Prepare for Your Upgrade
Before you upgrade Content Security Reporter, you must back up your existing configuration settings and the internal database.
Before you begin
- Close all files and folders that relate to Content Security Reporter.
- Before starting the upgrade, disable all the log sources so that it will not receive any data from the appliances.
- Make sure there is no waiting/running job in the Log Sources > Job queue.
- Back up the current configuration settings, then save the backup.xml file on another computer.
NOTE: Save the backup.xml file on a different computer than the one you are using to upgrade Content Security Reporter.
- If you are using an internal database, cancel all processing database maintenance jobs.
- Log on to the Trellix ePO server as an administrator.
- Select Menu > Configuration > Report Server Settings.
- From the Settings Categories menu, select Database Maintenance > Status.
- Select all database maintenance jobs in process, then select Actions > Cancel.
- From the Settings Categories menu, select Database > Edit.
- Select the Connection Mode as Offline.
- Shut down the internal database service.
- If you are using an internal database, download the MariaDB internal database.
- Verify that the available hard drive space is 1.5 times more than the reporting database.
- Go to, download MariaDB, then unzip the files to a temporary directory on the same computer where Content Security Reporter and its internal database reside.
You can also download the MariaDB binaries with the Content Security Reporter software from the Downloads page.
- If you are using an internal database, back up the existing internal database.
- Verify that the Content Security Reporter Internal Database service is running.
- From the command prompt, go to the bin directory in the MariaDB_Unzip folder, then execute the following command: mysqldump [-h localhost] -P 9129 -u dba --password=dba reporting > (Any_Directory_Path)/mysqldata.sql
NOTE: Depending on the size of the internal database, the MySQL dump can take a long time. If you manually upgrade Content Security Reporter, save the MySQL dump file on a different computer than the one you are using to upgrade Content Security Reporter.