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Skyhigh Security

Unable to select Region for Secure Web Gateway after CSR 2.7 Upgrade

Found Version

Content Security Reporter 2.7

Secure Web Gateway


After upgrade CSR to 2.7, you are unable to select Region for Secure Web Gateway LogSource.

On ePO navigate to Menu > Report Server Settings > LogSource and when you add Secure Web Gateway as a LogSource , the Region Menu list remains empty.

When you Test connection you see:

Unknown Error

How to Fix

To fix the issue you need:

  1. On your CSR server, navigate to ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\.
  2. Create a folder named \resources.
  3. Copy ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\examples\resources\system\ to: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system.
  4. Restart the CSR service.
  5. If you made the configuration changes documented in Failed couldn't initialize you must perform steps 5 through 10 of that article again.
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