It is resolved by the proxy on Web Gateway, which prefers one of the conflicting host names over the other, depending on what is configured

By querying the value of this property in the criteria of a rule or by logging it, you can detect a host name conflict. If no conflict arises, the value of the property is an empty string

Conflicting host names might occur in the following scenarios:

  • Under HTTP(S): The first-line part of the communication does not match the host header that is sent with a request. This conflict does not arise under HTTPS2, where no first-line part is sent in any single stream
  • Under SSL: The host name sent in a CONNECT request does not match the host information read from a client hello
URL.Domain String Name of the domain that access was requested to  
URL.DomainSuffix String Suffix appended to the name of the domain that access was requested to  
URL.FileExtension String Extension of the file name for a requested file  
URL.FileName String Name of a file that can be accessed through a URL  
URL.ForwardDNSLedToResult Boolean If true, the rating for a URL was retrieved by performing a forward DNS lookup  
URL.Geolocation String

ISO 3166 code for the country where the host that a URL belongs to is located

If a value is to be assigned to this property, the following option of the settings for the URL Filter module must be enabled:

Only use online GTI web reputation and categorization services

Name of the country where the host that a given URL belongs to is located

The URL is the URL that was sent with the request that is currently processed

The country is identified according to ISO 3166

The name can only be found if the following option of the settings for URL filtering is selected: Disable local GTI database

URL.GeolocationForURL String

Name of the country where the host that a given URL belongs to is located

The URL is specified as a parameter of the property

The country is identified according to ISO 3166

The name can only be found if the following option of the settings for URL filtering is selected: Disable local GTI database

String: URL that country name is to be found for

URL.GetParameter String Parameter of a URL in string format String: Parameter name
URL.HasParameter Boolean If true, a specified parameter belongs to the parameters of a URL String: Parameter name
URL.Host String Host that a URL belongs to  
URL.Host.BelongsToDomains Boolean

If true, a host that access was requested to by submitting a particular URL belongs to one of the domains in a list

The name of a host that was found to belong to one of the domains is set as the value of the List:LastMatches property

You can use the URL.Host.BelongsToDomains property to match anything to the domain name in a URL or anything to the left of a dot of a domain name (* Terms including the domain name (* are not counted as matches


Domain List is the string list specified as the property parameter. It contains the following entries (dots preceding a domain name in a URL are omitted):


Then the criteria:

URL.Host.BelongsToDomains("Domain List") equals true

matches for the following URLs:

but not for:

Using this property avoids the effort of creating more complicated solutions to accomplish the same, for example:

  • Using two entries in a list of wildcard expressions, such as: and *

  • Using a single, complex entry in a list of wildcard expressions, such as:


If these entries were contained in the list Other Domain List, the following criteria would match for the domain:

URL.Host matches in list "Other Domain List"

List of string: List of domain names
URL.HostIsIP Boolean If true, the URL that is submitted for access to a host is an IP address  
URL.IsHighRisk Boolean If true, the reputation score of a URL falls in the high risk range  
URL.IsMediumRisk Boolean If true, the reputation score of a URL falls in the medium risk range  
URL.IsMinimalRisk Boolean If true, the reputation score of a URL falls in the minimal risk range  
URL.IsUnverified Boolean If true, the reputation score of a URL falls in the unverified risk range  
URL.Parameters List of String List of URL parameters  
URL.ParametersString String String containing the parameters of a URL If the URL has parameters, the string begins with the ? character  
URL.Path String Path name for a URL  
URL.Port Number Number of a port for a URL  
URL.Protocol String Protocol for a URL  
URL.Raw String

URL in the format originally received on the appliance from a client or other network components

Using this property for rule configuration will speed up processing because it saves the time used for converting URL code to a human readable format, as it is done for the simple URL property

URL.Reputation Number

Reputation score for a given URL

The URL is the URL sent with the request that is currently processed.

URL.ReputationForURL Number

Reputation score for a given URL

The URL is specified as a parameter of the property

String: URL that reputation score is to be found for
URL.ReputationString String

Reputation score for a given URL in string format

The URL is the URL sent with the request that is currently processed

URL.ReputationStringForURL String

Reputation score for a given URL

The URL is specified as a parameter of the property

String: URL that reputation score is to be found for
URL.ReverseDNSLedToResult Boolean If true, the rating for a URL was retrieved by performing a reverse DNS lookup  
URL.SmartMatch Boolean

If true, a URL matches one or more of the URL parts that are specified in string format in any of the entries in the list of URL parts that is given as the parameter of this property

Use of a very long string list here can impact performance

An entry in this string list must specify at least the domain or the path part of a URL as a substring. It can specify both

The domain part matches also if a URL only contains a subdomain of the specified domain

For the path part, it is sufficient if the beginning of the path in a URL matches it

Additionally, a list entry can specify the protocol and port of a URL

The value of the property is true if a URL matches the domain or the path part (or both) in an entry of the string list and also matches the protocol part (if specified) and the port part (if specified)

If a port is specified in an entry of the string list, but not in the URL, there is no match

For example, with the following URL:

The below list entries will produce matches or not as follows: (match) (match) (no match) (match) (no match) (no match) (match)

/samplepath/ (match) (match)

com (match)

You can use this property to search for matches in a complex URL whitelist or blocklist, for example, in a list that contains both entries for URL hosts and for complete URLs

List of String: List with parts of URLs in string format
URLFilter.DatabaseVersion Number Version number of the database on an appliance  
URLFilter.EngineVersion String String identifying the version of the URL filtering module (engine)  
User-Defined.cacheMessage String Message text providing information on web cache usage  
User-Defined.eventMessage String Message text providing information on an event  
User-Defined.loadMessage String Message text providing information on CPU overload  
User-Defined.logLine String Entry written into a log file  
User-Defined.monitorLogMessage String Entry written into a log file  
User-Defined.notificationMessage String Text of a notification message  
User-Defined.requestLoadMessage String Message text providing information on request overload  
User-Defined.requestsPerSecond Number Number of requests processed on an appliance per second  

Properties – W 

This table describes properties that have names beginning with W.

Name Type Description Parameters
Wildcard.ToString  String 
Wildcard expression converted into a string Wildcard Expression: Wildcard expression to convert
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