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Skyhigh Security

Category inheritance issue where the parent domain and a specific path within the domain were categorised differently.

Product: SWG (On-Prem) | SWG (Cloud)


The TrustedSource database uses categories to organize similar types of URLs into groups based on the content of the webpage. For example,, and are grouped into the Business category. Sometimes, one URL is in more than one category because of overlapping content.


Site category is assigned to an full URL path but not to the host domain. 

Example: - un-categorised - categorised as “Information Security”


Trellix can categorise at both a host and at full URL level.  This allows for sites with mixed content that may vary from the main host.  If a re-categorisation request for a URL is made, this may be checked and a specific URL category applied.  The host may then go for a fuller review and re-categorised separately.


If you are expecting an entire host to be reclassified, it would be better to only reference the host in the classification request