Dear Customer,
Skyhigh Security is upgrading its key infrastructure components to enhance performance, security, and scalability. This upgrade is part of a scheduled maintenance activity to ensure that our systems remain secure and up-to-date with the latest features and functionalities provided by our infrastructure provider.
Upgrade Schedule:
- Environment: US Production
- Maintenance Window: September 28, 2024 from 7:30 pm PDT to 7:30 am PDT
Service Impact:
Users will not be able to login to Skyhigh Console during the maintenance window. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Note: You can visit the
Skyhigh Status Page for real-time updates on the upgrade progress.
During this scheduled maintenance window, there will be temporary delays and impacts to the following functionalities of Skyhigh Cloud. With the exceptions of the below, all other policy enforcement remains unaffected:
- Skyhigh User Interface
- Users will not be able to login to Skyhigh Console
- Functionalities launched through Skyhigh Console will be unavailable
- On-demand Scan
- In-flight Config Audit ODS scans and EDLP processing will be paused and resumed after the maintenance is complete
- On-premise components
- EC install, upgrade, AD configurations will not function
- Directory user ingestion and fingerprint uploads will be paused and resumed after the maintenance is complete
- Skyhigh APIs
- CASB customers will not be able to access public API endpoints, as our systems will be in maintenance mode. Please refer to the link for the list of public APIs exposed to CASB customers. Please see Skyhigh SSE APIs
- Secure App Connector (V1, V2)
- UI operations such as Connector creation, existing connector deletion, connector status updates will be unavailable and will be resumed after the maintenance activity is complete