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Skyhigh Security

Working on appliances

After logging on to the REST interface on one appliance, you can complete activities on any other appliance that is connected. You can also complete some activities on all appliances at once. An activity that is completed on all appliances at once is, for example, to import a license for all of them.

Individual appliances are identified in requests by their UUIDs (Universal Unique Identifiers)
The UUID of an appliance looks like this: 081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

To find out about the UUID of an appliance, you can request a feed of all appliances that are connected as nodes in a Central Management cluster to the one where you are currently working.

The feed that is sent in response to your request includes a list of the UUIDs for all nodes. You can then identify an appliance by its UUID and, for example, shut down this appliance.

Importing a license

Request format: <URL>/appliances/license

To import a license onto the appliances that are connected in a Central Management cluster, use the appliances and license parameters in a request.

You also need to specify a Content-Type header for the type of the license file.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt " -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" -X POST "$REST/
appliances/license" --data-binary @license.xml
 Requesting a feed with UUIDs for all appliances

Request format: <URL>/appliances

To request a feed with a list of UUIDs for all appliances that run as nodes in a cluster, use the appliances parameter.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X GET "$REST/appliances"

Request parameters: None

Requesting a page in a feed for all appliances

Request format: <URL>/appliances?page=<int>&pageSize=<int>

To request a particular page in a feed for all appliances that run as nodes in a cluster, use the appliances parameter with a page parameter appended. You can also append another parameter to request a particular page size.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X GET "$REST/appliances?page=3&pageSize=2"
Parameter Type Description
page Integer Number of the page in a feed for all appliances
Default: 1
pageSize Integer Size of the page in a feed for all appliances
Default: –1

Actions that are performed on individual appliances are specified in a request by their names, which are preceded by the action parameter.

These actions do not involve a modification of resources and are performed instantly, which means no request to commit them is required.

You can perform the following actions:

  • restart — Restart an appliance
  • shutdown — Shut down an appliance
  • flushcache — Flush the cache
  • rotateLogs — Rotate log files
  • rotateAndPushLogs — Rotate and push log files
  • license — Import a license
 Restarting an appliance

Request format: <URL>/<UUID>/action/restart

To restart an appliance, use restart as the action name in a request.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

 Request parameters:

Parameter Type Description
UUID String UUID of the appliance that you want to restart
Default: None
Shutting down an appliance

Request format: <URL>/<UUID>/action/shutdown

To shut down an appliance, use shutdown as the action name in a request. 

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

  Request parameters:

parameter Type Description
UUID String UUID of the appliance that you want to shutdown
Default: None
 Flushing the cache

Request format: <URL>/<UUID>/action/flushcache

To flush the cache on an appliance, use flushcache as the action name in a request.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

 Request parameters:

parameter Type Description
UUID String UUID of the appliance where you want to flush the cache
Default: None
 Rotating log files

Request format: <URL>/<UUID>/action/rotateLogs

To rotate the log files on an appliance, use rotateLogs as the action name in a request.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

Request parameters:

parameter Type Description
UUID String UUID of the appliance where you want to rotate log files
Default: None
 Rotating and pushing log files

Request format: <URL>/<UUID>/action/rotateAndPushLogs

To rotate the log files on an appliance and push them to a remote server, use rotateAndPushLogs as the action name in a request.

Sample command:
curl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC

 Request parameters:

parameter Type Description
UUID String UUID of the appliance where you want to rotate and push log files
Default: None
Sample script for working on individual appliances

The following bash script rotates logs as an example for completing an action on an individual appliance.

Before this action is completed, the script sets a URL variable for accessing the REST interface.

## Set URL variable for accessing REST interface
## Log on and authenticate
curl -i -c cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/login?userName=myUserName&pass=myPassword"
## Rotate log files
curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/appliances/081EEDBC-7978-4611-9B96-CB388EEFC4BC
## Log off again
curl -b cookies.txt -X POST "$REST/logout"
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