List of Error IDs
The following table provides a list of the error IDs you can use in rules.
The error IDs are grouped in numerical ranges as follows.
Error Numbers | Description |
10000–10049 | Incorrect usage of properties or events |
10050–10059 | Errors of the rule processing module |
10060–10069 | Composite Opener errors |
10070–10099 | Other errors of the rule processing module |
10100–10199 | General errors |
11000–11999 | License Manager errors |
12000–12999 | Errors related to the appliance system |
13000–13999 | Persistent Database (PDStore) errors |
14000–14999 | Virus and malware filtering errors |
15000–15999 | URL filtering errors |
16000–16999 | ICAP client errors |
20000–21000 | Proxy module errors |
25000–25999 | External lists errors |
26000–26999 | Data loss prevention (DLP) errors |
32000–32999 | Cloud storage encryption errors |
34000–34999 | Single sign-on errors |
35000–35999 | DXL errors |
List of error IDs
Error ID | Name | Description |
10000 | WrongPropParams | $onPosition$: Wrong parameters or types for property $propName$. |
10001 | UnknownProperty | $onPosition$: Error in rule ‘$ruleName$’: Property dispatcher does not know property $propName$. |
10002 | NoPropParam | $onPosition$: No parameter for property $propName$ given. |
10003 | WrongThirdPropParam | $onPosition$: Wrong type of third parameter for property $propName$. |
10004 | InvalidPropertyParameter | $onPosition$: Parameters for property $propName$ are invalid, reason: $reason$. |
10005 | InvalidPropertyParameter2 | Parameters are invalid. Reason: $reason$. |
10005 | UnknownProperty2 | $onPosition$: Unknown property $propName$. |
10007 | UnknownFunc | $onPosition$: Unknown function $funcName$. Details: $reason$. |
10050 | WrongOperator | $onPosition$: Error in rule '$ruleName$': wrong operator '$operator$' used on left hand side type $typeLeft$ and right hand side type $typeRight$. |
10051 | WrongOperatorNoNames | $onPosition$: $action$ failed. Type of $property$ is $typeName$, but it has to be $formatType$. |
10052 | FormatError | $onPosition$: User-defined property '$propName$' could not be found. Reason: it was not yet set (not initialized). |
10053 | UserDefinedPropertyNotFound | $onPosition$: User-defined property '$propName$' could not be found. Reason: it was not yet set (not initialized). |
10054 | PropertyNotFound | $onPosition$: Property '$propName$' could not be found. Reason: it was not yet set (not initialized). |
10055 | NeedMoreDataOnLastCall | On computing property '$propName$' the filter returned 'NeedMoreData' though there is no more data. |
10056 | WrongPropState | $onPosition$: State of Property $propName$ is $propState$. |
10057 | ZombieRuleElemIsExecuted | $rule$ (name: '$name$', id: '$id$') could not be executed because it is a zombie. Reason: '$reason$'. |
10058 | SetPropertyFailed | $onPosition$: Error in Rule '$ruleName$': Event could not be evaluated. Reason: $reason$. |
10059 | EventError | $onPosition$: Error while $operation$ the $objName$. Reason: $reason$. |
10063 | Composite Opener Error | Maximum nested composite level reached. |
10064 | Composite Opener Error | Maximum compression size limit reached. |
10065 | Composite Opener Error | Maximum compression ratio limit reached. |
10100 | ErrorDuringOperation | $onPosition$: Error while $operation$ the $objName$. Reason: $reason$. |
10101 | InitializeFailed | $onPosition$: Could not initialize/create $objName$. Reason: $reason$. |
11000 | NoLicense | The requested functionality '$func$' is not covered by your license. |
12000 | CannotOpenPipe | Cannot open pipe. |
12001 | CannotOpenFile | Cannot open file '$name$' in mode '$mode$' with errno '$errno$'. |
13000 | NoUser | No user available. |
14000 | AVError | Error in AntivirusFilter: $reason$. |
14001 | AVScanFailedFull | Cannot call McAfee Gateway Anti-Malware engine. All connections in use. |
14002 | AVError | Internal error in Anti-Malware filter. |
14003 | AVError | Timeout occurred while filtering. |
14004 | AVError | Cannot filter because a special update is performed. |
14005 | AVError | Scanning failed. |
14010 | ATDError | Communication failed. Communication to a server that Advanced Threat Defense runs on failed. |
14011 | ATDError | Timeout occurred while filtering. |
14012 | ATDError | File cannot be scanned. |
14013 | ATDError | Background scan not started in time. |
14014 | ATDError | Invalid parameters in internal request for background scan. |
14015 | ATDError | Already in background scan. |
15000 | TSDatabaseExpired | Global Threat Intelligence system database expired error: Database is expired. '$desc$'. |
15001 | TSInvalidURL | The URL '$url$' is invalid. In function $func$. |
15002 | TSBinaryNotProperlyLoaded | Binary could not be loaded from '$path$'. In function $func$. |
15003 | TSCommon | Global Threat Intelligence system error (code: $errorCode$). In function $func$. |
15004 | TSBinaryDoesNotExist | Global Threat Intelligence system library is not yet available. In function $func$. |
15005 | TSDatabaseNotProperlyLoaded | Database was not properly loaded. In function $func$. |
15006 | TSNoMem | Global Threat Intelligence system is out of memory. In function $func$. |
15007 | TSInsufficientSpace | Insufficient space in buffer for Global Threat Intelligence system. In function $func$. |
15008 | TSNetLookup | Global Threat Intelligence system net error (code: TS_NET_ERROR). In function $func$. |
15009 | TSCommonNetLookup | Global Threat Intelligence system net error (code: $errorCode$). In function $func$. |
15010 | TSPipe | Cannot open Global Threat Intelligence system pipe. In function $func$. |
16000 | NoICAPServerAvailable | No ICAP server available from list: $list$. |
16001 | NoRespModPropInReqMod | Property $propName$ cannot be calculated in request cycle. |
16002 | ICAPBadResponse | ICAP client filter error: ICAP server sent bad response. |
16003 | ICAPMaxConnectionLimit | ICAP client filter error: Maximum number of connections reached. |
16004 | ICAPCannotConnectToServer | ICAP client filter error: Cannot connect to ICAP server. |
16005 | ICAPCommunicationFailure | ICAP client filter error: Failure in communication with ICAP server. |
16006 | ICAPSCertVerifyFailure | SSL certificate verification failure with ICAP server: $server IP$. |
