Unable to Pull Logs and Test connection to Secure Web Gateway after a CSR Upgrade
Found Version
Content Security Reporter 2.x
Web Gateway
After Content Security Reporter upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7 , you are unable to pull logs and successfully test the connection to Web Gateway:
- You add Web Gateway as a LogSource through ePO™ Console on Menu > Report Server Settings > LogSource and Test the connection to Web Gateway and observe the following error.
Unknown Error
- When you try to pull logs into CSR, you see the following error in SkyHigh\Content Security Reporter\reporter\log\server_err:
[com.xxxxx.mesa.server.rest.service.logsource.LogSourceService] Failed to communicate with log source.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null
How to Fix
Fix 1
To resolve this issue in CSR 2.6:
- On your CSR server, go to ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf.
- Under \conf, create the folder \resources.
- Under \resources, create the folder \system.
For example: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system
- Go to: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\examples\resources\system and copy the server.properties file to ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system.
- Go to: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system.
- Open server.properties in a file editor of your choice.
- Add the following lines to the server.properties file:
WebGatewayCloudUSServer https://us.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
WebGatewayCloudEUServer https://de.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
- Save your changes.
- Restart CSR server.
Fix 2
To resolve this issue in CSR 2.7:
- On your CSR server, go to ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf.
- Under \conf, create the folder \resources.
- Under \resources, create the folder \system.
For example: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system
- Go to: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\examples\resources\system and copy the server.properties file to ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system.
- Go to: ...\Content Security Reporter\reporter\conf\resources\system.
- Open server.properties in a file editor of your choice.
- Add the following lines to the server.properties file:
# Override the Skyhigh Secure Web Gateway service url.
# Adding Skyhigh saas URL key should be format like DS_[COUNTRY_CODE]
DS_US https://us.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_EU https://de.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_UK https://gb.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
# Adding UCE URL key should be format like DS_UCE_{country_code}
DS_UCE_NA https://us.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_UCE_EU https://de.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_UCE_UK https://gb.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_UCE_SG https://sg.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
DS_UCE_UE https://ae.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
# DS_UCE_CA https://ca.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
# DS_UCE_IN https://in.logapi.skyhigh.cloud/mwg/api/reporting/forensic/
- Save your changes.
- Restart the CSR server.