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Skyhigh Security

Skyhigh Mobile Cloud Security Android App v9.1.0 Release Notes

About This Patch Release

This patch release allows you to check the real-time VPN connection status for operational purposes and resolves known issues.

NOTE: When two devices attempt to connect using the same Local ID, the server accepts the most recent connection and flags the earlier one as a duplicate. However, after about a minute, the older device attempts to reconnect, resulting in a recurring cycle of connection toggling. To resolve this issue, you need to reconfigure with a different certificate.


Additionally, ensure that the Block IPv6 option in the VPN Profile is set to Enable (True) in the application from the MDM. See the sample screenshot below for reference. 


Resolved Issues 

Reference Description
MMCS-806 SMCS now supports disabling the IPv6 setting in the application, which can be pushed via MDM. Skyhigh recommends to configure the Block IPv6 option to Enable. If this option is set to Disable, it results in no Policy Filtering.
MMCS-817 The default values for the SMCS Gateway Address and Remote ID in the VPN profile pushed via MDM were incorrect. This issue is now resolved.
MMCS-828 The SMCS VPN connection status is now displayed alongside the current SMCS status.
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