Locate information about the latest SSO updates
When working with the cloud single sign-on feature, you might want to know which version of the software and the catalog you are using. In the user interface, you can view the version number and date and time of the latest updates to the SSO feature or engine.
- Skyhigh Security Single Sign On — Updates include changes to the SSO software, for example, a change to an SSO rule.
- Skyhigh Security SSO Connector Catalog — Updates include changes to the list of cloud applications and services that Web Gateway supports with connectors.
NOTE: If you are not receiving SSO updates, confirm that you have a valid license.
- Select Dashboard | Charts and Tables | System Summary.
- To view the version numbers of the latest SSO updates: In the Update Status table, in the Feature column, locate the following rows:
- Skyhigh Security Single Sign On
- Skyhigh Security SSO Connector Catalog
- To view the date and time of the latest SSO updates: In the Last Update table, in the Engine column, locate the following rows:
- Skyhigh Security Single Sign On
- Skyhigh Security SSO Connector Catalog
- To refresh the view with the latest data, click the refresh icon in the upper right corner of the Update Status and Last Update tables.