20000 | CheckLongRunningConnection | A timeout occurred on a long-running connection. |
20001 | CheckSizeOfConnection | The maximum amount of data that can be sent on a long-running connection has been exceeded. |
25000 | Unknown error happened | An uncategorized error was encountered by the External Lists module. |
25001 | Error during data fetch | An uncategorized error was encountered by the External Lists module during the data fetch. |
25002 | Error during data conversion | An error occurred while external list data was converted. |
25003 | Too much data | The configured limit for the number of list entries that can be retrieved from an external source has been exceeded. |
25004 | Timeout during data fetch | The configured timeout for retrieving external list data has expired. |
25005 | Data access denied | The rights required for accessing a source of external list data have not been granted to the appliance. |
25006 | No such resource | A source of external list data, for example, a file or web server, could not be found. |
26001 | DLP engine not loaded | The DLP engine could not be loaded. |
27001 | AppRisk database not available | The AppRisk database is not available for filtering web traffic. |
32002 | Empty password is not allowed | An empty password was submitted, for example, when passwords were retrieved from an external data source. |
32003 | Invalid configuration for filter | The settings of the module for encryption and decryption are invalid. This error occurs very rarely. |
32004 | Encryption failed: Unknown content type | Data could not be encrypted because it was of an unknown type. This could be caused by an invalid description for a cloud storage service. |
32005 | Encryption failed: Parsing of message body failed | The data sent in the body of an upload request is in multi-part/form data format. Parsing this type of data, which is required for encryption, is not supported on Web Gateway. |
32006 | Encryption failed: Fetching of file name failed | The name of a file containing data that should be encrypted could not be fetched. |
32007 | Encryption failed: Cipher NNNN is not supported | The cipher that is provided for encrypting data is invalid. This is very unlikely to happen, as the administrator selects the encryption cipher from a pre-configured list. |
32008 | Encryption failed: Generation of salt failed | The process of salt generation, which is required for encrypting data, could not be performed successfully. This is usually caused by an internal OpenSSL error. |
32009 | Encryption failed: Fetching of key failed | The key that is required for encrypting data could not be fetched. |
32010 | Encryption failed: Initialization of encryption failed | The encryption process could not be initialized. |
32011 | Encryption failed: Data encryption failed | An error occurred during the encryption process. |
32012 | Encryption failed: Finalization of decryption failed | The encryption process could not be completed. |
32013 | Encryption failed: Generic error | Other encryption-related error. |
32014 | Decryption failed: Unknown content type | Data could not be decrypted because it was of an unknown type. This could be caused by an invalid description for a cloud storage service. |
32015 | Decryption failed: Multi-part message body is not supported | A cloud storage service sent data in the body of its response to a download request that is in multi-part/form data format. Decrypting this type of data is not supported on Web Gateway. |
32016 | Decryption failed: Cipher NNNN is not supported | The cipher that is provided for decrypting data is invalid. This is very unlikely to happen, as the administrator selects the decryption cipher from a pre-configured list. |
32017 | Decryption failed: Fetching of key failed | The key that is required for decrypting data could not be fetched. |
32018 | Decryption failed: Initialization of decryption failed | The decryption process could not be initialized. |
32019 | Decryption failed: Data decryption failed | An error occurred during the decryption process. |
32020 | Decryption failed: Finalization of decryption failed | The decryption process could not be completed. |
32021 | Decryption failed: Generic error | Other decryption-related error. |
34000 | Generic SSO filter error | An error happened during the single sign-on process. Reason: 'General error...' |
34001 | Generic SSO filter error | A user tried to get single sign-on access using a non-existing cloud connector. Reason: 'No such connector'. |
34003 | Generic SSO filter error | No cloud connector was configured for the single sign-on process. Reason: 'There is no connector catalog'. |
34004 | SSO service mismatch error | The value for a token did not match the value that was stored in a cloud connector: Service mismatch. Token ID: '$tokenid$', Service ID: '$serviceid$'. |
34005 | SSO service not enabled | A cloud application was not available for a user: Realm: '$realm$', user: '$userid$', service ID: '$serviceid$'. |
34006 | SSO non-inline mode error | A cloud application was not available in the non-proxy (non-inline) mode of the single sign-on process: Service ID: '$serviceid$'. |
34050 | Credential store generic error | See the error log for details. |
34051 | Credential store generic error | This request is not allowed for current user. |
34052 | Credential store generic error | The credential store request could not be created. |
34060 | Credential store server HTTP error | The credential store server responded to a request with an HTTP error. See the error log for details. |
34070 | Credential store server error | The credential store server responded with an error. See the error log for details. The log includes the error code returned by the credential store server. |
34080 | Credential store connection error | A credential store request failed because of a connection error. See the error log for details. |
34090 | Credential store request error | An internal error occurred while a credential store request was performed. See the error log for details. |
35000 | DXLNotAvailable | No DXL messages can currently be sent. |
37002 | Generic application filtering error | A generic error occurred in application filtering. See the error log for details. |