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Skyhigh Security

Coming Soon in Our Next Release

► Skyhigh Security Service Edge 6.7.1 Release Timelines (GA on Aug 19 2024 UTC)
Environment Skyhigh Products  Release Date
  • Skyhigh Data Loss Prevention
  • Skyhigh CASB
Aug 12 2024 UTC
From 2:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately
  • Skyhigh Secure Web Gateway Cloud
  • Skyhigh Private Access
  • Skyhigh Cloud Firewall 

Jul 30 - Aug 12 2024 UTC

From 2:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately

US Gov Cloud 
  • Skyhigh Data Loss Prevention
  • Skyhigh CASB
Aug 14 2024 UTC
From 2:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately

  • Skyhigh Data Loss Prevention
  • Skyhigh CASB
  • Skyhigh Secure Web Gateway Cloud
  • Skyhigh Private Access
  • Skyhigh Cloud Firewall
Aug 19 2024 UTC
From 2:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately

Skyhigh Infrastructure Releases

US Production  PoC Point of Presence (PoP)

 Skyhigh 6.7.1 Reverse Proxy (Skyhigh CASB)


Aug 22 2024 UTC
From 4:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately

US Production Prod Point of Presence (PoP) Skyhigh 6.7.0 Reverse Proxy (Skyhigh CASB) Aug 29 2024 UTC
From 4:30 AM UTC for 9 hours approximately

NOTE: The release dates are published to help you plan your schedule and these dates may vary based on release readiness and other dependency status.

Legends Used 

General Availability  GA.png  Limited Availability      LA.png

Skyhigh Cloud Platform

Skyhigh Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Classification Tester for DLP Classifications GA.png
  1. The Classifications page now includes a Classification Tester available for DLP classifications.
    Classification Tester for DLP Classifications 1.png
  2. It generates match results for Skyhigh Built-In and Custom classifications defined using various conditions.
    Classification Tester for DLP Classifications 2.png
  3. The classification tester simplifies the process of validating expected match results by providing the following benefits.
Classification Tester Benefits
Streamlined DLP Policy Deployment. Test classifications before integration in DLP policies to ensure seamless migration from data identifiers to data classification workflows.
Rapid Classification Validation. Quickly test classifications by entering text values or uploading files.
Enhanced Confidence. Test classifications independently to verify the accuracy of your DLP classifications, building trust in your DLP strategy.
Unified Compatibility. Supports classifications for all types of DLP policies across Skyhigh SSE (Sanctioned DLP, Shadow/Web DLP, Private Access DLP, and more).
Risk Reduction. Minimize the risk of inaccurate matches, preventing false positives.

Skyhigh SSE Products 

Skyhigh Private Access

Deploy Secure App Connector V2 on Azure for TCP Applications GA.png        

The Secure App Connector V2 is now available as an Azure image on Microsoft's cloud platform, enabling deployment as a virtual machine (VM). 

Skyhigh CASB

Monthly Email Notifications for the Top Used Sanctioned Services GA.png

The Skyhigh CASB now supports monthly email notifications named SaaS Security Coverage Monthly Report, listing the top-used sanctioned services for which granular security controls are not enabled. The email notifications assist you with securing the sanctioned services via API integration.

LLM Risk Attributes for AI Category Services GA.png

Skyhigh CASB now captures Large Language Model (LLM) details for AI categories on the Cloud Registry to provide a deeper assessment of the risks related to shadow AI applications. The LLMs play a crucial role in protecting AI-generated content in Cloud Services.

Under the AI category, if any service supports LLM, the following risk attributes are displayed for each AI service:

  • Jailbreaking. The degree to which a model can be manipulated to generate content misaligned with its intended purpose.
  • Toxicity. The degree to which a model generates toxic or harmful content like threats and hate speech.  
  • Bias. The degree to which a model generates biased or unfair content that could be introduced due to training data. 
  • Malware. The degree to which a model can be manipulated to generate malware or known malware signatures.Registry_Overview_Page_New.png
Salesforce Summer 2024 Support GA.png

Skyhigh CASB now supports the latest Salesforce Summer 2024 version. 

Historical User Risk Type Filter for Threats and Anomalies GA.png

From the Threats and Anomalies list, you can filter and categorize your search by Historical User Risk Type for low, medium, and high-risk users. The Historical User Risk Score allows you to track and manage users’ typical usage patterns related to data security and take necessary actions to strengthen the defense against potential threats in your organization. 

Historical User Risk Type Filter for User Activities  LA.png

From the Activities list, you can filter and categorize your search by Historical User Risk Type for low, medium, and high-risk users. The Historical User Risk Score allows you to track and manage users’ typical usage patterns related to data security and take necessary actions to strengthen the defense against potential threats in your organization. 

DLP Processing for Zoom In-Meeting Chat Messages  LA.png

Skyhigh CASB now detects and removes sensitive content posted in the Zoom real-time meeting chat with internal and external users.

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