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Skyhigh Security

Skyhigh Client iOS App v3.1.1 Release Notes

Enhancements for the iOS Application 

  • IPsec VPN Domain migration from McAfee to Skyhigh domain - IPsec VPN domain is migrated from McAfee to Skyhigh. For more details, see Extended FQDNs in Skyhigh Security Products
    • For Manual Setup - Install iOS 3.1.1 after uninstalling the previous version and reconfigure as described in the Access Private Applications from iOS Device.
    • For MDM Setup - Admins must create a new VPN configuration using a new server address as described in the Access Private Applications from iOS Device and push the new profile to the devices. The user needs to install iOS 3.1.1 after uninstalling the previous version and reconfigure the settings again.

Note:  The Server Address and Remote Identifier have been updated from Mcafee to skyhigh domain. 

  • New iOS application logo and minor UI updates - Updated the iOS application logo and a few other UI changes.
  • Code signing certificate - Updated the Apple Code signing certificate.